Blossom (mom), Walnut, Cedar, Birch, and Maple (babies) – A Very Difficult and Happy Rescue

5/21/21 – What would happen to the thousands of homeless animals on the streets without those who never turn their back on an animal in need? Here’s a mama and her family who will be thankful that her little family was saved and will find themselves a furever loving home. Here’s the message from their rescuer, Sara, ([email protected]):
“About 1 month ago my neighbors and I noticed a long haired calico cat actively running around the neighborhood. Last week I was able to see where she was going to, a huge pile of brush and wood in my neighbors backyard, out ran 4 little kittens. After over an hour of removing all the brush and stumps we were able to get to the bottom of the pile and get all 4 kittens. It was NOT easy, very dusty and very dark. That same night, I was able to trap momma in a live-trap, as she is very feral, and now have her in my sunroom. The kittens are all eating hard and wet food along with nursing from momma. They are about 4.5 weeks old and my best guess is that on June 11th they will be about 8 weeks old. They are all healthy and I plan on fostering and finding them homes once they are fixed and get their vet care. – Sara”
The family will be going to our frienBlossom w:sara taube 5:18:21 cedar, birch, walnut and maple- blossom's babies 5:20:21d’s clinic, Comfort’s Place, in Redford where they will get the ‘works’ — testing, vaccinating, spay/neuter, and parasite. treatment if needed. Please contact Sara if you are interested. – diana

Noelle – Rescued Before Being Euthanized; Still Having Health Issues

5/18/21 – noelle 5:18:21Prayers are needed for Noelle. ♡ She was brought to our attention around Christmas time when her previous owner was going to euthanize her due to unclear reasons… Moore Veterinary Hospital was kind enough to allow her to be surrendered to us so we could help give her a second chance.
At that time, she tested positive for hyperthyroidism and she had existing dental work that needed to be addressed. We offered to cover her medical because she was such a sweet cat that is only 10, and she could potentially have several more quality years. In the meantime, her foster family has fallen in love with her.
We were finally able to get her thyroid under control to then schedule her dental work. Unfortunately, she has been up and down with her appetite since. We are waiting on some lab results to hopefully get some answers. I should know more tomorrow and I will update as soon a I can. We are really praying 🙏for some positive treatable answers 🙏

Micky – Looking for His Furever Home

5/14/21 – Help and Please Share. Remember Micky? During the frigid temperatures this past February, Micky was rescued along with 5 other ‘younger cats’ who only needed basic vetting (spay/neuter, vaccines, parasite treatment, antibiotics, etc.) But, Micky appeared to be an old soul. He had a serious injury on his leg, most of his teeth appeared to be missing, he had a serious flea infestation, and worse, his eye appeared to be missing. Micky was taken to one of the best, Dr. Zalac, of Orion Animal Hospital, and Micky’s prognosis was dicey. The doctor confirmed he was in much pain and she was concerned that not only would he have to have an eye removed because it was so infected, but he might need to have a leg amputation. Also, he tested positive for FIV. AND, he was estimated to be only 10-12 months old not a senior as originally thought. At that time, the goal was to just get him healthy and happy again. Happily, his leg was saved with Dr. Zalac’s and his rescuer’s special care and his eye was removed in mid-March.
Micky now is looking for his Furever Home. This is how his rescuer, Heidi, describes “sweet Micky” today: “Funny, Comes When Called, Attached to his rescuer (or anyone who feeds him), Confident, Playful, Loves to climb and jump, Good with cats and dogs, and, Only has 3 little back teeth so there is no risk of biting and transmitting FIV”.
Unfortunately, Heidi has a small house with more than a few animals, one of whom likes to stalk Micky. Up until now, Micky was great at using his litter boxes, but Heidi thinks that the lack of personal space for Micky has resulted in him wanting to mark his territory. And now Heidi thinks he would be happier in a home with less animals and more space. Here is a current photo and a photo when he was rescued. Please consider giving this guy a home and if you can, contact Heidi at: [email protected] – diana
“There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat.” Tay Hohoff

Bentley, Barbie, Bailey, and Betty – Almost Died in a Hot, Abandoned Truck -Update

5/11/21 – Bentley, Bailey, Barbie, Betty 5:11:21 bentley, barbie, betty, bailey 5:11:21- bentley, bailey, barber, betty 5:11:21--I got to kitten-sit these adorable babies today to give foster mommy Dee a little break. ♡ 4 paws 1 heart is covering medical, and thankfully we were able to get them examined by Moore Veterinary Hospital today. ♡ All of them are loaded with coccidia. 🙁 They are on medication for the coccidia along with a probiotic and an antibiotic. ♡ Gina

Velvet, Stevie, Dahlia, Biscuit (aka Taurus, Aquarius, Wind, and Fire) – Update on Eye Removals

