Samantha and Friskie – Rescued from a Hoarding Situation

4/25/19 – An individual rescuer who we’ve been assisting for a number of years is trying to help the animals in what might be considered a ‘hoarding situation’. It was a few years ago when we helped some of this person’s animals who were being kept in a house that was firebombed. In fact, Phoenix, who was taken in by Chance’s Mom, Denise, was one of those. Unfortunately, our Phoenix just passed away recently from the affects of the firebombing. Anyway, our friend, Lori is trying to help little by little to get the cats out, medically treated with our help, and adopted to furever loving homes. This is Samantha and Friskie. Samantha has had some recent issues and isn’t eating as we feel she should but we are hoping that with love and medical attention, she will find her way into a loving home. Friskie is doing great after being neutered, vaccinated, and tested. Anyone interested in these beauties should contact Lori at: [email protected] Trust me when I say, the need never ends. ~ diana
samantha w:lori stephens4:22:19 Friskie w:lori stephens 4:22:19

Teddy – Was Used by for Pesticides Experiments

4/24/19 – A Beautiful Beginning! This is Teddy. He was one of the many dogs being used for pesticide experiments by Dow. Once my friend, David Rubello, read about what was being done to these innocent animals, he contacted me to discuss the situation. It was not too long ago that Dave and his wife adopted a Beagle, Cleo, who they fell madly in love with and now they were on a mission to save one more. Here is the happy beginning for Teddy. I would like to add that Dave is a former St. Clair Shores City Council person, but more importantly, he continues to play an integral role in the many activities within the Shores. Whether it’s the Memorial Day Parade, the Concerts in the Park, or the Agua Fest (all in which 4 Paws 1 Heart will be having an appearance/fundraiser). As you can see, community service takes on many facets — saving animals is one of them. Wishing Teddy the very best life ever. ~ diana      /

Tigger – Pray That We Can Find Out Why He Has a Breathing Problem

4/24/19 – Please say a prayer for Tigger. He was one of many kittens found on the street in Mt. Pleasant, MI. He is super sweet but has a horrible breathing problem that no one has been able to figure out. We are continuing to work with the local vet as well as getting our resources here involved. There are just so many animals on the street needing all of us. God Bless the Rescuer. ~ diana
Tigger 4:24:19

2019 Kittens – Babies With Their Eyes Still Closed, Found on the Street

4/23/19 – I told you — more kittens and I haven’t even caught up with other cases we have worked on.

I received an email yesterday about two kittens found on the street — no mom in sight. Their eyes weren’t even opened yet. The finder did not know how to care for new borns. Although we are not a rescue with volunteers who foster, etc., I sent a call-out for help to our network of independent kitty rescue friends. At midnight this morning these little sweeties were dropped off to a caring woman familiar with babies who will care for them and make sure they will be adopted. Of course, 4 Paws 1 Heart will be sponsoring them through neuter/spay and, if anything comes up before, we’ll be there. ~ diana 4:23:19 kitten 2 -- 2019 4:23:19

Klaus, Elizabeth, Gandolf, and Marceline – Found at Two Weeks with a Feral Mom

4/21/19 – The continuing saga of abandoned/stray kittens needing medical attention continues. Whether it’s as simple as vaccines and spay/neuter or as complicated as infections and injuries, 4 Paws 1 Heart will be there as long as we have the funds. Just look at this cute little family born a couple of weeks ago to a feral mom. Every kitten will be spayed/neutered and mama will be spayed and released to the community from which she was found. Anyone interested in these little cuties should contact Heather at: [email protected] Please know that your donations make a huge difference. Not only for the animals rescued but for those animals who will not be born to live and die on the streets. ~ diana 4:22:19 elizabeth 4:21:19 gandolf 4:22:19 marceline 4:22:19

RIP – Sweet Abandoned Kitten

4/22/19 – If you thought I was kidding about the dire need for donations to cover the onslaught of abandoned/stray kittens, let me just say, I WASN’T.

Last night I received an urgent call from two of our good friends, Debra and Charlene. They had just made an emergency call to pick up a kitten who was ‘fine’ the day before but was now laying lifeless on the ground. I authorized the kitten to be taken to the emergency hospital who was slammed with cases. It is the only emergency hospital on the east side who continues to work with rescues. After two hours, the kitten was examined and it was determined that the kitten appeared to have extensive neurological damage; there was also a concern that the kitten may have contracted rabies. The baby was humanely euthanized, and he will be tested for rabies. RIP sweet kitten. A huge thank you and sincere condolences to our friends, Debra and Charlotte, whose hearts were broken. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Bowling Fundraiser – 2019

SOLD OUT!!! At this time we are sold out but if you would like to be put on a waiting list in case there is a cancellation, e mail me at: [email protected]

But, you don’t have to bowl to have a great time. There will be pizza for all guests and we will have the usual amazing raffle baskets (and 50/50 raffle). Once again our friends at Infinity and Ovation Yacht Charters have donated 2 tickets for one of their summer cruises. Our friends at Andiamo Riverfront has donated a $100 gift certificate. We have premiere Tiger Tickets from our friends at Anderson, Eckstein and Westrick, a patio heater, Tickets for The Henry Ford, and so much more. Please join us for a night of fun. ~ diana

Angelica Ellie (Boat Baby 3) and Sally (Boat Baby 4) – The Stowaway Boat Family is Getting Big

4/21/19 – Easter greetings from the last of the two boat babies. They are too cute for words. – diana

“Sally says to her fluffy orange bro “this is what a butt supposed to look like- just enough fluff”  Here are the last two of Callie’s Boat babies….I’m posting them together because we want them to be adopted together. Please meet Screaming Sally, with the hugest eyes (and mouth!), and Sweet Ellie…they will totally balance each other out. Applications are being accepted! Contact Denise Najera or myself through messanger (or my email [email protected]). Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for sponsoring their medical when it’s time! And Momma Callies so NO MORE BABIES! – Dee”boat baby 3 - 4:21:19 boat baby 3(Angelica Ellie -- 4:21:19 boat baby 4 (Sally)