4/14/16 – Heaven has one more little Angel. We are so very sorry to report that April did not survive her injuries. She had significant nerve damage leaving her unable to urinate or deficate. She was also very anemic and had internal bleeding. Sadly her suffering was so great that it was decided to not allow her suffering to continue. 😢 Thank you to Gina, the hospital staff and the person who brought April into the Emergency, for trying to save this sweetheart. And, thank you to everyone who prayed for her recovery and offered to help. RIP Little One ~ diana
Daily Archives: April 23, 2016
Hope – Update – Her Infection Was So Serious, She Took Months to Recover and Still Lost Her Eye
4/14/16 – Hope Update. I know the photos are a little unsettling but most people don’t know the seriousness of upper respiratory infections and the suffering that can be inflicted on poor innocent animals who get dumped or lost. (photos are from when Hope was first found and now after she had her eye removed).
It was right around Christmas, 2015 when Hope was rescued from a farm with over 50 cats. She was very, very sick with an upper respiratory infection and very emaciated. We really didn’t think she would make it. She was taken in by a great foster but, after several vet visits, Hope just couldn’t get better. Another good friend to 4 Paws 1 Heart and a foster for Tigerlily Cat Rescue stepped up and offered to foster Hope for Tigerlily. We committed to Hope’s medical and Andrea and Tigerlily committed to Hope’s recovery and adoption. Finally, after almost 4 months, Hope was well enough to have the eye removed. As we’ve seen from the many cases we have helped with, Hope will recover and eventually won’t even realize that she has only one eye. Please continue your prayers and positive thoughts for this sweetheart. Without your donations and prayers, we could not give these babies a second chance of life. ~ diana
Cookie – Update
April – Found on the Street With a Broken Leg and Other Injuries
4/12/16 –
Meet April. She was found by some very caring people that found her outside dragging her leg. They knew she was injured, and they didn’t want to see her suffering alone on the street. We took her under 4 paws 1 heart and we are hoping that we can give her a chance. Her rear leg is broken and she has a few superficial wounds. She has let us pet her a couple times but for now we have her on IV Pain Medications, Antibiotics, and Fluids. We are concerned because her bladder was enormous and she was badly impacted with feces. We had to empty her out in order to get a better view of x rays. Her pelvis appears intact and her spine looks ok. If she can urinate and deficate then amputation will be needed. We will need a back up plan for her asap. She is terrified and will need a quiet experienced individual to gain her trust. If you would like to help us with her much needed medical a check can be made to 4 paws 1 heart and sent to our P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 or a paypal donation can be made through the ‘donate’ link on this page. Thank you, Gina
Patrick – Would Have Died Had He Not Been Rescued
4/12/16 – Patrick was rescued during a trap/neuter/release effort by our good friend, Debra B. He had a severe upper respiratory infection and was taken in by our Board member, Angela. Angela was able to nurse him back to good health but Patrick appeared to need socializing and she wasn’t available enough hours. Our good friends at the Catfe Lounge (operated by the Ferndale Cat Shelter) took in Patrick and look at him today with his kitty friend, Opal. Does your heart melt like mine? ~ diana
Mama and Babies Saved from Snowy, Below Freezing Temperatures
4-10-16 – I just want to say how thankful I am for the wonderful and caring people I have been blessed to meet along this 4 Paws 1 Heart Journey. Today we received two messages regarding two different families of mama and kittens who were unprotected and living outdoors in this weather. One mom and her babies were in a Macomb County iindustrial area where employees had been feeding them but they were concerned because of the weather. In Detroit, the mom and babies who were just born over the past couple of days, were living on the front lawn; one baby had already died. Within just a couple of hours, two shelters were brought out to the family in Macomb Country and they will be watched over and, hopefully trapped and brought to a rescue. In Detroit, the mama and kittens (umbilical cords still attached) are already in a toasty home being cared for by our friends with Ferndale Cat Shelter. Here is a photo of that beautiful family. A huge thank you to the people who cared enough to contact us about both families and to our great friends, Debra B., Jo A. Debbie N. and, of course, the Ferndale Cat Shelter. 4 Paws 1 Heart will again be sending some medical dollars their way to help with future needs. More lives saved because of our phenomenal rescue village. ~ diana
Scrappy, Beautiful and Cutie – Kittens Found Without Moms
4/10/16 – Our good friend Roberta has a phenomenal kitten room where she will work very hard to socialize (not to mention catch them) babies born to, sometimes, feral moms or just found alone. You can find all of her potential adoptees on our petfinder site as well as on our Friends of 4 Paws 1 Heart page. These are three who are about 5-6 months old and looking for their forever homes. 4 Paws 1 Heart took care of all of their medicall needs including spaying/neutering. Here is Scrappy, Beautiful, and Cutie Pie. If you are interested, please contact Roberta at [email protected] ~ diana
Jerome – Taken to a High-Kill Shelter Because He Was Too Much Trouble
4/9/16 – Meet Jerome. He is a senior cat who was surrendered to a shelter because “he was too much trouble”. He was to be euthanized but one of our Board members saved his life. He has several health issues including arthritis but his foster mom is willing, with the help of 4 Paws 1 Heart, to let Jerome live his life out loved, safe, and without pain. ~ diana (these photos are of Jerome on the day he was pulled from the shelter and a few days later).
Kate – A Feral Cat With Her Kittens Who Will Be Adoptable
4/8/16 – In the process of trap/neuter/release, another one of our Board members trapped Kate. Unfortunately, when taken to the vet (complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart), she was found to be pregnant. The doctor thought she was within a couple of weeks of having her babies. Well, a little over 4 weeks later, this beauty had five kittens. They truly are the biggest babies we’ve seen. Mom and babies are healthy and safe in our Board member’s kitty palace. Another family saved. And, because of your donations to 4 Paws 1 Heart, everyone will be spayed/neutered when the time comes. It is up to us to stop the over production of innocent animals. ~ diana
Their Owners Moved and They Were Thrown Outside
4/8/16 – Unfortunately, this is the cruelty that we are faced with day in and day out — people who not only abandon their cats but throw them outside like trash. A truly feral cat has learned to live in the wild but a domesticated cat cannot. Uneducated or uncaring humans believe a cat is a cat! And, unfortunately, most times the animal is not spayed/neutered which means they have contributed to the overpopulation. The majority of the cats rescued on the streets by our friends, were once someone’s pet. It is truly heartbreaking!!
Here are four beautiful, very sweet cats who were thrown outside when their owners moved. The manager of the mobile home park wanted them gone “yesterday”. There are 3 intact males and 1 intact female. We are just praying the female is not already pregnant. Fortunately, the right person was contacted and she is trying to find forever homes for them ([email protected]). They will all be fixed, vaccinated, and tested complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Your donations afford us the opportunity to make a small difference in the world in which we live. ~ diana