1/27/22 – Garfield and Sky are two strays who were brought in from the outside during these brutal winter days. The rescuer is on a fixed income and although she can take care of their shelter and future needs, she needed assistance to have them tested, vaccinated, spayed/neutered. We were very happy to take care of that so that two more freezing felines could be saved. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

Zora, Griffin, Selena, Tiffine, Courtney, Grey, Sally, Tom and Stormy – Off the Streets With All Medical Covered

1/27/22 – Although these are not current cases, I feel compelled to at least put their faces out there so our supporters know the many animals we have assisted during the pandemic. All of the cats shown have been rescued from the streets, most of whom turned out to be very adoptable and domesticated. During the pandemic many people lost their jobs, their homes, and, sadly, their lives and many animals (especially cats) were left behind to fend for themselves. Here are some of the many we’ve helped with vaccines, testing, vaccinating, and addressing other medical issues as needed, such as upper respiratory infections, fleas, ticks, and mites. I present: Zora, Griffin, Selena, Tiffine and her family, Courtney, Grey, Sally, Tom, and Stormy. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/


1/26/22 – Because of the generosity of our many supporters, we have been able to commit to helping several individuals who care for cat communities. In many cases it’s not just a matter of TNR because many of the cats trapped turn out to be very domesticated — either victims of abandonment or escape. Meet Creamsicle, Chaplin, Falafel, Spider Monkey (who may be pregnant), and Toupee. Two of the cats have already been re-homed and the others are still being temperament tested. Any cats being re-homed will also be tested for FIV/Felv, and vaccinated for distemper. We will always take care of fleas and deworming no matter if the the cat will be returned to its community or adopted out. I so very much admire and respect the many caring people who sacrifice so much of their time and income to caring for cat communities — especially in this State where outdoor shelters are so very necessary. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

VALENTINO – Rescued In Detroit and Brought to a Veterinary Clinic

Meet Valentino♡He was living outside in Detroit. A very kind woman trapped him and got him to me for fostering and medical care. Dr. Henry checked him out and he appears pretty healthy…just very scared. 4 paws 1 heart is covering his medical until he is adopted. I have a potential person interested in fostering, and if it works out she may adopt. ♡ Thank u all for your support because of you, I can help give animals like sweet Valentino a 2nd chance. Gina

PAN – Found Deaf, Blind, Matted, Filthy and Scared

1/25/22 – Pan was rescued in November. The person who contacted us had a friend who found him and contacted her. He was deaf, blind, very matted, filthy, and scared. Mckenzie, who eventually, picked him up from her friend, said she had never seen a cat so neglected. Once we agreed to take care of the medical, Mckenzie picked up Pan to work on his medical issues. His first trip to one of our best vets only included a wellness check and blood work because he was so skittish. Pan eventually was able to visit our vet who determined that Pan would also need extensive dental work. This past week, Pan had the works. He was tested, vaccinated, neutered, and had several teeth extracted. Without our supporters, the rescuers, and our vets, animals like Pan would probably live a life of pain and eventually die on the streets. I am very thankful for our Village!! – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

IGGY – Rest in Peace Sweet Boy – Rescued and Found to Have a Tumor –

1/24/22 – I’m so very sorry to report that Iggy passed away on Friday. You might remember that in early January we were contacted about Iggy who appeared to be left behind by his owners. Shortly after the new homeowners moved in, Iggy showed up and walked right through the door — just like he owned the place. After a short time with the family who quickly fell in love with him, Iggy started showing signs of an illness. We were contacted and arranged for Iggy’s vet visit where the doctor suspected a cancerous tumor and prescribed some medication to help with pain. Just to give Iggy any possible chance, we arranged for a second opinion with another one of our amazing doctors and she concurred with the first diagnosis — a cancerous tumor in the abdomen area. Iggy was given a different medication to help with any pain and it was decided to give Iggy love and care rather than to chance surgery that he might not be able to withstand. This past Friday, Iggy was in a great deal of pain and couldn’t even stand. With the help and kindness of Erin and the veterinarian at Groesbeck Animal Hospital, Iggy’s rescuer was able to hold Iggy while he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Please pray for this family whose daughter also recently lost the loving dog with whom she grew up. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

