Magic – A Feline with Catitude – Gets An Orthopedic Device

10/30/15 – Magic!! When we say it takes a village, Magic’s story is the perfect example. It was early Spring, 2015 when I received a phone call from a person who we’ve assisted before in the Bad Axe, MI area She had just rescued a kitten who was trying to get someone’s attention in the doorway of a Taco Bell. The poor little guy had an obvious problem with his leg and was dragging it. I told the rescuer that 4 Paws 1 Heart could definitely start the process by getting him into a vet to be assessed and that I would see if we could find a rescue to take him in. That is when Kelly, of Friends of Heavenly Paws of Michigan stepped up and agreed to take Magic into their rescue and we committed to Magic’s medical bills. We had Magic assessed by a couple of veterinarians who both agreed that Magic’s leg should be amputated. But this sweet little guy is a fighter (like A Second Chance For Chance) and we all agreed to have him seen by Dr. Kern of Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Therapy for Pets. Dr. Kern felt strongly that Magic had the catitude to go through therapy and that his leg could be saved. 4 Paws 1 Heart has been paying for Magic’s therapy sessions since and just recently Heavenly Paws and 4p1h decided to share the cost of an orthopedic device recommended by Dr. Kern. Everyone agrees that Magic is one special boy who definitely deserved that second chance in life. ~ dianamagic10:28:15magic's paw 10:28:15magicw:prosthesis10:28:15

Felicia – She Was Found Wandering the Streets with a Broken Leg

1029/15 – Happy National Cat Day!!!! Trust me when I say that we don’t prefer cats over dogs. It just seems that this has been the year of the cat. So many wonderful people who have not turned their backs when seeing a wandering baby and who then contact us for medical help. This is Felicia who was found with a broken leg and a severe ear infection back in August. The doctors thought for sure she would need the leg amputated but she seems to be doing well and everyone thought — why rush into it if she seems to be happy. Here is a note and an updated photo from sweet Felicia (who I wouldn’t be surprised is in her forever home even if the mom and dad haven’t quite decided that yet). ~ diana

“Felicia Says Thank You to Ms Diana, of 4 Paws,,,”feliciaw:carolbleitl10:29:15

Mocha – Update

mocha10:28:15---10/18/15 Mocha Update..
I’m here visiting the little peanut and he wants nothing but love. His spirits are getting better and I’m feeling pretty hopeful that we’re making a positive turn:) Thank you to those who have donated so far and continue to help us with his care! We are very lucky to have expert doctors and staff caring for him. ♡ Paws Crossed that he gets better every day! For those that didn’t see his story he came in with his penis bleeding and stuck out for over 24 hours, dehydrated, low protein, anemic, flea infested, regurgitating, diarrhea, and severe motility issues. He’s been hospitalized under 4 paws 1 heart ever since Sunday and the doctors/staff at Animal Urgent Care have provided around the clock care to this little guy. ♡ Gina

Mocha – Neglected By His Owners, He Continues to Heal

10/18/15  mocha10:28:15Mocha Update..
I’m putting out a request for prayers and donations because it’s cases like this one, that would not have been given a 2nd chance… Late last night Mocha went into surgery to see if he had an obstruction. There was no foreign object seen, but there was a significant motility issue with his intestines. He is on the proper meds for that issue but we need him to eat and keep it down. He is only 6 pounds and 6 months old. Over the weekend he became critical and the family that surrendered him was looking for a shelter to “drop him off”. There are no shelters open on the weekend and he was suffering. We offered to take him into our organization and cover his medical care, which has been extensive, but if we didn’t I’m almost certain he wouldn’t be here today. I’m asking for any support our friends can offer by donating dollars.. This year we broke the record with the amount of lives we’ve given a 2nd chance too and the requests keep on coming. As of today, we have paid a little over $109,000 in medical bills and that doesn’t include Romeo and Mocha. I would love to be able to continue our mission, but we need your help. I want to thank everyone for any and all support you have given us, and as always I want to thank the veterinarian’s that work so hard to help save these animals. Gina

Sage – Abandoned or Lost

10/28/15 – Meet Sage. He is one handsome cat rescued by an individual who couldn’t stand seeing him wandering the streets. He has been totally vetted and neutered, complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart but I believe that Sage will have to be an outdoor cat if the rescuer can’t find a permanent home. He is about 1 year old. Anyone interested in Sage should contact [email protected] ~ dianaSage10:28:15w:dfurton

The Journey of Katniss Everdeen

10/27/15 – katniss10:27:15Katnisswhenfound2015katniss2015whenfound

It was definitely an Angel who found this girl on the side of the road last year around this time… She was near death, abused, neglected, and just left to die. 4 paws 1 heart then took her under our wing. We named her Katniss Everdeen for her strength and desire to live. Last weekend she stayed the night with me and I am honored to be a part of her life. I have not been successful trying to reach the woman that handed this lifeless body to me last year. The number is disconnected. She was truly an Angel meant to deliver Katiniss to the right people who would ultimately give her a chance…. Carrie Freydl Krausmann was an instrumental part of Katniss’ journey. She gave her balance and confidence which was critical to an animal so deeply destroyed. Katniss is in a wonderful loving home, and I just wish that Guardian Angel knew the many lives she touched by bringing Katiniss to safety that night…

Mocha – Neglected and Given Up by His Owners

10/27/15 Meet 4 paws 1 heart “Mocha”. He is a 6 month old Chihuahua that was surrendered to us yesterday. His penis was “stuck out” for several hours which can cut off the blood supply and cause permanent nerve damage. Mocha is also being treated for anemia due to the severe infestation of fleas. On top of all of this he might have an obstruction (could have eaten something that is not passing), plus his protein was dangerously low.
The awesome Veterinarian and staff at the Animal Urgent and Critical Care Center, have been successful with getting the swelling down so the penis stays in, his anemia and protein levels are back to normal because of fluids and IV medications, and he’s in good spirits tonight.
We won’t know for sure if we have to do exploratory surgery for a possible obstruction until tomorrow. Mocha will need a loving home to call his own if we can get him through this. Please pray for him and if you’d like to donate towards the medical for Mocha that can be done on our donation link. Thank you!♡ Gina