Miss Ashton – Rescued With a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection

6/8/21 – I guess today is the day of Happy Updates. Here is another about Miss Ashton. Again, thank you for making a difference. – diana
I wanted to share the update about little Miss Ashton: thanks to 4 Paws and 1 Heart coming to her rescue the day she was saved two weeks ago, she is almost ready for adoption! She was very sick with a horrible upper respiratory infection the day we saved her from a colony of Cats in Detroit. It was a Sunday afternoon and Diana Rascano didn’t hesitate to back her vetting needs that day. Deborah Friedman was at the clinic that day and had us come in immediately.
Within 2 or 3 days, she was much better and acting like a little kitten should. She’s been with her foster Amanda Callahan for 2 weeks now and she is so sweet! For the Love of Cats rescue group and Nadi Tanbakuchi will be backing her going forward and I know she’ll find a fantastic forever home!
Two weeks ago today, we were busy trying to rescue this girl. It was a success! Her foster momma is so good to her and little Miss Ashton is loving life now! She will be ready for adoption in about 2 weeks!
Let me know if you are interested. She is backed by For the Love of Cats rescue now. 💗

Tommy Boy and Blu Blu – One Had a Floating Knee Cap; the Other a Broken Leg

6/8/21 – Updates: Tommy Boy was cared for in a cat community and was seen having problems walking. We were asked for help.Tommy Boy did go to one of our partner doctors and had x rays taken. The doctor diagnosed a “floating knee caps”. Surgery was not recommended because Tommy Boy is truly feral and would have been difficult to care for since he is opposed to being picked up and pain meds would be hard to give him He is back outside with his two buddies and the caretaker will continue to keep an eye on him.
Blu Blu was rescued last August and also was a stray cat being cared for by a homeowner. Somehow he broke his leg and that’s when we were called in to help. Blu Blu’s leg had to be amputated but today he is doing great inside his rescuer’s home enjoying his life with two other pets. I love when we get happy updates from our rescue friends. – diana

Stripes – Update – Life After Amputation

6/7/21 – Stripes Update. Stripes was rescued from the streets in late March. He was seen only using his 3 legs. After going to one vet for x rays and a diagnosis, he was taken to another one of our partner vets where his leg (arm) had to be amputated up to the shoulder. A very caring woman saw Stripes on our website and inquired about adopting him. The rescuer did the appropriate vetting and Stripes had a 3-week trial with the potential adopter. Here he is today, two months later, in his furever home. Don’t you love happy beginnings?? – Diana

Frankie – Diagnosed With a Severe Oral Infection – Stomatitis

6/7/21 – Frankie was rescued from a cat community. He was in a great deal of pain and was diagnosed with stomatitis. Last week he had his follow up appointment and had all of his teeth except his canines extracted. For the first couple of days after the surgery, Frankie was acted “down in the dumps” and not too interested in eating (no surprise). But after finishing his pain meds and finally eating some baby food, he began to act like a kitty again and is doing well. The rescuer is beyond herself with appreciation. Anyone interested in Frankie should contact Tina at: [email protected] – diana

Bean, Sawyer, Moon, Coco, Charlie – Rescued from a Mobile Home Park

6/2/21 – These babies were found in a mobile home park and will soon be ready for their makeovers. On June 17 they will be taken to the vet complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. When you consider that a female cat can give birth 3 times a year and have an average of 5 kittens each time for almost her entire life, the investment made to have these babies neutered/spayed is a valuable one. A donation of $225 will ensure that these five will never be responsible for producing any more unwanted kittens. And, that is what it is all about. – diana
P.S. Anyone interested in these cuties should contact Beckie at: [email protected]bean 5:9:21 w:becky sawyer w:becky borse 5-9-21 moon coco w:borse 5:9:21 charlie 5:9:21 w:borse

Abby – She Lost Her Sibling and Rescued With a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection

6/1/21 – Please say a prayer for little Abby. She was trapped yesterday with another kitten who was even sicker and passed away. She is about 5 weeks old and will be seen and treated by one of our partner veterinarians. There continues to be so many kittens being found on the streets with injuries and illnesses. We couldn’t be there for them if it weren’t for our supporters. – diana

Little Foot – Happy Update – One Year Later Before and After

5/31/21 – As we remember those men, women, and military dogs who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and we celebrate the lives they lived, I wanted to share a happy update.
Little Foot was trapped one year ago while some TNR volunteers were trapping behind a local park in St. Clair Shores, MI. The rescuers saw that Little Foot was limping. They took Little Foot to the low-cost clinic they were working with and the vet confirmed that Little Foot had a possible fracture and a gash on his leg. It was recommended he be taken to a full service vet. That is when I got the call. Little Foot was taken to one of our partner vets who determined the leg injury was severe and that something had penetrated through his joint. To repair the breaks in the area consisting of many small bones would be very difficult and would eventually become arthritic at a very early age. The gash in his leg also was very infected and needed to be treated with bandage changes and antibiotics. The doctor recommended amputation once the infections had cleared.. Because of our amazing supporters, we were able to pay for all of Little Foot’s medical needs and eventually his foster family made him a permanent member of their home. Here is an update from Jessica, the person who contacted me, and two photos taken in Little Foot’s furever home. Also, two photos of when he was first trapped. – diana
“Hi Diana,
Little Foot (now formally known as Roman) was adopted by Erin – who was the registered TNR person who assisted with the project. He has fully adapted to his new 3 legged life. He has many cat siblings who welcomed him in to their family. He has grown up to be a very handsome and surprisingly long cat! He’s very chatty now, full of energy and the biggest goofball!
Thank you for helping him get the life he has today. – Jessica”
It truly takes a village!
People Reached
Boost With Credit
little foot update may 2021 little foot--may, 2021 little foot --may, 2020jpg little foot may 2020t

Sasha – Spent Her Entire Life (5 years) in a Basement

5/29/21- Beautiful Sasha spent her entire 5 years of life in a basement until she was rescued by our friend Jo. She will be spayed, vaccinated, and tested this coming week complements of your donations. If you are interested in giving her a loving home, filled with windows for her to see the sun shining and the birds chirping,, please contact Jo at: [email protected] – diana
“The problem with cats is that they get the same exact look whether they see a moth or an axe murderer.” – Paula Poundstonesasha 5:29:21