7/1/21 –

Walter Update..
Today he went to his new foster family. Walter was saved by a very nice man who rescued him from the streets and from a bad situation.
4 paws 1 heart offered to check Walter out medically and he tested positive for Heartworm Disease. He was also emaciated and walked like a crippled old man. The rescuer provided love, kindness, shelter, compassion, and stability for Walter but he had to make a very hard decision to turn him over because his son was allergic. It’s was so hard because Walter was family and truly loved. Foster dad Jay, helped Walter reach the next step of his journey and that is so important. We will make sure he has updates and he can visit any time. Walter has a ways to go until being cleared medically, but we will make sure everything possible is done to give him the 2nd chance he so deserves.. ♡