Blu – His Owner Died and the Friends Who Took Over Could No Longer Care For Him

5/3/19 – Meet Blu (the boy on the left). Sadly, his owner died a few months ago and the friends who took him in are now being evicted from their home and can’t continue to care for him. Fortunately, our friend, Cortney, has found a foster and will take him in under her rescue but we will pay for him to be neutered. So very sad for all involved. Anyone interested in this sweetheart should contact Cortney at: [email protected] . – diana 5:3:19

Jalapeno – Found With a Severely Broken Leg

5/2/19 – On April 28, a young man found this sweet, 5-6 week old kitten on the street dragging his leg. He brought the kitten to a vet who diagnosed it as a broken leg although no x-ray or meds were given. The young man paid a considerable amount for the visit but could not afford to do anything else. His aunt than contacted us the next day. Fortunately, we were able to get Jalapeno into one of our favorite veterinary hospitals, Patterson Veterinary, and he was seen the same day and x-rayed. I spoke with the doctor who informed me that the leg injury was so severe and broken in so many spots, surgery was not an option. The doctor felt very strongly that Jalapeno could grow to be a very healthy, playful cat even as a tripod. And, like Pretty Girl, had already proven she could get along on 3 legs in that, God only knows how long she was dragging the broken leg — in fact, some of the leg from the paw up had already started dying. Jalapeno was given pain meds and he is scheduled to have surgery next week. The young man and the family have already fallen in love with Jalapeno and we are all confident that this little guy will have a great life with lots of attention and love. (It is unknown how the injury occurred, his leg may have been run over by a car). Prayers for a quick recovery for this very lucky baby. – diana

jalapeno 5:2:19jalapeno 4:30:19

Pretty Girl – Prepares for Amputation

5/1/19 – Update on Pretty Girl:
Pretty Girl was seen by Dr. Zalac yesterday and she determined there were 3 options for Pretty Girl. Option 1 was having her operated on by an orthopedic doctor we have used in the past; Option 2 was the possibility of Dr. Zalac performing surgery which would not include a plate but something she thought might be possible – but, she was going to consult with Dr. Dregner, the specialist; Option 3 was amputation. Last night Dr. Z consulted with Dr. D and it was decided that the surgery Dr. Z considered would not be plausible so we were down to two options. Unfortunately, the orthopedic surgery would be quite expensive. After talking with Julie who took on Pretty Girl and will be finding her a forever home, it was decided that amputation would be the best option for not only Pretty Girl, but for the many other animals who are coming to us right now needing our help. Dr. Z felt very comfortable that Pretty Girl would do very well as a tripod in that she has been getting around already without the use of one leg. She will be having her surgery today and should be back home with Julie no later than tomorrow. I know many people have been invested in Pretty Girl and I hope everyone will understand that those of us in rescue/medical help will always consider all options, the impact on the animal, and our ability to help others. As Julie said, we have to feel positive in the fact that we at least saved her life. Without everyone’s help, including Dr. Z’s, Pretty Girl was going to be humanely euthanized. Now she will live a great life as an indoor kitty with a furever family. Pretty Girl will be available for adoption upon recovery. Please contact Julie at: [email protected] if interested. ~ diana
pretty girl w:julie 4:28:19

Bootsie – Found Very Emaciated at Just 3-4 Weeks Old Without a Mom

5/1/19 – Bootsie, at about 3-4 weeks old was found on the streets, very emaciated. We arranged for an emergency visit and he was given fluids; he was only 8.6 oz. in weight!! He is now doing so much better, running and playing like a kitten should and will be scheduled for his spay and vaccines in the near future. I’ve said it before and I will say it again — where would these innocents be without the village of rescuers, donors, generous veterinarians and, of course, 4 Paws 1 Heart. Anyone interested in adopting this cutie when she is old enough should contact Diana at: [email protected]
Thanks, diana 4:18:19 bootsie4:9:19 bootsie 4:19:19--- bootsie 4:19:19

Tater – Found in an Abandoned Home and Found to be Heart Worm Positive

4/30/19 – Tater was found in an abandoned home. She was taken to All About Animals by her finder where she was vaccinated, spayed, and treated for tape worm. She was also found to be positive for heart worm. At that point, we were contacted for help. We arranged for a visit to one of our favorite veterinary hospitals, Patterson’s in Clinton Twp., and Tater was started on her heart worm treatment. She was also found to have whipworm and that treatment was also given. Please remember Tater in your prayers and pray for all of the animals out there suffering from injuries and disease with no one to care for them. Without your donations, these animals would never have a second chance at life. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080tater w:caitlin tater--w:caitlin 4:6:19

