Gina I – Being Fed as Stray but Was Probably a Pet at One Time; Now Safe

9/1/18 – This beauty was being fed by a young girl in Metamora, MI. The kitty was very sweet but the family couldn’t bring her into the home because of severe allergies. For two months, Gina, begged everyone she knew to take in this sweetie whose owner was never found. Finally, our good friends at Midwest Small Breed Rescue, came to her rescue and will find her permanent placement. And, before we could even write this post, two more kittens no photos available) were surrendered to Gina and Midwest gladly took them in. We were happy to pay for everyone’s vetting. Three more cats taken off the streets by working together. ~ dianaGina 1 9:1:18 gina 1 -- 9:1:18 gina 1 w:9:1:18

Billy – Abandoned on a Porch with 3 Siblings; Fractured in His Pelvis ad Femur

8/30/18 – A new special-needs case taken on by 4 paws 1 heart. Billie was found amongst 4 other kittens. A person took in 3 but because Billie couldn’t stand, he was passed up. Our good friend Debbie Nelson contacted us and we agreed to take on his medical care. He is now with our other great friend and special needs mom extraordinaire, Denise Najera –Chance’s mom. I’m afraid it will be a long journey but we are suckers for special needs and although he is in pain, he’s a little love bug. – diana

“Helloooo Team, mom here. So we have some news on our little nugget Billy. It’s been confirmed that he does have 2, possibly 3 fractures to the left side of his pelvis. And he also has a fracture to the left femoral head. Which is the top of the bone in his left leg where the femur meets the hip. This will likely require surgery. So we’re figuring out the best person for that job while his pelvis heals on it’s own. He’s not so hungry tonight and he is also having a bit of eeewy 💩 which may be from the pain meds. Poor, sweet boy He’s had his pain med and something to help his he just needs to rest and we are keeping a watchful eye to make sure he’s stays as comfortable as possible. Please continue to keep Billy in your prayers. Always this time of year donations are at their lowest. Summer vacations, college tuition, back to schools clothes, we get it…we totally understand. But even with donations and funds so lowbilly 8:30:18 4 Paws 1 Heart couldn’t turn their back on little Billy. And I hope you feel the same way, every donation no matter how small helps! Billy has a long road ahead of him, and 4 Paws 1 Heart will be there every step of the way right along with Team Chance ❤ “


Frankie, Jimmy Jr. and Lola – Rescued During a TNR/Rescue Effort at a Barn

8/31/18 – It’s the last day of August and we are now starting to take care of all of those stray kittens born in early summer and found during TNR projects. Our friend, Andra, has been trapping cats and kittens at a barn in the north Macomb Country area. A number of the ones she has trapped have been kittens who she has found fosters for and who will be needing their forever homes. The older cats are being spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and flea treated and being returned to the barn. There have been approximately 10. Here are three who will NOT be returned to the born and will be looking for their forever homes. Again, we are thankful to be part of the solution. Anyone interested in adopting these cuties should contact Andra at: [email protected] . Here is Frankie, Jimmy Jr. and Lola. ~ dianafrankie 8:31:18 jimmy jr 8:31:18 lola 8:31:18

Mellow and Sputters – Their Mother was Taken; One Sibling was Killed and Another Went Missing; Two Were Left to be Saved

8/30/18 – The life of an outdoor, intact animal is a difficult one. We received an e mail from someone who had been feeding a cat who became pregnant. She didn’t see the female for a little while until one day mama and 5 kittens emerged from the woods. An attempt was made to find the owner of the mama cat without any luck. But a couple of days after the mama was seen with the kittens, a woman and her daughter showed up on the property looking for the mama who they had been trying to catch. They were told to not take the mama because she was still nursing the kittens and they left. But then, the mama was never seen again and the kittens could be heard crying. In the end, two kittens were never seen again, one kitten was hit by a car and killed, and two kittens were taken in by Denise (the person who contacted us). Mellow and Sputters have been socialized by Denise and they have since been spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and tested, complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Anyone interested in these little beauties should contact: [email protected]

