11/12/19 – This little cutie, Willow, was found licking the cans in a recycle bin. He was so very hungry and the forecast for overnight was 3 to 5 inches of snow. Thankfully, our friend Jo A., was able to get him before the snow started and he is now warm and cozy. He will be tested, neutered, and vaccinated complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart and our generous donors. The need never ends! Our hearts break for all of these animals abandoned on our streets. – Diana
Daily Archives: November 30, 2019
Mia Bella, Poly, and Spike – 3 of 7 Kittens found on the Streets
11/11/19 – Poly and seven babies were all rescued at one time by our friend Jo Addington. Poly is a polydactyl which means she was born with the usual number of toes on one or more of her paws. She was rescued with seven kittens but the rescuer was unsure of who may have belonged to her Poly and Spike were immediately brought to vets becuase they had upper respiratory infections. Poly was found to have a low-grade heart murmur. Poly was actually adopted but then returned although 4p1h had committed to medical until Poly recovered. Now, both Spike and Poly are getting the last of their medical needs done. They are doing great and according to the doctors, heart murmurs are not uncommon for many cats. Spike has been adopted and will be going to his new home on Saturday. Poly is still looking for her forever home. Here is also Mia Bella who was one of the seven babies. Anyone interested in Poly or Mia Bella should contact: [email protected]
Just as a side note, there are a minimum of 50 cats/kittens who I still haven’t posted about
on this page. There has been an overwhelming number of cats and kittens needing our help this year so if there is anything you can do to help us with our medical efforts, it would be much appreciated. ~ diana
Cody – Found on the Streets and When Rescuer Ran Into Health Issues, Was Going to Euthanize Him
11/8/19 – Cody was found on the streets and no owner could be found. The person who found him ran into some health problems and was going to euthanize him. Streethearts Animal Rescue stepped up and took him in believing they had a foster but everything fell through. Cody is now in boarding and he was also found to have heart worm. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be paying for his heart worm treatment and if anyone is interested in fostering or meeting him, please contact Streethearts at: [email protected]
My heart breaks for these poor animals who continue to be treated as disposable objects. If you’d like to help with Cody’s heart worm treatment, donations can be made to:
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
thanks, diana
Marceline – Found on the Streets
11/7/19 – A huge thanks to the many people like Heather who rescue, socialize, and find homes for these innocents. But, without our supporters this would not be possible. – diana
“Look at her face! Marceline is the sweetest girl ever. She loves to snuggle, talk and follow you around. She has been socialized with dogs, cats and kids. She was born in April and she’s fully vetted thanks to Diana Rascano and #4paws1Heart. – Heather”
Cosmo, Little Man, and Tiger – Found on the Streets
11/6/19 – The need never ends. We were contacted in October about a mom and 7 kittens rescued by our friend Jo Addington. One baby is a polydachtyl (Poly) who has had to be seen a couple of times for a severe upper respiratory infection and these three boys (Cosmo, Little Man, and Tiger) have all been vetted and treated. Anyone interested in these cuties should contact Jo at: [email protected] . – diana
Feckles – Rescued from a Cat Community with a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection
11/5/19- Feckles is a community cat who has a serious upper respiratory infection. The caregiver was able to get him inside to clean up his eyes and we were able to get him to one of our partner vets for care. This is such a difficult time of the year because of the severe weather we are expecting. Please, please do what you can to provide shelter to these stray and abandoned animals. Or if they are domesticated, please try to contact a rescue organization or try to find an adopter. As long as we have the funds, we will help you get them medically vetted. And, most importantly, we need to work together to get everyone spayed/neutered. A huge thank you to the many individuals who don’t turn their backs on these innocent animals. ~ diana
Chaz and Sabrina – Found on the Streets
11/4/19 – H
ere is Chaz and Sabrina who were both found on the street. We were happy to take care of both of their medical needs. The kitten is Sabrina and the adult is Chaz. Anyone interested in these cuties, should contact Tina at: [email protected] Although we’ve had a great deal of requests for extensive illnesses/injuries, it is so important to be able to provide basic vetting needs to the stray, abandoned, and abused. Spay/Neuter and vaccinations are the best options we have to reduce the number of unwanted, sick animals. – diana
Street Beat – Interview with Diana Rascano, Co-Founder and President
11/2/19 – It was an honor to be invited with three other important organizations — Leader Dogs, Southfield Canine Police, and Paws With a Cause. My interview is during the final 6 minutes of the show. A huge thank you to CW50 and Streetbeat. – diana
Judas – At 10+ years old, Judas Was Pulled From a Municipal Shelter
11/1/19 – A rescue, who we have assisted recently with Baby Ryan, contacted us about an ‘urgent’ posting she saw on facebook. It was about a very sweet, 10+ year old, very emaciated cat who had been in a municipal shelter for a week. She wanted to know if we could back his medical bills if she pulled him Fortunately, we said “yes” and he was pulled from the shelter and taken to the vet yesterday. Judas was examined and blood work was done. The doctor said that Judas appears to be healthy with the exception of being very dehydrated and under nourished. He is a very long cat yet weighs only 5 lbs. His blood work showed no underlying issues. Judas is now in good hands and being fed sparingly every few hours. This was a very difficult Spring and Summer for the abandoned and abused but I’m afraid this upcoming Fall and Winter will be no better.
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
Syrio – Update
Syrio’s breeder brought him to a veterinary clinic to be euthanized because he had a cleft palate. I guess he was considered damaged goods. He was only days old but thankfully a vet tech at the hospital asked the breeder to surrender him instead. She then called another vet tech at a different hospital and she agreed to take him in. Amber, the vet tech, syringe fed him for 6 weeks because he couldn’t eat on his own. He is now a little over 5 months old and weighs 5 1/2 lbs. Amber contacted us to see if we could help him get his surgery in that both doctors, who have been seeing Syrio, recommended it. We’re hoping that we can get Syrio into a specialist, who we’ve worked with many times, next week. Thank YOU for your consideration. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080
UPDATE: Syrio saw a specialist and is scheduled for surgery in mid december. Here are updated photos.