TUX – Showed Up Thin and in a Torrential Downpour

10/5/21 – A kind woman was feeding Tux for about a month while trying to find his family; unfortunately, nobody claimed him. He initially showed up very thin after a torrential downpour. He loves to be petted and sits next to her when she is feeding him. But, because she already has a number of cats, she can’t take him in. 4 Paws 1 Heart covered his medical needs but the finder would love to find him a furever home before winter sets in. – diana

BLACKJACK – Rescued with a Lump Under His Jaw

10/4/21 – BlackJack was either dumped or is an escapee but he knew the right house to go to. He showed up very scraggly (as you can see) but the family cared for him and eventually allowed him to go inside at night. He recently showed up with a lump under his jaw and we were asked for help. We authorized BlackJack to see a vet and it was determined that the lump was a puncture wound. BlackJack was already neutered and when the infection is cleared, he will be vaccinated and the family who has fallen in love with him will try to keep him inside full time. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

AURORA – Found by RailRoad Tracks; Emaciated and Scared

GUS GUS – Found With a Heart Murmur and Entropion of Both Eyes

9/29/21 – Meet Gus Gus – We were contacted in late August by the Cat Ambassador Rescue requesting assistance to pay for entropion surgery for a very sweet, special needs, 8-month old kitty. He was originally rescued in February, 2021 (along with three siblings and his mother who had already had 10 or 11 litters) from a “filthy” house full of human and animal feces. Gus Gus had horrible eye infections and was on several courses of oral and topical antibiotics but he continued to squint, keeping his eyes totally closed most of the time. The rescue’s vet advised that Gus Gus see a specialist, in that he had a heart murmur, to determine what might be wrong with his eyes. It was there that Gus Gus was diagnosed with entropion of both eyes. I’ve written about this condition several times for both dogs and cats. It is a very painful condition where the eyelashes are growing inward and touching the eye. The surgery was very expensive because Gus Gus was considered a high-risk patient. He was diagnosed with hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and is on several meds to control his seizures. Because of his heart murmur, only specific anesthesia was safe for the vets to use. And, his blood work revealed an extremely high platelet count.Well, the good news is that Gus Gus had his surgery, he’s been without a seizure for five months and is in his furever home with one of his siblings. His eyes are doing great and although some might say that this little guy was ‘a mess’, he was a very sweet ‘mess’ worth saving and deserving of a second chance at life. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

MAXIMUS – Found Covered in Blood; Bite Marks on His Face; Taught to Fight

9/28/21 – Maximus was found covered in blood. From the bite marks on his face, it was believed that he was being taught to fight. Part of he ear had been cut off, his tongue was cut and he showed signs of being electrocuted. He also had a hole in the bottom of his jaw. He continues to have seizures from the electrocution and has emotional issues from being tortured. When he was rescued he was very weak, malnourished, and dehydrated. His physical health has been addressed but he suffers from the torture and is definitely fearful of most humans, especially men. And throughout all of this, he, for whatever reason, loves cats. His rescuer has been working with him and will do what is necessary to give him a better quality of life. He will remain with the rescuer and we have committed to taking care of his medical needs. Unfortunately, this is the life of far too many animals used for the sick pleasure and greed of humans. Without your donations, we could not be there for the most vulnerable. Thank You for your continued support. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

STORMY – Found With a Prolapsed Rectum

9/25/21 – Even though our major fundraiser since 2019 was cancelled due to the rains of this past week, the medical needs for stray and abandoned animals never seem to wane. Meet Stormy. He was born to a feral mom who had been cared for over a two year period by a very kind couple. Like so many people (my husband and I included), the couple was not familiar with the idea of TNR and just kept rescuing the kittens the female would have and then find them homes. About a week ago they found that the mom had another litter of 4 kittens. The couple found a rescue to take 3 of the kittens but one of the kittens, Stormy, was found to have a prolapsed rectum and the rescue could not afford to take him. The couple tried every veterinary hospital whom we work with along with some of their own and finally they were able to get into a veterinary hospital where a friend is employed. Stormy was able to have surgery and he is doing well. We were happy to help with Stormy’s surgery and the couple may be keeping him. If not, they will find him a furever, loving home. Also, the feral mom is now scheduled to be spayed. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/P.S. I normally don’t show graphic photos but thought this was a clear photo that showed what a prolapsed rectum looks like.

TINKERBELL – Kept on a Chain 24/7 Has 8 Babies

9/22/21 – On July 28, 2021, I posted about Tinkerbell. She had been adopted out to what was thought a good family but was later found to have been kept on a chain 24/7 and possibly pregnant. She had a severe yeast, skin, and ear infection and had blood in her urine. I realize that most rescues will make sure their rescues are spayed/neutered before adopting out but there are a few, if they feel the adopter is trustworthy, will make other arrangements if the female had not had her first heat. We approved Tinkerbell to be treated for her infections and to get an ultra sound to determine the stage of her pregnancy. Well, now I’d like to report that Tinkerbell had 9 babies on September 14. One puppy was still born and another puppy had severe jaundice and died two days later. There are now 7 puppies who are doing well who will eventually be looking for their furever homes. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

MAGGIE, STELLA, HENRI & HARRI – Rescued at 1 Week Old

9/21/21 – Meet Maggie, Stella, Henri, and Harri (all females) who will be getting their complete makeovers very soon and then be ready for their furever homes. Can your loving home be one of them? They were all rescued at 1 week old by the caretakers of a cat community. They have been thriving under the care of our Board member, foster mom to her TNR colonies, and amazing animal advocate, Dee and her husband Rick. If you are interested in these cuties, make sure you contact Dee at: [email protected]Diana4paws1heart.org/donations/


9/18/21 – Porter lived in a cat community and nearly died after having had two pregnancies. On her third pregnancy, the community caretaker contacted a seasoned rescuer, Christina, who we have helped with several cats. We were asked to cover an ultra sound and exam for Porter so Christina would know what to expect from this poor mom. Before that could be done, Porter had her babies — 8 of them. The seventh baby was born stillborn, but, unexpectedly another baby arrived after the stillborn. Porter has been a wonderful mom and we will be taking care of everyone’s medical needs and Christina will get everyone adopted. I introduce you to mom, Porter, and her babies, Freddy, Fannie, Maggie, Mikey, Mazie, Preston, and Delilah. 4paw1heart.org/donations/

OPIE – Update – Surgery Completed

Update: Sorry but i misunderstood the hospital’s message. Opie had surgery today and he weighed enough to be neutered and vaccinated. He is doing great and he is reported to be a little doll.9/17/21 – Prayers for little Opie.

He may be around 9 weeks old and was rescued from a “very bad situation”. There were approximately 11 kittens in the home which had trash, feces, etc. all over the home. Two kittens were rescued, Opie was one of them because he appeared to have a degloved lip. Thankfully, our good friends at Comforts Place was able to get Opie in almost immediately and he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. Also, the doctor found that the poor kitten actually has more than a degloved lip, he has a degloved chin. According to Healthline.com “degloving, also called avulsion, is a type of severe injury that happens when the top layers of the skin and tissue are ripped from the underlying muscle, connective tissue or bone.”. Please remember this very sweet, little guy in your prayers. 4 Paws 1 Heart will make sure his medical needs are met and will help with any of his housemates who are rescued. – diana.

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