LEO & CALLIE – Rescued Together After a Sibling Had Died; Leo Had to Have All of His Teeth Removed

10/14/21 – Leo had his dental surgery yesterday and we are praying that this little guy can once again eat without pain and start gaining weight. I was first contacted about Leo and his sister Callie after we had helped his sibling, Tiger, who unfortunately died. Here is Shannon’s first message to me:”Hi Diana, This is Shannon again, you helped me with Tiger and these 2 are Leo and Callie they are his siblings.. I know I mentioned them awhile back to you but real quick just to give you a quick recap of their story. The 3 of them, these 2 and brother Tiger, who we recently lost to cancer, were feral cats who I was feeding In Birmingham. They were fixed, etc. and I started getting complaints from these idiot business owners that didn’t want them there. During COVID someone killed a random cat and placed it in a garbage bag next to their feeding station. During that time I was trying to trap Tiger; I knew he was not well and was hoping to find somewhere to possibly relocate his siblings if possible. They ended up going into the traps before him so I decided to take that opportunity and get them out of there. Well, as I’m sure you know it isn’t very easy to find a place for them to go and I haven’t gotten very far with them as in domesticating them. They are inside they have been in my master bedroom and since they were spayed and neutered a few yrs ago, they haven’t been back to the vet. I’m reaching out because I need to get them into the vet. I’m really worried especially about Leo you can see his mouth doesn’t look good and he smells awful. They are barely eating and she has a missing tooth. This is recent I have been caring for them for sometime now and other than obviously not being thrilled being inside they still always would eat and show their faces. Now they are barely coming out and eating very little. I know you’ve helped me a lot, so I hate to ask but now I’m so worried. I have to wash his blankets every other day. At first he got pretty chubby and I’ve noticed that’s he’s losing the weight. I’m concerned he has the same issues his brother did and she’s not too far behind him. If there’s anyway you can help these two maybe even if he could go first if that helps. Whatever you can do sorry again to have to ask. – Shannon” Leo’s mouth was highly infected and all of his teeth needed to be extracted which was done yesterday. He is now on antibiotics and should be on the road to recovery. This type of surgery is needed far too often and is very expensive. Most cats requiring such extensive dental care would quickly be put down. Hopefully, we will be successful with our Sunday (October 17-see events) fundraiser and can then assist with Callie. Donations of any amount are always very much appreciated. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/1,093People reached57EngagementsBoost post

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10/14/21- I have very sad news..Midnight had too many things against her and despite all efforts she took a turn for the worse. Her kidneys were in failure and upon x ray the doctor discovered her pelvis was broken, so she could’ve been hit by a car.. Thank you to everyone involved who gave her a chance. Rest peacefully Midnight. No more suffering.. Gina

10/13/21 – Please say a prayer for Midnight. A friend found her lying lifeless in the grass at an apartment complex known for dumping their cats when they ‘leave’. Our friend gave her fluids through the night as she was obviously dehydrated. The poor baby was declawed and would have been unable to defend herself or capture food. Fortunately, we were able to get her into the veterinary hospital where Gina works. She’s had blood work and x rays done. Her numbers are very elevated and the doctor is concerned that she was either poisoned or in her search for water/food drank/ate something toxic. She is on fluids and resting on a heated cushion; she will be spending the night in the hospital. May God be with these poor animals. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

WALTER – Adopted and Loved

10/13/21 – Great News!! Remember Walter? He had heart worm which we were covering and he was being fostered by a great friend of the 4 Paws 1 Heart Family. Well, the family failed — so to speak. They couldn’t stand to see Walter leave and they have decided to make him a member of their very loving family and fur family. We wish Walter the very best! You can read his story by searching “Walter” on this fb site. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

ABBY – Rescued with a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection Along With Another Kitten Who Died Before Getting to the Vet

10/13/21 – Abby was trapped with a very severe upper respiratory infection. At the same time, another kitten was trapped who was in even worse condition and died before the rescuer could get her into a vet. Abby was about 5 weeks old and was seen by one of our favorite vets who quickly treated her and saw her with a follow up visit. Bonnie went on to her foster family and will be up for adoption. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

DINO – Found Caked in His Own Feces

10/11/21 – Dino was found caked in his own feces. He had several skin issues as well that his rescuer was able to treat. We were asked if we could cover his neuter, vaccines, and testing. He will be going in for a desperately needed makeover this week. Another beautiful abandoned/stray animal is off of the streets! – diana4Paws1Heart.org/donations/P.S. With the cancellation of our first major fundraiser in almost 2 years, we are in great need of donations. If you can spare any amount to help these orphans with a second chance of life, it will be greatly appreciated.

