1/27/25 – Baby Boots, about 9 months old, showed up at the right house in early December. The family took her into their home and contacted us to see if we could assist with getting Baby Boots tested, vaccinated, and spayed. Baby Boots was taken to our partner veterinary hospital and her rescuer made sure she was microchipped so she would never be homeless again. – diana
1/27/25 – Toucan jumped in Kim’s vehicle while she was trying to rescue an injured kitten. Toucan was very emaciated and his fur was severely matted. Kim took him to get groomed and with a little time he started to gain some weight but now it appears he is having trouble eating. He will be seen at one of our partner clinics for an assessment of the issue and what will be required to get him healthy. Kim named him Toucan because he loves to hang out on shoulders. – diana
1/18/25 – It was 11/30/24 when we were contacted about Sophie. She was rescued while on the streets in the freezing rain. Her rescuer, Kelly, estimated her to be about 1 year old. Sophie was seen at our partner veterinary clinic, Five Mile Animal Hospital, Unfortunately, Sophie was pregnant but thankfully, Kelly was willing to make sure Sophie had her babies while in her care and she would foster the family until everyone could be fully vetted and adopted out. We committed to finishing Sophie’s medical when appropriate and making sure the babies were vaccinated and neutered/spayed when of age.
Today, Sophie had her babies!! SEVEN!! Rosie is being a great mom and I’m sure that these photos will melt your hearts on this very soon to be frigid day. – diana
He’s been in solitary for years–locked in a cage or bathroom. Standing in his own urine and feces. He was never allowed outside. He received no love and his only communication was someone yelling at him. He was flea infested, had a wounded tail, and most of his teeth are missing from trying to bite out of the cage he was kept in. He was finally rescued by someone aware of the situation but unable to help for years.
That person immediately took Max to All About Animals to be treated for fleas, and tested for heart worm. Unfortunately, Max tested positive for heart worm and was started on his 30-day pre-treatment.
4 paws 1 heart will cover his heart worm treatment and neuter at one of our partner veterinary clinics. Please pray for Max that his body and spirit can recover from so much abuse. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/17/25 – Hollow was one of two, black, 12 week-old kittens who were rescued with their mom. Their rescuer, Amber, who contacted us on October 20, discovered a colony of cats/kittens near her job. Her plan was to TNR approximately 5 other cats she had seen but was able to catch the mom and two kittens more easily and felt she could socialize them first.
The one kitten, Hollow, had an infected eye which was oozing pus and Amber was afraid she was blind. We authorized the sick kitty, Hollow, to be seen at a full service partner veterinary hospital and the others were authorized at All About Animals. Hollow was seen and thankfully did not need the eye removed.
She was given meds which cleared up the infection totally. She was also tested, vaccinated and spayed there. In my follow up with Amber,
I learned she had a horrible house fire where only Hollow had survived; her other pets and mom and baby were also lost. Please say an extra prayer for Amber and her family. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/
1/16/25 – It was mid-October when we were contacted about Summer who had taken up residence between the rescuer’s home and her neighbor’s. After about a week of feeding Summer and carefully offering her pets, Summer started to feel comfortable enough for Colleen, the rescuer, to have her checked for a micro-chip; unfortunately, there was none. Colleen couldn’t take in the cat because she had a prey-driven dog and her son was allergic to cats. She had contacted several rescues without success.
I suggested she contact Rosie’s Kitty Catfé and tell them that if they could help with placement, we could take care of the medical–we’ve worked together in the past. Happily, Rosie’s was able to get a foster and Summer was transferred within a couple of days and was tested, vaccinated, and spayed complements of 4 paws 1 heart.
In December I checked in with Colleen and learned that Summer was doing great, was still with the foster, and had a possible adopter. It truly takes a Village.- diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/
1/15/25 – Over the 15 years I’ve been taking care of the operational needs of 4 paws 1 heart, I have met (personally and in-writing) so many amazing people with huge hearts for animals. The family who saved Big Boss is one of those people.
