Chance – Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas

12/21/15 – What a wonderful way to start off this Christmas week. I love this boy and his fight for life. He has been so inspirational in his undying efforts to once again walk. Our 2016 calendar is titled: “The Year of Chance, The Superhero”. Anyone interested in purchasing a calendar can pay $15 through paypal and comment that the payment is for a calendar. If you have a problem making a comment, just e-mail me at and let me know to expect the payment OR mail me a check for $15.00 at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 and comment “calendar” in the notes. All proceeds go directly to 4 Paws 1 Heart in that all calendars are paid for by my husband and I.

“Ummmm mom, could you please give me a hand here???? MOM: Sure Chance, what are you trying to wrap there? CHANCE: Its my present to 4 Paws 1 Heart! Its love mom, my present is love. I want 4 Paws 1 Heart to know how much I love them for everything they have done for me, baby Lilly, Romeo, Luna, my sister Bridgette and all the other kittys & doggys that were saved and are now healthy & happy becuse 4 Paws loves us!!!! MOM: Awww Chance, thats beautiful. But love is not something you can wrap in tissue and put a bow on it. Love is a feeling, something that radiates from your heart. Something that shows by the things you do and the way you treat others. The best way to let people know you love them, is to tell them…and tell them often. CHANCE: Really mom??? Are you listening 4 Paws 1 Heart??? I LOVE YOU Merry Christmas 4 Paws 1 Heart, Auntie Diana Rascano, Auntie Gina DeLuca and all the wonderful friends and supporters of 4 Paws 1 Heart…I LOVE YOU!!!!! Merry Christmas, Love Chance”chance12:21:1510403362_1658163204471406_8602921107076825851_n