12/24/15 – In the spirit of Christmas, we chose to help Rebel in this very special case referred to us by a veterinarian who has worked with us before. Rebel was rescued at 10 weeks old from a backyard breeder. He became a registered therapy service dog for his veteran dad who was disabled and suffers from PTSD from the Middle East wars. Unfortunately, Rebel, who is fascinated with motorized equipment, ran into a saw. Rest assured, he will never be allowed around any such equipment again and in an effort to help a very loving veteran and his wife, 4 Paws 1 Heart has taken care of Rebel’s remaining bill. We thank Rebel’s veteran dad for his service and we wish there were more opportunities for our veterans to receive the help they need after serving our Country. This is a photo of Rebel before his injuries. But I have been assured by the doctors that he is doing well and will heal. ~ diana
Monthly Archives: December 2015
Jack Frost – Is in Good Hands and Looking For His Forever Family
12/23/15 – Jack Frost Update.. This adorable puppy is doing much better and he is all ready for Christmas. Our good friends at “Dog Dog Aide Community Awareness Program” will be taking him and finding his forever home. If you are interested in adoption or more information please email me at [email protected], and I will make sure Dog Aid gets your contact info.
Jack Frost – Recovering – Goes to our Friends at Dog Aide
Hope – Please Keep Her in Your Prayers
Shih Tzu/Yorkie Orphans
Update on the 5 babies from Friday night. The little munchkins are doing well. Biggest and littlest brother are yawning for the camera….so very precious. It’s amazing how much happiness these little ♡ beats can bring you….especially when you need it. These 3 Boys and 2 Girls have so much love to offer..
Harper – His Loving Family Awaits Him
12/22/15 – Harper Update: This handsome man was found in the middle of the street and rescued by a Good Samaritan named Erica.. 4 paws 1 ♡ had him treated for an upper respiratory infection, but there is an abnormality on his right eye. We have an appointment set up with the eye specialist to have it checked out so that we will know what he will require long term. He has a wonderful home lined up where he will get lots and lots of love. ~ Gina
Karma – Pray That Her Eye Improves
12/21/15 – KARMA needs you. Karma was again seen by a veterinarian on Friday. The doctor felt that Karma’s eye would not need to be removed and that Karma has herpes of the eye. A condition that will require eye drops whenever the condition flares up. He is currently on medication but stress is a factor in the flare ups. His rescuer cannot keep him although she is willing to foster until a new foster or adopter can be found. He is about 4 months old and is very sweet. Our Board member, Dee, who adopted Snickers (check out his story on our website 4 paws1heart.org) can answer any questions you might have about the Herpes virus. Snickers has been around other cats since the first day he was adopted by Dee and her husband, and no other cats have ever caught the virus from him. Please contact me at [email protected] if you can give this sweet baby a forever home. Please share. ~ diana
Lily – No Longer Afraid
A huge thank you to Pam Clarke, Debra Berolatti, and Denise Najera, and of course, Chance, for rescuing and caring for this sweetheart. So happy that she will not see winter and will be spoiled and loved. Thank You supporters for giving us all the ability to make miracles happen!! ~ diana

Dezi – Helping Each Other
2/21/15 – We are very happy to be a part of the Village who helped with Dezi’s medical bills. This is what 4 Paws 1 Heart is all about — Reducing the number of homeless animals by funding medical treatment so that they will be adoptable. Thank You, Gabes Gang for rescuing her and for taking on so many touch cases. ~ diana
Yesterday, I was reminded why this gang, why each of you mean so much to me. Dezi went to the most amazing forever home with Lloyd and Janet.
Now, if you’ve read posts about Dezi in the past, you know how special she is to me (and to Tim and Karen). I woke up yesterday expecting to cry and feel such a sadness. I mean, we rescued Dezi a few months ago after she was left tied to a tire in a garage after her previous family was evicted from their house. She had tumors, a mouth full of rotten teeth, ear infections, hadn’t been spayed. When I picked her up from the shelter, she wagged her tail and looked at me as if to say “I’ve been waiting for you.”
We took her to the vet right away, got the surgery she needed, 19 teeth removed, the infections cleared up and after a while (and a visit to the emergency clinic) you could tell Dezi finally felt well.
And she was feeling such love from fosters Tim and Karen, from me, from all of you who wished her well and supported her care with you prayers, funds and well wishes.
She is simply the sweetest girl and most grateful girl imaginable. I love her. Truly.
Yesterday, I expected to cry.
But I didn’t. Instead I talked with two loving and compassionate and amazing people, Lloyd and Janet. We watched Dezi settle in on the couch next to Janet and cuddle. We watched her check out the backyard and her brother, Knox.
It was perfect. I firmly believe the steps to yesterday were guided by God. Dezi will live the rest of her days in a home filled with love for her and one that will care for her every need.
I expected to cry yesterday. I didn’t.
But this morning, typing this post. I’m in tears.
Not because I’m sad, but rather because I’m so happy for this special girl, Dezi.
I’m understanding on my journey with Gabe’s Gang that this whole thing is about dogs like Dezi’s journey. It’s about playing my part, our part, in this journey of theirs, and it’s about making sure their journey leads to love and happiness and wagging tails.
Love & Licks,
John, Gabe and the Gang.
Chance – Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas
12/21/15 – What a wonderful way to start off this Christmas week. I love this boy and his fight for life. He has been so inspirational in his undying efforts to once again walk. Our 2016 calendar is titled: “The Year of Chance, The Superhero”. Anyone interested in purchasing a calendar can pay $15 through paypal and comment that the payment is for a calendar. If you have a problem making a comment, just e-mail me at [email protected] and let me know to expect the payment OR mail me a check for $15.00 at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 and comment “calendar” in the notes. All proceeds go directly to 4 Paws 1 Heart in that all calendars are paid for by my husband and I.
“Ummmm mom, could you please give me a hand here???? MOM: Sure Chance, what are you trying to wrap there? CHANCE: Its my present to 4 Paws 1 Heart! Its love mom, my present is love. I want 4 Paws 1 Heart to know how much I love them for everything they have done for me, baby Lilly, Romeo, Luna, my sister Bridgette and all the other kittys & doggys that were saved and are now healthy & happy becuse 4 Paws loves us!!!! MOM: Awww Chance, thats beautiful. But love is not something you can wrap in tissue and put a bow on it. Love is a feeling, something that radiates from your heart. Something that shows by the things you do and the way you treat others. The best way to let people know you love them, is to tell them…and tell them often. CHANCE: Really mom??? Are you listening 4 Paws 1 Heart??? I LOVE YOU ♥Merry Christmas 4 Paws 1 Heart, Auntie Diana Rascano, Auntie Gina DeLuca and all the wonderful friends and supporters of 4 Paws 1 Heart…I LOVE YOU!!!!! Merry Christmas, Love Chance”