How Many Cats Need to Be Left Behind ????

11/12/14 – I just don’t know what can be done to bring to justice all of the disgusting non-humans who continue to abandon their animals, most of the time cats, when they move. Companion animals are considered property under Michigan state law and therefore can be treated the same as an old tire on a trash pile. This very sweet 2 year old has been living in the garage of a foreclosed home. She was once an inside cat used to being in a warm house and not having to hunt for food. It is now getting below freezing and she has no where to go and cannot fend for herself. She is very friendly & affectionate. The kind neighbors have been feeding her but she desperately needs someone to love and longs for affection. 4 Paws 1 Heart will make sure she is vetted, vaccinated, and spayed (if needed). Please share and contact Jo at [email protected] if you can find this sweet girl a home.

11/13/ Update:  A foster home has been found ~ dianajoadd11:12:14


11/12/14 – Joy is doing wonderfully in her new home and she is healing as well as can be expected. She recently was spayed and she is recovering great! Dog’s her age who are not fixed (spayed) run the risk of Mammary Cancer and Pyometrititis (infection of the uterus). We want her to have the best life possible, so all veterinary preventatives and recommendations are being followed. Repeat radiographs of her Pelvis and rear legs were just taken to see how all the fractures are healing. Once we hear back from the Orthopedic Specialist we will let you all know more. When he gives the ok she will have surgery on her first knee.. ♡


11/7/14 – dewey11:7:14Awwww! It was October, 2013 when Dewey, just a few weeks old, was found under a van terrified and starving. He had a small laceration and was only 2 lbs. After a number of weeks to recover, he was adopted by, obviously, a wonderful person. Thanks, Dewey’s Dad, for updating us and providing the great photos of our boy. ~ diana
Andrew and I are so grateful for our 2 little survivors and they are finally getting along much better! Thank you for saving these and so many little loves. They light up each and every day. I was once a “dog person”. A year ago this month, I fell in love with a picture & story of a kitten named Dewey and since then, I have been advocating for all the sweet, loving kitties who need homes! Please adopt everyone, give an abandoned kitty a warm home & some love this cold season. Everyday Dewey & Lyra remind me why it is a great idea! Thanks again, 4 paws 1 heart!

 — with Gina DeLuca.

Another Life Lost – Domesticated Cats Never Need to be Outdoors!

11/11/14 –  My heart broke when I saw his emaciated body and pained face. People heard him crying in their garage and pulled him out to turn him over to Lisa, Warren, MI, Animal control Officer. He is estimated to be about 8 years old, very emaciated, flea ridden, and his body temperature is at a dangerous level. He also has a broken leg. He is currently on fluids and heating pads at All About Animals Rescue but will need a home and future medical treatment after Wednesday. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be paying for his future treatment if he makes it. Please share. If you can foster him for a rescue, please let me know. If you are a rescue willing to take him in with a foster, please let me know. I will let Lisa know. He is also being posted on For the Love of Louie. Lisa said that he is very sweet. May God watch over him; he looks like he’s been through hell and back. Please send prayers and positive energy that we can give him a second chance on a loving life. ~ diana
10509661_854117877953845_5372520282566080831_n10689852_854117714620528_295442559156117999_n10641021_854117757953857_7721737788996948153_n11/11/14 Update:  Good Morning: Just wanted to report that the owners did claim the very sick Tuxedo cat who was taken in by Lisa Taylor yesterday. The cat had escaped. Because of privacy issues, we cannot report any further on this very sweet boy. Thank you to everyone for caring! Just a reminder to please microchip your pets if there is any chance they might leave your property. If you have a dog, double secure his identity with a collar with your address and phone number on the inside. With cats, it is a little more difficult because collars should be ‘breakaways”. Having said that, our personal opinion is that NO domesticated cat should ever be outside. Once a cat has been taken into a home, every precaution must be taken so that they never be outside again. A domesticated cat does not have the instincts to survive on the streets as a true feral cat does. They don’t know how to hunt for food, find shelter, or protect themselves. Please remember that God has put us on this earth to be their protectors and we must take that roll seriously! ~ diana
11/12/14 – The owners contacted Lisa and reported that the Emergency staff recommended humane euthanasia because of this poor baby’s injuries and health issues. RIP Sweet Boy ~ diana

Lucy – Another Face of Animal Cruelty

11-11-14:  lucy11:11:14Lucy Update —  She had to have her leg amputatd due to the trauma from physical abuse after wandering up the wrong driveway for attention. Lucy was an indoor/outdoor cat before she was dumped. Once rescued, she needed surgery, and she could’ve lost her life. Please keep your cat indoors because this is the risk you take if you let them outside.

