Isaac – Paralyzed and Once Scheduled to be Euthanized -Gets His New Wheels

Our boy Isaac in his new cart complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart.  Here is a report from our other, formerly parlayzed kitty, Chance ~ diana

“Whaaa??? Look whos checking in!!! Another 4 Paws 1 Heart alumni, its my good friend Isaac!!!
Look how big he got!!! Unfortunately after months of physical therapy courtesy of 4p1h it was determined that Isaac will not be able to walk, but he doesnt let that get him down! He’s pretty awesome in his own custom made set of wheels! He has a devoted mom Cynthia, that loves him to pieces, and along with medical backing from 4p1h he has an awesome life No worries big guy, all the girls love a guy with his own wheels!!! Love you Isaac ❤ ~ Chance”isaac 3:10:17