mellow 8:30:18 sputters 8:30:18

Hami (aka Hamilton) – Rescued from the Street; Treated for Heart Worm

8/29/18 – Hami was rescued from the streets and found to be heart worm positive. Hami has now completed his heart worm treatment, complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart, and is doing well. This has been a terrible season for heart worm and the parvo virus. Please be sure your pets receive their preventative treatment — you can’t afford to miss a month. Also, be sure your pets (especially those who go outdoors) are appropriately vaccinated. We are happy that we could save another life like Hami’s. ~ dianahami:hamilton 8:29:18 hami:hamilton:8:29:18

Stella and Leona – Found Alone on the Streets

8/27/18 – We are not the only ones saying that this has been an overwhelming season for stray/abandoned cats and kittens. No matter how all of us work to spay/neuter, the need never ends. There are a number of cases we have yet to report on. Stella and Leona are two abandoned/stray beauties found on the street and rescued by our friend Jo A. Stella has found her forever home. God willing, all of the spay/neuter we all do will some day make a difference and every stray cat and dog will find their forever loving homes.. ~ dianastella rescued by Jo found home 4:19:18 leona w:jo add 4:4:18

Ali (aka Bentley) – At Just Two Days Old He Was Caught in a Recliner

8/26/18 – This is the last day of the $1,500 Match Campaign and the last of our 8th Anniversary Miracles.
This is Ali (now Bentley). It was 2016 when he was surrendered at just 2 days old after being caught in a recliner. I remember clearly the day Gina brought him over to the house and he was as big as her hand. His skin was torn off of his body along with injuries to his toes. He fought infections and several surgeries including some at the Michigan State Veterinary Hospital. Gina fostered him, loved him, and found the perfect forever mom. Bentley (aka Ali) is enjoying a wonderful life with a sibling and a loving extended family. Thank you to our supporters for making miracles happen. ali:bentley ali 6:17:16 ali:bentley 2:11:18

Chance II – A Senior Kitty Found Alone on the Streets

Cortney Kleiner and her fiancé have huge hearts and have been saving many animals. We were thankful to be there for our girl, Chance. We know she must have been someone’s pet at one time. What we don’t know is if she was dumped because of health issues or if she escaped. What we do know is that this senior girl had lots of love over the past year and we will never forget her. – diana
The donations match is still on:
Thank you.chance w::cortney k 8:25:18 chance w:cortney k 98:25:18

Courtney – She Chewed Off Her Paw While Being Chained

8/24/18 – It was a Sunday morning in January, 2015 when I received a call from our friend, Melanie. She had been contacted by the Roseville, MI police about a dog who was tied up behind a local store — her paw had been eaten off. I immediately contacted the great staff at Advanced Animal Emergency and they immediately took in Courtney; as it turned out, it was necessary to amputate her leg. We could only assume that she had been tied up at some other location for a period of time and chewed off her own paw in order to get away. Although there was video of two men seen dumping and tying her behind the store, the case was never resolved Courtney was very sweet and recovered like a champ but probably because of prior abuse was never successfully placed in adoptive homes. Consequently, she was kept by her rescuer. Today, Courtney still has some food aggression issues and anxiety that she will again be dumped but after training, life has become much easier for everyone. Courtney watches over the baby, is a companion for her developmentally disabled son, and runs — YES runs – with her other son. She also accompanies Mel on visits to Meal on Wheels visits. Here is what Melanie recently told me: “She has chewed a new couch but couches don’t get excited to see you, they don’t have a heart that loves, and eyes that look for you. She is worth all we have been through with her. My oldest son likes to read to her and she doesn’t mind that he has such a limited vocabulary, most humans don’t have the understanding and patience she does. I would have loved finding her a home where she was the only dog but we don’t choose family, it just kind of happens. – Melanie” I have chosen not to share the very graphic before photos. ~ diana Donations: Courtney1:24:15 courtney 8:23:18== courtney 8:22:18 courtney 8:23:18