1/19/14 – We are sorry to report that our little Faith, the sweet Yorkie, did not survive. May you rest in peace, dear Faith, and may you now have lots of fun romping with all of our beloved pets who have gone before us. Thank You, Carrie, for giving our Faith so much of your love! ~ diana
Category Archives: In Memory Of
R.I.P. Little Sweetheart
UPDATE: I am heartbroken to report that the little sweetheart rescued by a 4 Paws 1 Heart friend and taken to the Canton Animal Hospital did not make it through the night. 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for her final cremation and although the total cost of trying to help her set us back over $400, we would not have opted for anything else. To think of her dying on the side of the road, possibly being hit by cars, and being used as prey just makes us work harder to capture funds for all of these poor abandoned babies. ~ diana
Don’t Let Your Dog Out without Checking their Safety
October 12, 2013 – I hate to report that the little silky terrier who got into a tiff with a Mastiff did not make it. The owner was found and she picked the dog up from the vet but didn’t pay the vet bill. She also said that she had no idea someone had left the gate open and that her dog had been missing. REMINDER Don’t let your dog out without knowing the property is secured. Please always keep an eye on your pets. ~ diana
October 10, 2013 – I believe this issue is important enough to share again and to ask ALL of our friends to share it and to start taking action. As I said this is just the beginning and I’ll be sharing more of the facts and issues each week BUT in the mean time start the conversation and the campaign for change by contacting your council, your board of trustees, your mayor, any of the leaders in your community who are responsible for changing and creating ordinances. If anyone has experience in writing petitions which would hold up, I would be happy to post it for your use in going through your own neighborhoods to get signatures you can then take to your government entities. WE ARE THE PEOPLE AND WE SPEAK FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!
THIS IS THE BEGINNING: About 12 animal advocates from varying backgrounds have come together to address the needs of animals in our municipalities. The issues are many and we will be sharing them with our friends. This little guy is an example of one of the huge issues we need to address. The issue is what can Animal Control Officers do to save injured/sick animals when the City they work for will not pay the veterinary bill. The answer — the animal is taken to the County shelter where he will probably be euthanized, OR, the animal control officer takes the injured/ill animal to a veterinary hospital and personally pays for the vet bill, OR the animal control officer contacts 4 Paws 1 Heart which is a very small organization who relies strictly on donations and fundraising. This little guy (as was the recent Parvo puppies who didn’t make it) is an example of the one of the many heart-wrenching decisions
needed to be made by responsible, caring animal control officers each day
This little terrier, running loose, thought he could mess with a Bull Mastiff. He was wrong and ended up in pretty bad shape. He was rescued by the Warren Animal Control Officer who took him to a hospital and contacted 4 Paws 1 Heart. He was bleeding internally; has a dislocated elbow, and multiple bite wounds. He was made stable. Who should pay for this little guy — he has no i.d. — without 4 Paws 1 Heart there would be no options other than letting him be held in the shelter without medical treatment (or being euthanized) because of hold laws. What do you think cities should do??? As a taxpayer are you willing to pay? The silent majority needs to start educating themselves and then their government and fight for change. Let the conversations begin!! ~ diana
Beautiful Lab-mix puppies who were rescued last week …
10/7/13 – I am heartbroken to report that the beautiful Lab-mix puppies who were rescued last week by Lisa, Warren ACO, died this past week end. They continued to be treated in the hospital and appeared to have been doing well. The doctor believes that another virus may have been responsible. At least they are no longer in pain and we know that we at least tried to give them a second chance. May Karma visit the woman who has continued to breed and sell these dogs and I hope their deaths are used to charge her with murder. ~ diana
Jack’s Cat
9/7/13 ANNOUNCEMENT: A very good friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart, Jack, adopted Moo Moo and Sunkist!!! Unfortunately, Jack just recently lost his two beloved family members of 18 years and in their honor he wanted their legacy to live on He met with Moo Moo and Sunkist and fell in love. Jack also made a generous donation in memory of Lisa and Henry, and again, their legacy will give another sweet animal a second chance on life. Good Luck to Moo Moo and Sunkist; and, Lisa and Henry, may you be playing with all of the sweet babies who have gone before you. ~ diana

R.I.P. Kip
6/24/13 – We are thankful for all of the hardworking and caring rescue organizations who continue to respond to calls for help, search the streets, and attempt to educate animal owners on the proper care of dogs and cats. This is Kip who, unfortunately, had to be humanely euthanized because of Parvo. He was rescued with two siblings who are doing better and are in the hospital. We’re sending medical dollars with prayers to help Fetch Dog Rescue. ~ diana
R.I.P. Sabs
5/31/13 I cannot begin to tell you how heartbroken we are that Sabs just wasn’t strong enough to make it. Although he was eating he just couldn’t keep it within his digestive system. It was not for lack of trying by Gina or by all of you who kept praying and sending positive energy to our little boy. Today Sabrina, who Sabs was named after, was buried and maybe it was just fate that they all meet up together with all of our loved ones who have gone before us. Rest In Peace, Little Sabs – you were much loved and we all so much enjoyed meeting you and holding you just a short week ago. ~ diana
R.I.P. Beloved Emma Snow
May 8, 2013, Our dear Emma had to be humanely euthanized last night to end her misery. Her immune systems was shutting down and there was nothing more that we could do to help her. She was in the arms of her very special foster mom and board member, Cynthia Wojtowycz, and Gina. May she rest in peace – no longer suffering – and running with all of dear friends who have gone before us. ~ diana
R.I.P. Gordie
It is with a very heavy heart that we must report that our Gordie didn’t make it and has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We thank all of our friends for their prayers, donations and positive energy. He’s in a better place where he will never know pain or loneliness again. Thank You, Lisa for trying so hard to save this little guy’s life. ~ diana
R.I.P. Phoebe
It is with a very heavy heart that we report that our dear friend, Jacqueline Krausmann, has lost her beloved friend, Phoebe, due to juvenile kidney failure. Phoebe’s kidney’s were malformed at birth and very small. Jacqueline was such a wonderful loving mom to Phoebe showing nothing but love, compassion, and dedication to her baby girl every single day. When Phoebe was born doctors gave her a matter of days to survive, but because of Jacqueline, she never suffered one day and she made it almost 2 years receiving nothing but love. 4 Paws 1 Heart, will always remember this beautiful soul who had become a playmate, friend, and companion for Stella (Nugget) our Pom/Yorkie mix adopted by Jacqueline not too long ago. Stella was another true “miracle” who defeated all the odds that were against her. Stella and Phoebe were a pair, a team, and I think they kept each other strong, living every day to the fullest, having fun and a building a very real bond . In honor of Phoebe, her family has made a very generous donation to 4P1H. Phoebe’s legacy will live on in the animals who will be given a second chance because of the generosity of the Krausmann family. Our hearts go out to all who loved and cared for this sweetheart. Phoebe, you will never be forgotten. ~ Gina