Leo – Rescued From an Abusive Home Where He Contracted Leptospirosis

1/12/20 Leo Update – Leo is eating and getting stronger.

1/11/20 – Leo Update! As of 2:30 this afternoon, Leo is holding his own. He is eating and performing necessary body functions. I think your prayers are working. Keep them coming. Thank You, diana

1/10/20 – Prayer warriors needed. This is Leo. I received a call from one of the veterinary hospitals we work with asking if we could help this 10 week old puppy. He was rescued from an abusive home where he was kept in a closet and rarely fed. After being rescued, he became very ill and was brought into the vet. After spending all of the money the puppy’s angel had, more money was needed. The vet suspected the puppy had contracted the parvovirus or leptospirosis. The staff contacted us and I agreed to cover the medical help needed.
I now know that Leo contracted lepto and that is what he is being treated for. The staff loves this little guy and told me he has been constantly giving the staff kisses. When Leo’s rescuer learned that the medical care for Leo would be covered he cried. Your donations save lives. ~ diana

leo from center line 1:10:20 leo 1:14:20 leo w:center line 1:10:20

Sparrow – Very Emaciated and Found Rummaging Through Trash Cans; May Have Recently Had Puppies

sparrow 1:8:20 sparrow 1:8:20--1/8/20 – Meet Sparrow. She was going through the trash cans of a neighbor — very emaciated and may have just had puppies, although none could be found. The rescuer attempted to find an owner without success and 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for her to have x-rays to ensure there were no puppies left, have a heart worm test, get her vaccines, and be spayed. The rescuer said she is very sweet and was already feeling very comfortable in her bed. ~ diana

Whiskey – Living in a Yard Without Human Support

1/7/20 – Whiskey was living in a yard without any support from the homeowners. Their hope was that she would run away. She appears to have lived most of her life outside but yet she is very sweet. Our friend, Shelley E. contacted me because she had found a foster and was going to pick her up. Whiskey was immediately taken to a vet to be examined and vaccinated. She will be spayed and receive any treatment that is needed. Fortunately, two very kind people also donated towards Whiskey’s medical care. Anyone interested in this girl, should contact Shelley at: [email protected] – diana
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Dash – Update

1/5/20 – dash 1:5:20 dash-1:5:20 dash--1:5:20Dash update..
This little puppy has been through a whole lot in his short little life so far.. These are pics of what his foot looks like as of today. I haven’t posted pics of his injury prior because the photos from 3 weeks ago were very graphic.
My goal was to prevent this puppy’s foot from further infection, prevent amputation, get some weight on him, get his age required shots, and make sure he knew he was loved by everyone he meets.
His foot is healing nicely, he has doubled in size (3.5 lbs to 10 lbs) in 3 weeks, and he is a fearless puppy with an entire future ahead. Unfortunately, we will never know the cause of his injury.
We can only assume he experienced a major traumatic event causing him to lose a large portion of the underside of his foot involving tissue and tendon loss, sloughing paw pads and toe nails, and a dislocated toe. Also, 3 of 4 back toes are totally fused together and the section between what’s left of the big pad and the small pads is flattened.
He puts weight on the foot, but when he is in pain he turns his foot outward to shift his weight.
I haven’t made a decision on his placement because my focus has been his immediate healing.
Now, my plan is to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in this area.
Even tho Dash is doing wonderful I cannot ignore the injury he sustained to a part of his body that can be the most difficult to heal because of weight bearing and because he is a large breed growing pup.
He may need nothing major, or he could have special needs with that foot for the rest of his life.
I have spoken to several Veterinarian’s over the last 3 weeks and everyone has been helpful in one way or another. Now, I am thinking of his future and what he may need longterm. It’s all about him and giving him the best opportunity to thrive.
Thank you all for your support and prayers. He is one very special boy. I will update again once we know more.

