Milo and Domino – Their New Home with Their New Dad

5/28/21 – Update—Milo and Domino are in their furever home with a loving dad, our Board member’s brother. So, the kids will still be in the 4 paws 1 heart family. – diana
“New Pappa — Congratulations!!! ….Welcome Home Domino and Milo❣ 9 weeks old! They are precious!!💖 I’m an Auntie!💘 Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for providing their medical care. Thank you Jo Sweeney Addington for fostering them!! – Lori”milo and domino w:dad milo 5:28:21domino 5:28:21

Milo and Domino – Happy Update

5/28/21 –

5/28/21 – Two more babies saved who will never want for love and care! Your dollars save lives. – diana
milo and domino 5:27:21

“Milo and domino are going to their new home tonight. Thank you Lori Jobak and her brother Billy for giving them a home together ❤ and 4 paws 1 heart for covering their vetting.

I loved being their foster mom i am going to miss them so much. They are so sweet and cute.. I get so attached Please consider donating to help so many animals in need.

Noelle – Another Medical Issue – A Heart Murmur

5/27/21 – Noelle Update..
Poor Noelle has been in and out of the hospital for tests because her appetite hasn’t been noelle 5:27:21consistent. We discovered she has a heart murmur as well. 🙁 The doctor sent her on some new medication and special diet orders for the foster family to follow. Please say prayers that she bounces back soon. Also, if you would be interested in making a donation towards her care we would appreciate it. Noelle has had thyroid issues, dental problems, we had to get her up to date on her vaccines, and several diagnostics to give her a 2nd chance. We never know what an animal will need when we commit, but we follow through and never let them down. ♡ Gina

Victoria – RIP Sweet Girl – I’m Sorry We Could Never Figure It Out

5/26/21- All of our hearts are breaking and the tears are flowing.. Victoria fought so hard and so did we. A little while ago Victoria was released from her dependency on an oxygen tank. Unfortunately, her lungs were just getting worse and her oxygen numbers, even in the tank, were dangerously low. Victoria was such a sweet girl and an amazing mom for the 9 days she took care of her babies. She was able to say good bye to them as they just opened their eyes. God’s blessings to our friend, Karen Cartier, who continues to take care of Victoria’s babies and has been through so much trying to do whatever Victoria needed. Rest in Peace sweet Mama, your legacy will live on in your babies who we will make sure are medically covered by 4p1h
and Karen will make sure they get the best furever homes. – diana
“The memories and paw print of a beloved cat remains in our heart and soul forever.”victoria says good bye 5:25:21

Gracie, Riley, Suzee, Mindy, Koala & Wombat, Irwin, Marline & Marvin, and Jinx. – Rescued From the Streets and all Medically Treated Through 4 Paws 1 Heart

5/26/21 – I’ve often talked about the number of animals we help each day far exceed the number of days in a year and I try not to overwhelm the facebook page or website with more than one or two cases a day. Here are more of the many cats we’ve helped over the past 8 months but have not reported on. All were spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and tested. In some cases, treatment for parasites and upper respiratory infection were also included. All were rescued by individuals or those I call independent rescuers who we’ve often helped. Here is Gracie, Riley, Suzee, Mindy, Koala & Wombat, Irwin, Marline & Marvin, and Jinx. Thank you for all of your support through my birthday fundraiser and every day. – diana
“A cat doesn’t care if yu are smart or dumb, give him your heart and he will give you his.” – Abraham Lincoln191418381_4296328073732791_2111563644194043473_n 193035726_4296328767066055_8501933786058036461_n 191870290_4296329530399312_3498519907406373875_n 187932807_4296332537065678_1745268961159007719_n 192120542_4296333560398909_1626749276423821153_n 189325154_4296334767065455_6032609381202928923_n 192211996_4296334223732176_8388458229716897661_n

Victoria – Update: After Two Nights in an Emergency Hospital; Transferred to Orion Animal Hospital

5/25/21 – Victoria Update: Victoria made it to Dr. Zalac’s of Orion Animal Hospital safely with her 11-day-old babies in tow. Thankfully, Karen’s mom traveled with the gang and was able to watch over Victoria and petted her the entire 45-minute ride. I spoke with Dr. Z who did more x-rays and noted that the lungs look worse than when they were x-rayed at the emergency. It is still unknown as to what is causing the respiratory issues but we agreed that Victoria is a fighter and that she deserves a chance at life. Victoria will be still receiving oxygen through the night and steroids. We are praying that she has a peaceful night without poking and prodding at Dr. Z’s and that she improves by morning. The staff made sure the babies were fed while Karen was with Dr. Z and Victoria. Karen reported that the babies are angels and slept all the way to the hospital and back to her house. Please continue to remember Victoria in your prayers. At least we know that she is being cared for by the very best. I will continue to update. Here is another photo of Victoria, Victoria snuggling with each of her babies, and the babies (we now know they are a boy and girl) and how the sleep together. Thank you for your support. – diana
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victoria 5:25:21 victoria's boy and girl 5:25:21 victoria w:baby 5:25:21 victoria and baby 5:25:21 victoria says good bye 5:25:21

