Noelle – Update – Owner Wanted to Euthanize; Diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism

12/13/20 – Noelle Update! – Her story received hundreds of shares, I received several emails, and after spending lots of time on the phone I’m super happy to say my wish for her to be out of the hospital before Christmas has come true!! 🎄 She will be in a foster home and 4 paws 1 heart will continue to cover her medical until she is placed.
Noelle was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and cats can live a good quality life for years especially if caught early. We are looking into options for therapy and meanwhile she is on a pill 2 times a day.
Once we have a clear picture of her long term needs we will contact anyone interested in adoption.
If you are interested in making a donation towards her care we can definitely put it towards her food, blood work, medication, vaccines, etc. Our link is Just specify it is for Noelle. You can also mail a check to our PO box 84, SCS, MI, 48080
Thank you all so much!!!!! Gina and Noelle💓💕💗💖

Moore – RIP – May Have Ingested Rat Poisoning

12/11/20 – Moore - RI{ 12:11:20Yesterday I saw an urgent post about a stray kitty who was vomiting up blood, lethargic, and breathing hard. I recognized this kitty because he is one of the strays that I reached out for help to get a cat shelter for.
I responded asking the friend to transport the cat to a nearby hospital so that 4 paws 1 heart could get him help.
She rushed him there quickly and he was visibly not well.. Blood tests were run to check him for leukemia, organ damage, anemia, etc.. They suspect he was bleeding internally and he wasn’t going to make it. It is very possible that this sweet stray kitty ingested rat poison and the most humane thing to do was euthanasia.
The staff of Moore Veterinary Hospital was kind and compassionate during his last moments and we can just be thankful that he didn’t die alone on the street.
This is why your donations are so important and it is only because of our supporters that we are able to help alleviate animal suffering.
Please do not allow your cats to be outside. This is one of the many risks you expose them to.. Gina

Noelle – Dropped Off By Her Owner to be Euthanized

12/11/20 – noelle--12:11:20 noelle 12:11:20 12/11/20 – PLEASE PLEASE help me share this beautiful kitty to find her a loving home, or a foster home for Christmas.
We are calling her, “Noelle” and she was scheduled to be put to sleep two days ago.
The staff quickly realized that there were several lies involved in this “drop off” euthanasia. Moore Veterinary Hospital stepped up and offered the owner to surrender to, 4 paws 1 heart. We are covering her medical while she is awaiting a second chance..
It is not our place to pass judgment on the previous owners and we don’t know their situation. That is not the direction for this posting so please, NO negative comments.
Noelle is currently in boarding and she is very scared because all that she has known was stripped away. That is super stressful on any animal..
She is fixed, front declawed, friendly, 10 years old, and has lived with small dogs and cats in the past.
If you would like more information about Noelle please contact me at [email protected].
Please remember that we are not a rescue and therefore we have nowhere other than boarding for Noelle to go. That is why it is really important our friends and family share with hopes to giver her another chance. If you would like to donate towards her care the link to our PayPal and our PO box is or if you are interested in donating food she is on canned Instinct, Chicken, grain free.. Thank you♡

Theodore and Kennedy – Found in a Mobile Home Park; His Sibling (Kennedy) Died and He Recovered

12/11/20 – Theodore was rescued from under a mobile home with three other siblings. His bonded brother, Kennedy, became suddenly ill and was taken to an emergency hospital where he died. Shortly after, Theodore started showing signs of the illness and was taken to an emergency where he was found to have Panleukopenia. After days in the hospital and medical assistance from 4 Paws 1 Heart, Theodore went home. Today he is doing great and has bonded with his sister who he will be adopted with. Thank you to our many friends who continue to give these stray and abused animals a second chance at life. – diana

Dave and Buster – Found in a Trailer Park; Simone, Elvis, Franklyn, Honker, and Coco Dumped in a Wooded Area

