Chance – Super Hero

8/23/18 – As we’ve said, there are over 5,000 stories in the 4 Paws 1 Heart community. This is Chance, our little super hero. It was 2015 when a dear friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart received a call from a volunteer with a municipal shelter. She told of a very lovable cat who had been recently neutered but suddenly, he couldn’t use his back legs. I received a call from Denise Najerawho asked if we would back Chance if she took him in to foster. We said ‘yes’! That began the journey of Chance. He was transported by a kind utility crew headed back to this side of town and after Chance had time to decompress, we began his challenge to walk again. You can follow Chance’s story on our website but you can also follow his every-day activities on his facebook page, A Second Chance for Chance. He has since also started a “Kitties Helping Kitties” food pantry where food is distributed to individual rescuers and community cat caretakers. Today he walks and here are a few photos from his journey. Donations will be matched through Sunday (up to $1,500). in the shelter 2015 chance 5:27:15 chancegettingaccupunctureandand coldlaser chance in his cart2015 chance copy chance 5:20:18

Katniss Everdeen – A 4 Paws 1 Heart Miracle Story

8/22/18 – Another look back at 4p1h miracles. It was October 30, 2014, I remember like it was yesterday. Gina and I were meeting with a local TV station to tell the story of Katniss Everdeen. A very kind woman, moving out of the State, somehow saw a cage with a dog inside at a street curb during a horrible storm. The cage was next to the garbage left out for trash pick up. This very frightened and emaciated dog was brought into the emergency where Gina worked and then began the story of Katniss Everdeen. Not long after Katniss was brought in she had emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage; over 1 lb. of linen type material was found. When I saw her that morning, I cried. I have never seen an animal (at the time) with such dead eyes — no hope — obviously abused. Her spine was curved from being in a cage meant for an animal half her size; she must have been in the cage for a long time. But, once again, with love and care from Gina, our friend Carrie of Lil’ Dogs Resort, and the financial support of our friends, Katniss was adopted and today is a very happy and loved dog. Remember your donations will still be matched (up to $1,500)
Thanks, Diana
Katniss 10:30:14 katniss10:30:14 katnissbefore:: KatnissEverdeen10:27:15 katnissinnewsweater11:5:14

Jim – Very Emaciated with Sores Caused by Fleas

8/21/18 – This poor little guy, was found wandering the streets, very emaciated with sores on his body (probably from fleas). Jim saw our vet yesterday and, thankfully, he was heart worm negative. He was treated for severe fleaI infestation and will be neutered when he’s gained some weight and is healthy. If all goes well, Jim will find his forever home with his rescuer. Remember that donations made this anniversary week will be matched up to $1,500; we’re still working towards the goal. -1-8:21:18 jim 8:21:18

Mama Luna and Her 7 Kittens – Mama was Rescued when She was Pregnant; Now She and Her Babies are Safe

8/21/18 – Our mission is to reduce the number of unwanted animals by funding medical treatment for abandoned, stray, and abused animals.  This is what we mean.  This Mama had 7 Kittens.

“Momma Luna’s babies will be 4 weeks old tomorrow! They will be vaccinated/dewormed and spayed/neutered!
They are medically backed by 4 Paws 1 Heart, if you are not interested in adoption, please feel frmama luna kitten - 1- 8:21-18 mama luna kitten 2 - 8:21:18 mama luna kitten 3 - 8:21:18 mama luna kitten 4 8:21:18 mama luna kitten 5 8:18:18 mama luna kittens 8:21:18 Mama luna kitten 8:21:18 mama luna kittens 6 8:21:18ee to donate to an amazing cause. It’s tax deductible!

There are 3 orange males:
Black and white band- Scratch.
Red checkered band- Flash.
Blue checkered band- Volt.
One brown male:
Red band- Piglet.

Two brown females:
Pink band- Candy.
Pink star band- Iris.

Momma Luna is not up for adoption and will be returned to her finder who has officially decided to adopt her!