5/18/21 – On April 25, 2021 I posted about these babies. Patricia Brown, an avid TNR supporter and rescuer, took in these 4 kittens when a pregnant mom she had rescued lost all of her babies. In that she had a grieving, lactating mom, she thought she could make lemonade out of lemons by finding 4 kittens who had lost their mom. She read a post about 4 kittens found in Flint without a mom. They were very sick. She took them in and contacted us for help.
On May 13, the 4 were seen at one of our favorite clinics and was seen by Dr. Blasses who is our ‘go to’ doctor for eye issues in this area. Here is the report from Patricia:
“All kittens had their 6 week check-up and are very healthy and got their shots this morning.
Now for the not so good news:
Velvet will be able to keep both of her eyes.
Stevie Wonder will be having both eyes removed.
Dahlia, will have to have her left eye removed.
Biscuit, will be loosing his right eye. We think there is some vision in the left and it is looking better. He is due for a follow up visit in one week all covered by our amazing 4Paws1Heart!
I just can’t say enough what a true blessing Diana and this organization has been for us over the years. This has been my biggest challenge so far.-Patricia ([email protected])”
This will be a very costly undertaking for 4 Paws 1 Heart in a year and two months of being able to have only one restricted fundraiser. And, as I’ve said so many times, your donations save lives. Anything you can do to help is very much appreciated. Stevie Biscuit Dahlia Velvet 5:2021Thank YOU for your support – diana
“A cat has beauty without vanity, strength without insolence,

Blitz and Sabrina – Blitz Required Surgery for Pyrometra; Sabrina was Rescued at the Same Time

5/15/21- This past Thursday I received the following from Kim Thompson, who we’ve helped with many rescues:
“Hi Diana! I went to this house in melvindale today to get 4 very sick kittens and their mom and saw this other female kitty just laying on an outdoor couch. The lady said she had a baby 3 or 4 days ago laying in the yard. Well this kitty had ooze coming out of her ‘area’. I took her with me and we are at animal emergency center in Novi. They said she’s really sick and needs emergency surgery to remove her uterus and it’s $3,000.00. I said I can’t do that so they asked if I wanted to euthanize her I said no I’m not doing that either I’ll take her home and find another vet in the morning. So I put this 400.00 bill on my credit card. Can you help to get her surgery at some place more reasonable”
We immediately got in touch with our great friend Deb Friedman who owns Comfort’s Place in Redford. Deb contacted her vet and Blitz was taken in for pyometra surgery yesterday (Friday). Kim reported that after the surgery, Blitz is a” totalblitz w:kim thompson 5:14:21 blitz--5:14:21 sabrina rescued w:blitz by kim thompson 5:14:21 girl”. She is very sweet and the black cat in the photos is Sabrina who was rescued with Blitz. 4 Paws 1 Heart will also cover Sabrina’s standard medical needs which always includes spaying. These poor orphans go through so very much on the streets and they would just die horrible deaths if it weren’t for people like Kim and the help we can provide because of our supporters. Kim is hoping to adopt out Blitz and Sabrina as a bonded pair. If you are interested, please contact her at: [email protected]
Do you know what’s better than one cat? Two!!!!! – diana

Simon – His Mom was a Murder Victim and Her Kind Friend Took Him In

5/10/21 – Andy was a very frightened member of a cat community. We were contacted to assist with a very infected eye as well as taking care of the ‘usual’ medical needs of vaccinating and neuter. Unfortunately, like so many veterinary hospitals over the past year, the veterinary we would normally send him to was closed to due the virus hitting their staff. His rescuer was finally able to get him into another veterinary where it was determined that he would need his eye removed. That was done successfully, but of course he can’t go back to the wild. We will be covering the additional cost of his potential medical needs under the care of a doctor who not only has a hospital but a senior sanctuary. We are very thankful to Christina Hough and his foster Sherri for working so hard to get this boy the help he needed. – diana
“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.” Aesopsimon w:natalie meray 5:9:21

Andy – A Very Frightened Feral Cat Needed His Eye Removed and a Sanctuary

5/10/21 – Andy was a very frightened member of a cat community. We were contacted to assist with a very infected eye as well as taking care of the ‘usual’ medical needs of vaccinating and neuter. Unfortunately, like so many veterinary hospitals over the past year, the veterinary we would normally send him to was closed to due the virus hitting their staff. His rescuer was finally able to get him into another veterinary where it was determined that he would need his eye removed. That was done successfully, but of course he can’t go back to the wild. We will be covering the additional cost of his potential medical needs under the care of a doctor who not only has a hospital but a senior sanctuary. We are very thankful to Christina Hough and his foster Sherri for working so hard to get this boy the help he needed. – diana
“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.” Aesopandy w:christina hough andy w:christina hough 5:3:21

Mothers Day 2021 – Working to Keep Female Cats from Becoming Mothers

5/9/21 – Although we all appreciate and love our moms on this Mother’s Day, we work very hard to keep the many stray cats and dogs from being mothers. Your donations not only save the lives of the cat/dog who is rescued but means hundreds, if not thousands, of other lives will never be born to die horrible deaths on the streets. Since August, 2010, we have spayed/neutered over 8,000 stray, abandoned, and abused cats and dogs, along mothers day 2021 - mothers day 2021 posting mothers day 2021-- mothers day 2021==with any other medical needs required. When you consider that just one female cat can produce 15 cats a year for most of her life, and those kittens will go on to reproduce if not spayed/neutered, your donations have saved thousands of lives from NOT being born. Thank you so very much, on this Mother’s Day, for helping us in our mission. – diana