It was December 30 when Nancy contacted us. Earlier that day as her son was letting out their dogs a “little beauty” invited himself into her home. Nancy advised that he was the tiniest and sweetest orange and white kitty she’d ever seen. Upon further inspection, though, Nancy noticed what she thought was a missing eye: the kitty was also very thin and sneezing. Understandably, Nancy was hesitant to let the kitty stay in the house because she didn’t want anything contagious to be passed on to her pets so she set up a comfortable spot in her garage with a warm bed, food, and some toys and checked on him every hour.. The little sweetheart was just full of love and snuggles.
But from a personal standpoint, this baby’s rescuer, a 911 dispatcher, was unable to cover any medical expenses for this sweet orphan. Nancy had her own medical issues, is a single mom with two children, and was paying the medical bills for a friend with stage 4 cancer. But she couldn’t turn her back on this very sweet kitten who the family quickly fell in love with and who quickly fell in love with them.
The son named him Big Boss because even as a little orphan, this kitty was pretty bossy and quickly getting used to the good life. We authorized Big Boss to be seen at Orion Animal Hospital where the doctor diagnosed an upper respiratory infection; there was an eye but because of the infection, his eyelid was closed. Big Boss was given medication for the infection and later was tested, vaccinated, and neutered. Today he is doing great. He is “besties” with the family’s pet dog — they can never be far apart from each other.
As said many times — it truly takes a Village to save those most vulnerable in our communities. Thank you to the rescuers, our veterinary partners, and our supporters! – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
1/12/25 – On December 21, 5-week old Coraline was found under Bev’s husband’s car. They took her to an emergency hospital where she was told that Coraline had a pelvic injury which would heal on its own. She had no use of her back leg; they gave her gabapentin . She wasn’t urinating or defecating on her own at the time although she is now. She was eating and drinking on her own.
The rescuers continued to be concerned and took to their vet. The doctor there said Coraline had a fractured pelvis and no use of her back legs as well as no control of her bowels and bladder, although the rescuer said that she had been going regularly on her own. The vet did x rays, etc. and said they would get an opinion from an orthopedic. The vet thought Coraline was in pretty bad shape.
The orthopedic report stated that the fractures appear to be healing on their own. Also, Bev reports that Coraline is doing a little walking. Somewhere along the line Coraline was diagnosed with a hernia. So, with the good news from the orthopedic, we authorized Coraline to be tested (if not done already), vaccinated, and spayed which would include the repair for the hernia.
The rescuers fell very much in love with this beautiful girl and have already spent a great deal of their own money to help in her recovery. She is on crate rest and will be seen by our partner veterinary at Orion Animal Hospital. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/
1/22/25 – Willow, Graycie, and Little Gimmy were all rescued from the streets in very frigid temperatures. All of them are very sweet and deserve a permanent loving home. They are all in the process of getting tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered. If you are interested in adopting them, please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in adopting. I can refer you to their rescuer, Tee. – diana
1/11/25 – RIP Grandpa. Grandpa showed up at Joann’s door a few around New Year’s Day. He had been around her home in the past; he would come and go. According to Joann, when he showed up that day he was in bad shape. She was able to get him into her small bathroom to care for him. He was limping badly on his front left leg. He had a few wounds on his back and sounded congested with eye discharge. He also had a lump on the right side of his face/neck. He is an older cat, not a kitten and he appeared to have been neutered. He was very skinny.
We authorized Grandpa to be seen at Patterson Veterinary Hospital; he was seen yesterday, January 10. Unfortunately, Grandpa has a tumor the size of a baseballl in his left front arm pit which was causing his limp. He was physically in very bad shape with an infection, the tumor, the weight loss and many wounds on his body. He also tested positive for FIV. Both the doctor and Joann believed the best option for senior Grandpa was humane euthanasia. Joann, understandably, was totally heartbroken over this outcome but she took comfort in knowing that Grandpa knew love in his final days with lots of attention from her, a warm bed, delicious food, and treats.
Joann said he was a fighter and thanked our organization for what we do to help “these beautiful souls”. We couldn’t do it without YOU! – diana