Carla – Making Strides – Will She be Able to Walk Soon?

It seems like only yesterday when Shawn Ley, of WDIV, visited Team Chance to do a story about Chance and Carla had just been rescued. It was another Chance like-story. Carla would have been euthanasia zed because her back legs were paralyzed. But she’s a little fighter and we all believe she will walk some day like a Chance.

Please consider doubling your donation by donating before tomorrow at midnight. Thank you!

 CARLA 7:11:19 CARLA 7:11:19-- carla 7:11:19===CARLA: Oh my my, who’s that gorgeous girl working hard and what???? Standing??? For approximately 40 seconds you say??? Oh!!! Why its me… Carla!!! Yep, another really good appointment at Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine!!! I’m making more progress in the last couple months then I have this whole time!!! Things are finally starting to click!!! But you know what? I’ve been going to pt since March 2017. That’s a long time, and a lot of money even though Dr. Kern very kindly works with 4 Paws 1 Heart. And when you add in all my regular vet appointments and my bladder stone surgery, shots, spay, utis I used to get, it really adds up! But now, all my hard work is finally starting to pay off. But it wouldnt happen if 4p1h hadn’t made that commitment to see me through, and without donations so they could keep that commitment. I’m a very lucky little girl, like so many others who’ve recieved their Second Chance becuse of the medical backing of 4p1h. If seeing me standing inspires you & moves you to want to help, now is the time!!! From now through the 18th your donation will be matched by a very generous human. So please, animals like me need you Its easy & tax deductible, just go to ….
Thankyou and please share!!!! Love Carla

Toto – RIP SWEET BOY — After His Owner Died He Was Going to be Taken to a Shelter;

7/14/19 – RIP Sweet Toto – I received a frantic call late last Thursday about a 14 year old dog who had a seizure and was bleeding. Nicole, the person who contacted me, had just recently rescued Toto when his owner died. The family was going to take him to a shelter. And, having a senior dog already, Nicole couldn’t stand the thought and took him in. I authorized Toto to be seen by some of our favorite doctors at Advanced Animal Emergency where he was stabilized and given medication. Later that evening Toto was released with plans to have him seen the next day. Toto had a good night but Friday morning he had another seizure. Although they were booked, our great vet partner, Patterson Veterinary, took in Toto where he received x rays and blood work. Unfortunately, it was found that Toto had numerous issues with his organs. Under the doctor’s recommendation and agreement by Nicole, Toto was peacefully humanely euthanized. To lose two seniors in one week was absolutely devastating for Nicole and we sincerely thank her for taking in Toto and giving him much love in his final days. Here is a photo when he was rescued and one just before seeing the doctor on Friday. – Dianatoto 7:13:19 toto 7:11:19 w:nicole allen