FLOPS – Rescued from the Streets, Looking for His Furever Home

1/21/22 – An Update from our boy, Flops. Rescued by our Board member and Mom of Team Chance. Unfortunately, Denise was unable to find Flops’ owner but because of the support of our donors and doctors, Flops has just gotten a clean bill of health and is ready for his furever family. Here is his report and anyone interested in a guy who loves belly rubs should contact: [email protected] – Diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

“FLOPS: Hi everybody…it’s me…Flops!Sooo, Dr. Z is home nursing a cold so I got to see the amazing Dr. Blasses today. Foster mommy has known Dr. Blasses a long time and she loves her and I do too! She said I was the best boy for all my bloodwork, vaccines, nail trim, everything! And guess what? Foster mommy was right, I’m a neutered boy! I’m 1-2yrs old, 11.5lbs. Dr. Blasses says I have beautiful perfect teeth and I’m in fantastic health! And yep, I’m fiv/felv negative! It doesn’t get any better then that, in other words…I am perfection! I do have a little bit of eeeewy 💩 which I have medicine for. So we expect that to clear up quickly and I’m ready for adoption! So if you need someone to Flop down next to you for belly rubs and love, I’m your dude! Get ahold of foster mommy if you’re my person! [email protected] Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for loving me soooo much and taking care of all my vetting today so I can be all ready for my new family and have my Second Chance at a great new life!Love ❤️ Flops”

JOSEPH – Left Behind in a Garage During Bitter Cold Temperatures

1/20/22 – This little guy was left behind in a garage. He could have frozen to death. But now he is with our friend, Patricia. Joseph went yesterday to get tested for FIV/Felv and to get vaccinated. He is about 3 1/2 months old and once we can get him neutered, he will be available for adoption. If you are interested, contact Patricia at: [email protected] – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

1/18/22 – MR. KAT – Rescued from a Mobile Home Park – Upper Respiratory Infection, Sking and Bones, and Eyes Crusted Shot and Cloudy

This is Mr. Kat Williams and here is his story: “Kat was found 12/21/21 by a concerned woman living in a mobile home park. When I got him home he was skin and bones, one eye crusted shut and the other cloudy. Luckily, and with your approval, we were able to get an appointment at Anchor Bay Vet the next day–and lucky we were. Kat came in with a fever, upper respiratory infection, along with his eye issues and a damaged tail. After a day in the hospital he came home and the journey to get him better began. As of today (1/17/22) he’s about 11-13 weeks old (vet estimated) and is just under 3 pounds of pure love. He has gone out with me and people love him the instant they see him. He loves his toys, being brushed, foot rubs, and nap time with humans. He is currently on 4 medications all mainly to help preserve his eyes. It’s a miracle that something so small survived in the winter conditions. Being his foster mom has been a wonderful experience; especially watching him thrive the way he is. Without 4 Paws 1 Heart we don’t know if covering the needed medical bills would have been possible. When we go out we like to talk to people about the benefits of fostering such adorable animals and spaying/neutering the stray cat communityThis little guy was given a second chance because of people like you who care. And it is my personal mission to get him into the perfect home with people who will love him for the rest of his life.Attached are some pics of Mr. Kat, the ones with a bow tie are his most recent pictures!- Lauren”This morning, I received a text from Lauren. She woke up to find that the dead part of Kat’s tail had fallen off. She was able to get an appointment this afternoon to make sure there is no infection. Much appreciation to Anchor Bay Veterinary for fitting Kat in this afternoon and giving him the help he needs. Anyone interested in this sweetheart should contact Lauren at: [email protected] – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/