Pretty Girl – She Fell Off of the Roof of a Green House and Broke Her Leg

4/29/19 – Meet Pretty Girl. We are hoping that she can get in today to see one of our favorite doctors, Dr. Zalac, Orion Animal Hospital. I received a message over the weekend about a very sweet cat who has been hanging around a green house for a number of years. Unfortunately, this girl fell off of the roof. She was taken to a vet where her leg was x-rayed and the vet diagnosed a severe break and gave an estimate of $1,200 to amputate the leg. The green house owners could not afford the surgery and was going to put her down. That is when we were contacted by the family of the green house owners. Unfortunately, the location of the cat is quite a bit away from our partner doctors but they found someone in Lansing willing to take in Pretty Girl, transport her to our vet, and find a furever home for her after recovery. Last night we paid for Pretty Girl to be examined and given pain meds because nothing had been done prior. Paws crossed for a successful surgery and placement in a furever loving home. Everyone has told us how sweet this girl is. ~ diana
pretty girl w:julie 4:28:19

M.J. (aka Maggie) – Finds Her Forever home

4/28/19 – We all thought she would have to be returned to the cat community. ~ diana

MY NEW NAME IS MAGGIE!!! Magdalene if I’m naughty…

Yes you heard me right – I’m going to have a home of my own and humans that already love me!! The 2nd photo is my new Mommy- my new Daddy was camera shy. (I’m only moving about a 1 mile away!!)

Who would have thought an ex-feral of 3ish years – who just become 92% unferal 2 months ago. My new Mommy has patience and experience to work with me. She loved me at first sight!

Okay I have tons of people to thank besides my Foster Mommy & Dad…..first and foremost Rachel Gerstner who knew and found my new parents…. 4 Paws 1 Heartwho took care of updating my medical, of course Andra Nagaitis-Shipley for taking care of our feral colony along with foster Mom, Janice Dangin and Kim Harris. And everyone for their love and support! MAGGIE – SIGNING OFF! – Dee”maggie:mj 4:27:19

Honey – A Maine Coon Polydactyl Finds Her Forever Home

4/27/19 – Meet Honey (once known as Lou). Honey was found by the same finder that found Dyson. She is also a 6 month-1year old Maine Coon Mix and also Polydactyl so we’re sure she is related to Dyson. 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for her medical including her spay and now she is in her forever home. Don’t you love happy beginnings??? ~ diana honey:lou 4:27:19 honey (aka lou) 4:27:19

Alita – Found on the Street

4/26/19 – It is such a blessing to have so many people working every day to save animals and who know they can come to us for help. Of course, that is only as long as we have the funds and this year continues to be a slow year for donations. We have had many serious cases this year; from heart worm to orthopedic surgeries. And, new cases continue to confront us each day. A sincere thanks to all of our supporters and if you can, please consider making a donation. Just a $40 donation will save hundreds of kittens from being born and killed on the streets. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St.Clair Shores, MI 48080

“Hello everyone! Meet Alita! This little sweetie was born Feb 26, 2019 and will be ready May 20, 2019 at which time she’ll be UTD on her shots and spayed. Over the next few weeks Alita will be socialized with other kitties, dogs and kids. If you’re interested in her, PLEASE reach out to me. As always PLEASE SHARE. Thank you Diana Rascanoand #4Paws1Heart for covering her medical expenses and to Lesa for saving her. Special thank you to Kristin Branstner for reaching out! #ItTakesAVillage 4P1H VillageHyde BG – Heather”alita 4:25:19

Rakestraw – Thrown into the Lobby of an Veterinary Hospital

4/25/19 – Yesterday I received a call from a vet we work with. A little 9 lb., 6 month old, emaciated boston terrier/chihuahua/mix was thrown into the lobby and before the staff could get to the door, the car sped off. The vet was asking for our help. I made contact with a few of my favorite rescues and, may God Bless them, each of them came through and offered to help. Trust me—this doesn’t always happen–but I was just thankful that 3 rescues stepped up to help this poor little dog. 4 Paws 1 Heart will pay for any medical needed. The only thing that has been done so far, are vaccinations; the doctor said he was too young for a heart worm test. As you can see, this little guy has quite an underbite. The doc said he is very lovable. Anyone interested in this cutie (who was not named yet), should contact Rejoyceful Animal Rescue. I’m sure they will be posting updates on their facebook page. ~ diana
rakestraw dog 4:25:19 rakestraw --4:25:19