Mama, Jack, Little Gem, Angie & Rummy – Found in a Cat Community

7/27/18 – This mom and kittens were rescued during a TNR (trap/neuter/return) project. An elderly man was caring for the community but no one was getting spayed/neutered. It doesn’t take long to get out of control when you consider that a female can start having babies as early as 4 months old and have three litters a year. The mom will be returned to the ‘community’ and the kittens will be available for adoption. Here is Mama, Jack, Little Gem, Angie, and Rummy. Contact Brooke at: [email protected] . ~ dianamama 7:27:18 jack 7:27:18 Little gem 7:27:18 Angie 7:27:18 Rummy 7:27:18

Ralph – Abandoned by His Owners

7/26/18 – While looking for a home to rent, Gabrielle came across a dog who had been chained and left outside 24/7. She was told that he had been abandoned three months prior; the owner of the rental was planning to take him to the shelter. Instead, Gabrielle decided to rescue him, only to find out that Ralph was heart worm positive. Ralph is an amazing dog who, in just this short time, has become Gabrielle’s service dog. He senses when she will have a seizure and has actually helped her when she’s had a seizure by getting on top of her and licking her face. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be paying for Ralph’s heart worm treatment which will begin this week. ~ diana

ralph 7:26:18

TNR (trap/neuter/return) – Curbing the Over Population of Cats

7/25/18 – How are your donations spent? Since our beginning, August, 2010, we have paid $652,000 in medical bills for abandoned, stray, and abused animals. Every day I try to share at least one animal whom we’ve helped. But, sometimes, we are in the position of helping rescuers who are working on large colonies where TNR (trap/neuter/return) has NOT occurred. Consequently, we may not have captured all of the stories and photos. The work of our friend, Debra Berolatti, is a perfect example. In just the past few months, Debra has trapped seven adults who were returned to the colony after spay/neuter/vaccines (cared for by an elderly woman) and 25 kittens who have since been put into foster homes or taken in by our good friends at Ferndale Cat Shelter, again after being spayed/neutered, vaccinated and tested. 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for the medical needs of all of these cats and we are gratified that they will never reproduce. ~ dianatnr - debra b. 7:25:18

Ralph Livingston – Found Emaciated, Hot, Hungry, and With a Large Abscess

7/24/18 –  Ralph Livingston was one of those rescued from the streets.ralph livingston 7:24:18 A woman who works at a local pet resort was told to contact us about a very sweet cat who, obviously, found the right person to “rub up to”. He was meowing his head off; very emaciated, hot, hungry, a large abscess on his body, and appearing partially deaf. We were happy to help this very sweet cat who was either an escapee or abandoned. He is on the road to recovery and receiving lots of love and care with his new family. Donations can be made through the donations link on this page or the website ~ diana

Riot – Continues Fight to Live

7/23/18 – Riot Update – This is as of last night. Riot’s white blood cell count has gone up which is a good thing. Unfortunately, she may need plasma in that her protein levels dropped. Her temperature was still normal but she is still having issues with vomiting and diarrhea. Please understand that because we are no longer financially responsible for Riot, we are leaving all contacts with the veterinary hospital with Riot’s medical sponsor. ~ diana

7/25/18 – Riot Update. As of yesterday, Riot is stable. She has eaten some baby food but unfortunately still has diarrhea. A huge thank you to our friends who were able to take on Riot’s medical care so that we could continue helping the many others who come to us for help. ~ diana

Jasmine – Rescued Having a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection

7/23/18 – This very sweet kitty, Jasmine, was rescued from the streets with an upper respiratory infection. As many of our friends know from following us, these infections, left untreated, will eventually lead to eye removals, if not worse. Thank you to our friends, Debra Berolatti and Jo Sweeney Addington for saving this sweetheart. Anyone interested in adopting her should contact Jo at: [email protected]jasmine 7:23:18

Riot – Continues to Fight the Fight

7/22/18 – Riot Update: Riot’s feeding tube has been removed and she is feeding from a syringe. Her white blood cell count has gone up although still below normal. She is taking her oral meds and if she continues on this trend, she may be able to go home in 48 hours. She needs to eat on her own and be able to hold the food down. Thank God for the ‘Village’. ~ diana

riot 7:19:18

Rosie Roo – Found Wandering the Streets at Over 15 Years Old

7/22/18 – It was December, 2016 when Rosie Roo, at 15 (?) years old was found wandering the streets with no one claiming her. Shortly after, she had 20 teeth removed. She is a senior girl who was so lucky to find her way into the heart of the Chance Team as well as mine. She is the very sweetest and we are so very thankful that she is able to live out the rest of her life with much love and care. ~ diana

“ROSIE ROO: Hi everybody…its me…Rosie Roo⚘
Can we say YAY to finally having solid poo today!!!! YAY!!!!
But…Dr. Z says the results of my bloodwork shows a lot of my numbers being all out of whack soooo, to be safe we are going ahead with the ultrasound of my tummy on Wednesday and then see from there. I’m super lucky to have an awesome Dr. Like Dr. Z thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart! Mom says for me not to worry one bit cus 4 Paws, Dr. Z, Auntie Di & mom are working together to find out what’s going on. Sooo, I’m not going to worry! I’m going to have my nitenite treat and off to bed I go! And dont you worry either, cus Dr. Z is the best and we got this…right mom?
MOM: Right Roo!
ROO: See, there you go! Sweet dreams Team and we’ll see you all tomorrow 🌞
Love & Licks Roo, Chance & the Gang”rosie roo 7:21:18