8th Anniversary – His Owner Beat Him with a Bat

8/20/18 – Celebrating 8 years of making a difference in the lives of over 5,000 animals. If you have been thinking about making a difference, now is the time while donations (up to $1,500) are being matched. It was 2012 when Hercules came into our lives. At only one-month old, his owner smashed and broke his back legs with a bat. Again, through much love and medical assistance, Hercules remains as our Canine Mascot and his mom and dad continue to be our friends. Donations can be made at:

Hercules hercules 1 hercules 2 hercules 3

8th Anniversary – Looking Back at the Many Miracles – Snickers

8/19/18 – Looking Back at the Many Miracles. Remember Snickers. It was 2013 when a young man found this very sick kitten in an icy puddle in an alley in Hamtramck, MI. A village came together to get him to the emergency hospital where Gina worked. We thought he’d lose an eye but with lots of love and medical attention, both he and his eye survived. Up to $1,500 in donations will be matched during our Anniversary Week. You too can make a difference. Donations can be made at: 2013 snickers

Nala – Abandoned Twice – Hoping That Third Time is the Charm

8/18/18 – Poor Nala was abandoned twice by her owners but luckily her first owners lives near our good friend, Denise, who is the mom of Chance and Team.  Denise thought for sure the second adopters would provide her a forever home but that was not to be.  Fortunately for Nala, Denise continued to be her Guardian Angel. ~ diana

“Happy Life Nala!!!!
Nala’s adoption went amazing today and shes on her way to paradise as we type this! She took to her new mom Shirley right away! Shirley is extremely knowledgeable about dogs with Nalas temperament and Border Collies in general. Shes going to have 40acres of land, trails, river & lake and be super loved & cherished. Her brand new bed was in the back of the SUV for her ride home with her mom and their neighbor and when the time came to leave, Nala jumped right in with the biggest smile on her face like she just knew she was going home at last. Nalas fur siblings are anxiously waiting to greet her! Huge thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart, Tom & Marilyn Bedell Pontack and Shirley’s niece Karen for helping to make this tricky adoption happen. We love you Nala, enjoy the best years of your life at your amazing new home!- Denise”Nala 8:18:18

Mickey (aka Neo) – Looking Back Over the Past 8 Years

8/18/18 – HAPPY 8TH ANNIVERSARY TO 4 PAWS 1 HEART. To celebrate this momentous occasion, one of our Board members has offered to match up to $1,500 in donations made over the next week. As a reminder to all of our supporters, we will take a look back at some of our many miracles. This is Mickey (now Neo). It was January, 2017 when I was called about a sweet dog found licking frozen water in the street. He had a cherry eye and he turned out to be heart worm positive. We thank God for his rescuer and and for the donations that made our help possible. Here he is then and now since he’s been adopted by a loving family who adores him. Donations can be made at: (aka Neo) Mickey mickey:neo 8:17:18

4 Paws 1 Heart Celebrates 8 Years of Funding Medical Treatment for Abandoned/Stray Animals

August 18, 2018 4 Paws 1 Heart celebrates its 8th Anniversary –over 5,000 animals and $665,888 in paid medical bills. And it couldn’t have happened without our rescue friends and our supporters. Starting tomorrow we have a $1,500 match starting as well as a trip down memory lane. Please be sure to check out our posting and share it — and to my family and friends, who have supported me over the past 8 years, — a sincere thank you. Also, a huge thank you to our Board of Directors, my husband Tony, and my dad who chose to honor my mom by having contributions made in her memory last July, 2017 when she passed away. We raised over $7,000 at that time and it truly made the difference in so many lives. I also want to recognize Kroger, Colleen’s Irish Pub, Harbor Lanes, Painting with a Twist,Jefferson Yacht Club, and 100 Women Who Care – Grosse Pointe as great community partners. ~ dianaCollage Pg 1 February 22 - April 4 Page 8

Raven – She Was Found at a Junk Yard Looking for Food Scraps

8/17/18 – Meet Raven. She had been spotted for about three days at a sailboat-junkyard, when Rebel Dogs Detroit was called. She has flea bitten ears and when taken to the vet, she was found to be heart worm positive. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be taking care of her heart worm treatment. Please say a prayer that Raven will recover and find a loving and forever home. Also, please consider donating so that we can continue to be there for these animals who have no one else. Donations can be made at:
Thanks, diana

raven w:sandra and juniper 8:7:18 raven w:sadra:juniper