
9/29/13 – Meet Oreo. He is about 2 – 3 years old and was seen being hit by a car two nights before. When Oreo arrived in the Emergency, he was in a fetal position, curled up because he could not stand or walk. Oreo also had maggot eggs on both sides of his face, and literally, was skin and bones. As of tonight, he is eating like a champ and is doing much better. Medical treatment continues at the Emergency; he will need a forever home, foster or rescue when he recovers. Contact Gina at [email protected]
10/2/13 – Here is Oreo slowly mending after being hit by a car several nights ago. I truly think he would have died in the street from shock if the nice caring people who saw him just left him there. A friend of 4P1H will be fostering Oreo very soon until a rescue is available or we can find him a home. We estimate Oreo to b about 4 yr old, he is fixed, and friendly with other cats. He doesn’t mind small dogs either. If anyone is interested in adopting this sweetheart or if there is a rescue who can help place him, please contact me at [email protected]
9/9/13 – 4 Paws 1 Heart is selling Carson’s (formerly known as Parisian’s) Coupon books for their huge Community Days Sales Event being held on November 15 and 16. The coupons are good at all stores owned by Bon Ton. All proceeds from the sale will go directly to helping the abandoned and abused. We will be selling the books at the Black Finn fundraiser on September 26 (5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.); at the Partridge Creek Store on October 26 (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.), November 8 (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and November 9 (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) and at the Colleen’s Motown Night, November 9 (7p.m. to ???) All Board members are also selling the books – $5 each– get one for all of the women in your family and have a girl’s shopping day with lunch and refreshments afterward! ~ diana
9/24/13 – A huge thank you to the participants of the Macomb County Employee Casual Day Program for making 4 Paws 1 Heart the recipients of their donations during the month of August. Those of you who know me know that my two passions (besides my family) are Macomb County and making a difference for abandoned animals. I’ve not only lived in the County for the past 41 years but during my career worked for many years with a variety of Macomb County departments. I’ve always felt that Macomb County had some of the most dedicated and efficient employees amongst all of the counties I worked with. Many animals will be helped because of their generosity. ~ diana
9/24/13 – Click On Detroit picked up an edited version of a press release from Detroit Bully Corp including the many rescues and animal advocacy groups (like 4P1H) who are working TOGETHER to make a difference. ~ diana
9/24/13 – 4 Paws 1 Heart is so grateful to our caring rescue friends who help us in placing animals we have helped with medical bills. One of these animals is Phoenix. Phoenix was rescued from a home who kept ‘rescuing’ cats although the person had very limited income and room. Of the kittens taken from the ‘rescuer’, a number of them came down with Panleuk. Not everyone made it, but those who did survive are doing well and some have been adopted. Although we helped, Tigerlily spent many dollars in helping these babies through this deadly illness which is likened to the Parvo virus with puppies. This is Phoenix who continues to require medical assistance; he is just not thriving as we would help. Thank You to Tigerlily for always being there for our kitties and us. I’m thankful that we are able to again send a few dollars to your vet to help with Phoenix’s high medical bills. Please pray for Phoenix and make sure you check out their fb page. ~ diana
9/1/13 — These little sweethearts were rescued by a young lady in St. Clair Shores. Gina has them now and will be taking them to the Emergency with her tomorrow to vet them and make sure they are healthy. They are in need of a forever home, a foster, and/or a rescue. Please contact Gina at [email protected] if you can fill one of the roles. Thanks! ~ diana
9/23/13 Meet Biscuit. He’s a 6-month-old shepherd mix, male who was brought into the Emergency after being hit by a car. His owner surrendered him to 4 Paws 1 Heart so that he could be saved. He had a severe wound to his leg but is now on the mend. Our good friends at Misfit Angels Rescue have taken him in to find the perfect home. If you are interested in making this very sweet boy a member of your family, contact Misfit Angels on their website or facebook page. ~ diana
9/23/13 BOB UPDATE: Gina took in Bob when a good Samaritan found him wandering alone on the streets. He was only 11 weeks old and the sweetest little guy. He was covered with parasites and was very weak. Gina fell in love with him and fostered him for a couple of months. Today he is in his new home with this very kind young man and his family who will give him give and receive unconditional love. ~ diana