Victoria – Update – Still at the Emergency Hospital

5/24/21 – Prayers needed for Mama Victoria. Earlier this morning I posted about Victoria who was taken to an emergency hospital late yesterday afternoon. Early this morning, the doctor who was with her throughout the night thought she had turned the corner, her breathing was good and she was eating and off oxygen. But, before Karen (her rescuer) could pick her up, I was contacted by the next doctor on duty who advised that Victoria had taken a turn for the worse and continued to need to be on oxygen and also recommended some further blood work in that her lungs “were a mess” and the doctor wasn’t quite sure as to what was causing the issue. The doctor felt she would need care for at least another 24 hours. If any of you have ever had a pet in emergency, you know how expensive it is. Consequently, I had to ask questions. This was not a ‘planned’ expense (as if anything ever is) and I did ask our ‘go to’ Dr. Zalac to help me in speaking with the emergency doctor and sharing her recommendations with me.
The bottom line is that at this time the emergency doctor feels Victoria’s illness is treatable but we are prepared to also have her see Dr. Zalac for after care. Also, we have authorized another 24 hours of care which will double the cost of Victoria’s medical care which was already significant. But, again, what could we do. These two babies are crying for her and the staff at the emergency tell me that she is the very sweetest. Karen will definitely be finding a furever home for this family so they will never be on the streets and we are also praying that whatever has hit Victoria will not be passed through to her babies. Again, I ask, if you can, please help us with this case by making a donation. We were only able to have one fundraiser last yearvictoria's kittens---5:24:21 and rely totally on those and individual donations in that we are not a rescue who adopts out animals. May God Bless You for your prayers and generosity. I will keep you informed. – diana

Ashton – Rescued With a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection

5/24/21 – Yesterday was a busy day. It was mid-afternoon when I received a call from Shayla (whom we’ve helped on several occasions) about this very sick baby she was on her way to rescue. Fortunately, our friend Deb Friedman at Comfort’s Place in Redford was waiting for the baby to come in AND, double fortunately, the doctor was actually in performing a number of spays/neuters yesterday. Deb assured Shayla that the kitten would be seen between surgeries. Here is Shayla’s report:
“Update: It takes a village! I got the message about her at 12:30. The guy who had her his yard had already posted her on Craigslist. 🙄 So I dropped everything and my awesome hubby was the chauffeur to Detroit and all over the place this afternoon. Three hours later and with the help from Diana Rascano , Deborah Friedman , and Amanda Callahan , she went straight to Comforts Place, paid for by 4 Paws and 1 Heart, and is being fostered by Amanda. I am hoping to get her adopted out through Nadi Tanbakuchi ‘s amazing rescue group, For the Love of Cats, when she is old enough. I love my rescue people beyond words! 💗💗💗
This is what happens when you don’t spay or neuter your cats and let them outside to just do whatever. This baby was saved today and I’m praying she is healthy enough to get a good home soon. Her lungs are full of fluid thanks to a nasty upper respiratory infection which is why her eyes are like this. She is a sweet friendly girl we’ve named Ashton. Keep this little girl in your prayers that she will make a full recovery! – Shayla”
Ashton was able to go home with her foster mom. Another baby saved. Without the village Ashton could have eventually lost her eyes, or worse, died. Thank You for your support. – diana
“People who love cats have some of the biggest hearts around.” – Susan EasterlyAshton-shayla dean kitten -- 5:23:21 Ashton-shayla dean kitten 5:23:21 ashton on the way to comfort's place 5:23:21

Victoria – Rescued While Pregnant; Babies are Now 9 Days Old and Victoria is Very Sick

5/24/21 – So many babies are being born right now because the females just couldn’t get into vets early enough to be spayed. In many of the cases lately, the mom has been seriously ill with upper respiratory infections or worse and the illness was exacerbated by the fact they just gave birth. Victoria is one of those cases. She was rescued, pregnant, from a cat colony about a month ago. Nine days ago she gave birth to two kittens. Last Monday she was seen by one of our vets because originally it was thought she would be having 3 kittens. The rescuer wanted to make sure there were no babies left in her. After the x-rays, no babies were found and Mama Victoria seemed to be doing ok. Late yesterday afternoon I received another frantic call from the rescuer about Victoria. She needed emergency care. Although, we have several medical commitments in the future and knowing this could be another costly endeavor, we had help. Victoria was taken to an emergency hospital where it was found that she had a severe case of pneumonia and would need to be placed in an oxygen tank over night as well as be treated with antibiotics. In the mean time, the rescuer would have to syringe feed the babies. As of this morning, Victoria is doing much better and will be transferred to the care of a non-emergency vet to minimize costs. Please say a prayer for this 4-year-old mom and her babies. There are so many cases right now like this one. Your donations are always very much appreciated and without them, we could not be there for these innocent animals who have no one else but us. The doctors all agreed that Victoria would have died, leaving two orphans, if she hadn’t been treated right away. Thank you in advance. – diana
“Your house will always be blessed with love, laughter, and friendship if you have a cat.” – Lewis Carrollvictoria w:karen cartier 5:24:21 victoria kitten 5:24:21 victoria kitten w:karen cartier 5:24:21 victoria's kittens---5:24:21

RIP – Dear Louise Cartwright – Your Cats Will Be Safe and Loved

5/22/21 – Our dear friend, Lu Louise Cartwright, passed away yesterday. Over the last ten years we often helped with medical care for her cat community and provided cat shelters and food donated at our fundraisers. Most recently, we helped with one of her three indoor cats, Tiny, who was very sick. She was a very special, independent woman who loved her cats. Our board member and mom to Team Chance, Denise, has now taken up the challenge of finding homes for those left in Lu’s cat community in addition to these two. Please share and remember Lu and her family in your prayers. She will surely be missed. – diana
” Petunia w:Lu 5:20:21“CHANCE: Gooood morning Teabecky w:lu 5:20:21m Chance!!!

Once again we need your help. Please meet Becky (top) and Petunia. Becky & Petunia are Miss Daisy’s 2 remaining cats inside of her house. Becky is approximately 6yr & Petunia is approximately 9yrs. Both were very loving and friendly with their mom, but they take time to warm up to anyone else. We are looking for Forever Homes for them so please share with all your friends. Both will have have all their vetting updated courtesy of 4 Paws 1 Heart. For more info please contact mom at 586-909-2663.