GYPSY – She Would Have Died After Giving Birth

10/8/21 – Meet Gypsy. The sister of a local VFW Post Commander and 4p1h supporter, contacted us about this very sweet ‘feral’. Her story broke my heart:”Thanks Diana for answering my message. 3 days ago (September 20) she birthed a huge kitten that was clean but dead…and a very small gray one… I protected the area she picked under my bedroom window with some covering and yesterday I made 3 different bedding options for her protection from all the rain. She had brought out the little one and it looked dead…. Last night she stayed in one of the bedding and later brought her dead kitty into the the extra box. I left both sides open but put out an extra box to protect from the north wind …. She sat all night in my chair protecting the box…. She was laying on the bed inside the box before that…. I am allergic but she is wanting to be petted so much… poor little young mama….. I am searching out cat rescues today… Diana”I contacted Diana who thought she had found a rescue but that later fell through. So, I authorized Gypsy’s medical treatment and thank God we were able to get her in quickly. While being spayed the doctor discovered pus in Gypsy’s uterus. The doctor said that Gypsy would have died from this condition within two weeks. Here whole little body would have been septic. As soon as Gypsy heard Diana’s voice she ate and purred. The hospital said that Gypsy was the sweetest ‘feral’ cat they had seen. This baby has been through so much and she now needs a loving home. If you are interested, please contact Diana at: [email protected] -diana4paws1heart.org/donationsIt takes a village. Rescuers, Donors, Veterinarians, and Adopters!

LALA & LAYLA – Finishes Their Heart Worm Treatment

0/7/21 – LaLa and Layla finished their heart worm injections, complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart and our amazing supporters. The rescue, Midland County Pit Stop, reports they are doing great. Here are their stories:”Layla is a girl that has lived outside probably her entire life. We are guessing that she has had numerous litters in her 8 years. We were contacted by owners and were asked for help rehoming both her and her sister. Owners were homeless and living with relatives all the while both Layla and Hope were not allowed inside and were on chains in the backyard. The day a board member picked her up and took her to her vet appt was the day we found out she was heart worm positive. It was devastating knowing she had to go back to the chain until a foster was found. Thankfully an employee of our founder was able to take her right away and she will never see the chain again.LaLa is a sweet 5-6 year old terri poo who was adopted by previous owner in December of 2017. Due to divorce and her moving, a board member was contacted, she surrendered to us and immediately went into foster care. She was immediately vetted and unfortunately came back heart worm positive. She was to weigh 10-12lb and weighed in at 24lb. She is in an amazing foster home where she is living her best life, losing weight and getting ready for her forever home. – Calleen”Here is Layla and LaLa (before and after rescue). – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

OPIE – Adopts a Family

Our baby, Opie, has found his new loving family. May God bless those who open their hearts for the many fur orphans on our streets. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/

“OPIE: Soooo, I know everybody’s been waiting for my big news and foster mommy says I can tell you tonight. I have decided to adopt a very special family who needs me. I know you all remember my sweet foster brother who came before me..Scout/Jinx. Well, you might remember Jinx was FeLv+ but that didn’t detour his family from adopting him! Mom’s friend Kim and her hubby and their sweet kitty loving dog Gemma gave Jinx an amazing love filled, adventure filled, joy filled life. Although Jinx life was short, his family filled it with a lifetime of love. Now…in just 6 more sleeps I’m going to officially adopt this wonderful mom, dad and fur sister and help heal their hearts and we’re gonna make wonderful new memories and have awesome adventures together! Now of course no one could take the place of my angel brother Jinx, but lucky for me my family has decided to expand their hearts to make room in there for me. Yep, they need me and although I’ll miss foster mom, Aunt Shelly and the Gang..I can’t wait to romp and play with my sister Gemma, and get lots of love and kisses from mom and dad! I’m super excited for our first family vacation together! “❤

BABY – Outside at 10 Years Old

10/6/21 – This is Baby. She is a friendly stray our Board member’s mom has been feeding for quite some time. Baby, is thought to be about ten years old and has been in the neighborhood for years. Denise, our Board member, and her sister have convinced their mom to bring her inside and let her become a ‘house’ cat so they are in the process of making that happen. Unfortunately, the other day she snuck past mom and got out. While she was out she did something to her right front leg and is limping pretty badly on it. Baby will be seeing one of our partner vets to have her leg examined and to get her vaccines. We are assuming she has been spayed because her ear is tipped. The family thinks Baby is getting too old to spend another winter outside and the mom has gained her trust and is willing to give her a forever home. We will do everything we can to make that happen. – diana4paws1heart.org/donations/