Asha – Sometimes It Takes A Village

11/10/14: It takes a village. A little over a month ago we received the following e-mail. I knew that we could not afford all of the treatment this poor dog would need so 4 Paws 1 Heart committed to providing some financial dollars and we were able to get help from another organization. This is Asha who after being treated went to A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue who found a foster (who also became a ‘foster failure’) and the family chose to keep her. ~ diana

10/4/14 “On Saturday, my boyfriend and I rescued an abandoned Husky. She is about 9 yrs old. Long story short, her owner’s home was foreclosed on but they are squatting in the house. They refused to take care of her and upon talking to some people that my boyfriend came across – they told him about her story. The people he talked to knew about her because they own one of her dogs from a litter 6 years ago. They kept in touch with her owners and once they heard what was going on, they would go feed her and brush her every other day. She was kept outside in disgusting conditions. We took her and got her bathed and then took her to the vet to see if it was possible in keeping her. We got her a rabies and bordetella shot and had her tested for heartworm. Here’s the problem. She tested positive for the heartworm, needs to be spayed and has an anal tumor that needs to be removed. Unfortunately, he cannot afford all of this. We just knew we had to get her out of the horrific situation she was in and attempt to give her a better life.

She’s a beautiful, loving dog and it breaks my heart that we can’t do more for her. I already have my million dollar dog (literally costs me a fortune and he’s only 15 months!) and can’t afford her myself and neither can he. If she didn’t need all of this attention it may have been feasible to do but unfortunately we can only do so much.

Here is a pic of her. We have named her Asha. She’s 60 lbs. If you can help us out please let us know. Or even if you know of someone who can. ~ Jessica”Asha(1) 11:10:14 asha11:10:14

More Kittens Needing Our Help

For every dog in need of our help, there are 10+++kittensneedinghelp11-8014 kittensneedinghelp11:8:14 cats/kittens injured, abandoned, sick, or alone. Here is a message referred to us from Jo Addington who has been trying to find homes for many felines this year. Please share, and if anyone can give this family some shelter while they get stabilize, please contact Jo at [email protected] ~ diana

“Hello Jo,
First, thank you so very much for helping this family of kittens/momma. We appreciate 4 Paws 1 Heart’s willingness to step in and have momma cat’s wounds looked at. She has done an incredible job taking care of her adorable babies in the toughest of conditions – now it is time for her to be taken care of. She kept those kittens warm and healthy – many times sacrificing her own need for food. She is estimated to be between 3-5 years of age. She was definitely someone’s pet that was dumped in the woods by Marylou’s house. She has 4 kittens – 2 orange fluff balls, one grey/brown pile of fluff and one sleek black (this one is the runt). We are estimating the babies around 5-6 weeks. They can be held and are starting to purr when given kitten rubs. They are still scared and could use an environment where someone could give a little time to continue to earn their trust. Momma is a dilute calico. The upper lip on the left side of her face is missing . It is obvious that she was attacked at some point and endured a painful healing process. At this time she has tested positive for Feline Leukemia, however, the vet indicated that she should be tested again due to a possible false positive given her stressful situation. The kittens can be tested in 6 weeks. Until then – we are praying for a foster for the babies as well as mom. They are currently in an x-large crate in my garage (with a heater running and warm blankets, etc). They all have been through so much and I would like nothing more than them to full compassion and love.

I know I wrote a lot here – sorry. I am passionate (as is Marylou) about stray and abandoned animals. We both have rescued several that are now permanent fixtures of our homes. I am unable to keep them long-term given my 3 other rescue cats (one who is elderly and has her own illness).

There are several pics for you to choose from. If you have any questions – please let me know.