Happy 2020 to All of Our Friends

1/1/20 – Happy New Decade to our over 13,000 Friends. I know most people make resolutions in the new year but the Board of 4 Paws 1 Heart has already resolved, back in 2010, to reduce the number of abandoned/stray/abused animals by funding medical treatment and thereby helping to find forever homes. For 2020, our prayer is that all of the work done by 4p1h and the many other rescuers in our State will result in less cats and dogs being born alone on the streets. 2019 was a very tough year with an unbelievable number of heart worm cases, broken limbs, eye removals, and not too mention the spay/neuter of any animal we touched.
Once again, we sincerely thank every person who has rescued, all of our financial supporters — small businesses and individuals, and the many great veterinarians who continue to work with us. We wish all of our friends a 2020 filled with much love, laughter, good health and many doggie/kitty kisses, Here is one of those animals who because of the Village will have an amazing life. He was left behind by his owners after they moved from their home. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
jessica miller left behind by renters 2:12:19 jessica miller ramirez

Syrio – Had His Cleft Palate Surgery and is Doing Great

12/31/19 – Syrio Update. Syrio had a cleft palate and was surrendered by his breeder to a veterinary hospital. He also had a broken jaw. The generous veterinary staff covered the medical needs for his jaw and asked if we could pay for his cleft palate surgery. After waiting for him to gain enough weight, he had his surgery yesterday and here is the update from the veterinary technician who took him in and who will be his forever mom.
“Syrio’s surgery went well. He is will be staying the night. I will pick him up tomorrow! Thank you everyone for all your prayers, love and support. It means more than you will ever know. — Amber”
Thank you to our many supporters for making miracles happen. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

syrio 12:30:19

Lucy (aka Cookie) – Update

It was March, 2016 when Lucy (aka Cookie) was surrendered to Gina at the veterinary hospital where she worked. Her family had dumped her in a parking lot in a very dangerous area in Detroit. She followed the disgusting people to their nearby relatives’ home and for three weeks she lived on the porch, refusing to leave. The relatives decided to drop her off at the emergency hospital where Gina took over. By that time, she couldn’t walk due to an injury. She had a huge bruise on her leg, she wasn’t spayed or vaccinated, and had trauma to her back and neck. She was miserable for several weeks while Gina and 4 Paws 1 Heart assisted in her recovery. After 7 months with Gina, the perfect forever home was found. Our wonderful friends, Jean and Phil, came to our house to meet her and fell in love. Now Lucy is living the life of luxury. She lives on a lake, has a pontoon boat, has made trips to Florida, and is hugely loved. You can read Lucy’s story on our website. – diana
P.O. 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
lucy aka cookie 12:27:19

Dash – The Little Guy Who May Lose His Leg Because of Neglect by a Backyard Breeder

“Dash” Update
He is a very good patient. In fact, he was so relaxed during his morning bandage change he fell asleep. He had lots of attention the last couple days, and he is a trooper throughout the cleanings. Your prayers are working and his foot is slowly getting better. Baby steps of improvement is all I care about. The pics are too graphic to show and we don’t know what the cause was, but we’re hopeful. Tendons and bone are exposed on the underside of his foot. I’ll post another update soon.♡Gina

dash 12:25:19 dash--12:23:19 dash---12:25:19

Dash – Surrendered By A Backyard Breeder Who Couldn’t Afford His Medical Needs

12/23/19 – We are calling him Dash. This past Saturday he was brought into a veterinary hospital with a litter of puppies.
He is 8 weeks old and his paw is very mangled. The owner surrendered the puppy so that he could get the care he needed and one of the veterinary technicians took him home for the weekend. Yesterday the tissue on the bottom of his foot came off and the bone is totally exposed. The injury will require daily bandage changes and supportive care. He will be with Gina beginning today and the goal is to prevent infection and let him get a little bit older to see how his paw heals.
Right now, Gina just wants to get him healthy. It will be at least a few weeks before we will know where he stands.
He is only 3 pounds and if amputation is required, it will be a big deal for a little guy like this.
He is very sweet and he will get tons of love and care from here on out.
Unfortunately, his injury is just too graphic to show but here he is after lots of love and a full tummy in his temporary foster home. Dash is just one of many animals this year who will have a second chance at life because of 4 Paws 1 Heart and our generous donors. Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
dash 12:21:19

Gramps – 8 Years Old and Found On The Streets With a Severe Skin Allergy to Fleas

12/9/19 – gramps 12:9:19 gramps 12:9:19This guy, Gramps, (the dog in the back) is about 8 years old and was found on the streets with a severe allergic reaction to fleas. The rescuer was able to help him with that but needed help for an additional doctor visit. Gramps will have a heart worm test (pray it’s not positive) and be neutered if the doctor thinks it’s appropriate. The rescuer will be trying to find him a forever home or rescue to take him in. If you are interested in this senior, please contact Kaylie at: [email protected] – diana

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080