1/30/15 – Gypsy — She was hanging around an abandoned house and the neighbor was feeding her. Because the neighbor has dogs, Gypsy was afraid to come and eat there so the neighbor was feeding her at the abandoned house. The poor baby had no shelter. Our friend Jo A. has found a foster and Gypsy will be taken to the vet compliments of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Anyone interested should contact Jo at [email protected] ~ diana
1/30/15 – Quick update on the very sick stray kitty we are calling “Izzy”. This photo was taken a few hours ago. He was a tiny bit better today, but still very congested. We have him on IV fluids/meds, and tonight we began nebulizing treatments.His tongue is covered in ulcers that are infected. We will take things one day at a time and as long as he keeps making baby steps of improvement I’m happy! He reminds me of the famous “Snickers”! Gina
1/29/15 – We received a call about these two males who had been abandoned in a home for a number of weeks. We made arrangements to have them vetted but once at the veterinary we learned they were both intact so we had them both neutered. Then it turned out that they both had a couple of different strains of worms and one had an ear infection but, as our mission says, whatever we need to do to help find a home for the homeless, we will do. The veterinary staff loved both dogs and thought they were very sweet. They are both in foster at this time.