4/2/17 – Please say a prayer for our Rosie Roo. ~ diana
“Hi Team, its me…Rosie Roo⚘ Soooo, apparently its a good thing mom caught me doing the butt scoot boogie across the patio this morning. While I was at the vetsgetting my bootie…ummm…emptied out..they noticed something that they thought requires further examination. Further examination mom???
Seriously…back there??? They told mom they felt some polyps, what the heck are polyps???
Anyways, they want mom to bring me back to have these polyp thingys checked out. So mom called Auntie Di at 4 Paws 1 Heart and 4 Paws loves me sooo much that they authorized for mom to make the appointment for next week. Umm thanks Auntie Di…I think 😯 Mom says it will all be ok and I shouldnt worry, but please say a little prayer that shes right. Anyway, thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart for always having my back….side! On that note, its time for all of us to get our treats, kisses & cuddles and climb into out soft beds. We love you all soooo much and will keep you posted on my bum! Love, licks, purrs, woofs & mews
❤ Rosie, Chance & the Gang”