12/9/20 – Meet Dave and Buster recently rescued from a mobile home park. And, Simone, Elvis, Franklyn, Honker and Coco, who were apparently dumped in a wooded area near the Spillway in Harrison Twp., MI. Dave and Buster are now with Tigerlily Cat Rescue after we took care of their medical needs. The five from the ‘spillway’ are to be tested and (paws crossed) if they test negative for FIV/FeLV, they will also be going to Tigerlily and we have offered to pay for their makeovers.
A huge thank you to our many supporters who donated during our Giving Tuesday $2,500 Match. Seventy Five (75) abandoned and abused animals will be given a second chance at life because of you and our amazing sponsor. May God Bless You, Your Families, and Your Furbabies. – diana

Irwin, Wombat, and Koala Rescued from the Streets

12/8/20 – Irwin, Wombat, and Koala (kittens) were rescued from the streets of Flint, MI in late September. We were asked to pay for their medical treatment which included testing, vaccinating, and neuter/spay and now we have received a happy update from their rescuer, Julia. Irwin (the panther) has a family ready to adopt him and Wombat and Koala (bonded siblings) have some ‘meet and greets’ lined up. Julia was concerned when she rescued them that they would not be adoptable but they have proven to be little purring machines. As always, a huge thank you to our many supporters, rescue friends, and partner veterinarians! – diana

Lucky – 4 Men Were Beating Him When a Good Samaritan Stepped In

12/7/20 – Meet Lucky. He was seen being beaten up by 4 men when a good Samaritan stepped in. He is now safe with Hogs for Dogs and he will be neutered, tested, and vaccinated complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Here is a photo 24 hours before Hogs for Dogs was able to get him, and the other photo is at intake and now. Anyone interested in Lucky should contact Hogs for Dog Rescue and please cross your fingers that his heart worm test is negative. We continue to be so very thankful for the many rescuers in our community and our generous supporters. – diana

Scout – Update in His New Happy Home

12/6/20 – Such happy news from our boy, Scout. He went from a storm drain to a ‘penthouse’. A huge thanks to foster mom,

Denise Najera, Auntie Debra Berolatti, and Kim, Scout’s new mommy, for all of the love. – diana

“SCOUT: Yous my Forever Mom!!! And I love you and I’m gonna give you kisses!!!!

Hey everybody, it’s me Scout!
Dis is my new Forever Mom! And I gotta new bedroom wit lots of new toys annnd a new big sister…Gemma!!!! I’m such a lucky little boy to have sooo much love already in my little life ❤
Moms gonna send you guys lots of pics and video and I’m already loving my new Forever Home! Thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart for everything you’ve done for me, and thankyou Team Chance for loving me! See you guys soon…
Love yous ❤ Love Scout”scout w:kim 12:6:20 scout in new home 12:6:20 scout in furever home 12:6:20 scout with his new sibling 12:6:2-

Captain – A Heart Inside and Out

12/4/20 – I want to leave you tonight with a smile. A dear friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart sent me this message and photo. Several years ago we had worked with him to TNR several cats who ‘hung’ around the shop he had worked at. A few were adopted out. This guy, Captain, was one of the lucky ones. Here is Kirk’s message:
“This is ‘Captain’, a receipient of 4 paws 1 heart’s love, I think in 2015. My friend got him when the original adopter couldn’t make things work with their other cat. Captain’s showing us his ‘4 paws and 1 Heart!’.”
I just love these happy updated! Captain is quite the handsome boy. – diana

Pepper – Surgery Discovered She Has Cancer

12/4/20 – Pepper Update — I recently posted about Pepper and the difficulty in deciding whether she should have surgery to remove the tumors knowing they most likely would return if cancerous. Today, Pepper had her surgery and it is not good news. Dr. Zalac contacted me and reported the following:
“Pepper tested negative for FeLV and FIV so we went ahead with the surgery. I removed 2 large growths from the back mammary glands but found another in the left armpit. I suspect the armpit one is a lymph node and I removed that one too. I did not submit for biopsy because with the enlarged lymph node, I feel there is no real need. I also updated vaccines. Hopefully, we can buy her 6-12 months of comfort before it comes back”
I knew when I approved the surgery that the prognosis could be grim but I felt that Pepper deserved a chance to live. Please keep her in your prayers that she does get an opportunity to know love and safety — if only for a short while.
Thank you to our many supporters who have made donations during our $2,500 Match Campaign. pepper w:bonnie cushing after surgery 12:4:20 All ancillary expenses to operate 4 Paws 1 Heart is donated by our Board. – diana