Buster and Bella – Their Mom Passed Away From Cancer

6/18/18 – Their mom just passed away after battling cancer. A forever home was found for them but a condition of the adoption was that all medical needs be addressed. Unfortunately, as senior dogs, both had serious dental issues which required not only cleaning, but teeth removal. In their mom’s memory, 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for their dental needs as well as their vaccinations. They are now on their way to live the rest of their lives with their new mom.

4 Paws 1 Heart has been inundated with requests for help. Unfortunately, this is the time of the year when many people believe that the medical needs for animals are at their lowest. This is NOT the case. Only with your financial support can we continue to help those who have no one else. Donations can be made by using the link on the left side of this page, on our website 4paws1heart.org or by mail at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080. Thank YOU so very much. ~ dianabuster 6:15:18 bella 6:15:18

Roxy – Found with Entropion of the Eye and Heart Worm Positive

6/14/18 – While at a microchipping/vaccine event, a couple talked about adopting another dog as a playmate for their dog. Arrangements were made for a trial visit, which worked out great with the family. Unfortunately, it turned out that Roxy had Entropion of the eye and required surgery and we were happy to pay for that. Roxy was doing well until it was found out that she was also heart worm positive. We have offered to assist the family with Roxy’s heart worm treatment. Roxy is in a good home where we know she will be loved and cared for. ~ diana

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Bones – Found Limping and Wandering the Streets

6/12/18 – Bones was found limping and wandering the streets. A very sweet dog who allowed himself to be picked up by the rescuer and placed in the car. 4 Paws 1 Heart was immediately contacted for help and we were happy to comply. Bones was taken to the vet and, thankfully, tested negative for heart worm, he was vaccinated and will be neutered in ten days when his paw will be rechecked. No owner has claimed him and he will be available for adoption. Both the vet and the rescuer were very impressed with his ‘sweetness’. Paws crossed that Bones’ paw will heal with rest. ~ dianabones 6:12:18bones---6:12:18 bones--6:12:18

Cypress – Her Dad Was Called Into Service and Then She Contracted the Parvo Virus

6/8/18 – I received a call from one of the veterinary hospitals we work with. A couple just picked up a dog from their brother who is in the Navy. The brother had recently rescued the dog and received orders that he was going on assignment. The sailor’s brother agreed to foster the dog while the dad was gone. On their way back from North Carolina, the dog, Cyprus, became ill and was immediately taken to the vet when they got home. Cyprus was diagnosed with Parvo Virus. We were thankful to be able to take on Cyprus’ care so his dad can just concentrate on serving our Country. Today he is doing well but now the brother’s dog is showing signs of contracting the disease. Please say a prayer for both dogs. This is sweet Cyprus ~ dianacyprus --6:8:18 cyprus 6:8:18

Lulu – Rescued From a Hoarding Situation

4/5/18 – Lulu was rescued from a hoarding situation. She is 14 years old and only 4.3 pounds. She was pulled from a local shelter by Bully Love Rescue and they will be taking good care of her while we help with the medical. She is in dire need of dental care and vaccines and will be seeing the vet today. Prayers for Lulu that she can find her forever home once healthy. Lulu was just groomed and I’m sure she is feeling better with just her recent grooming. ~ dianalulu -- 6:5:18 lulu 6:5:18

Freya – She Was Padlocked on a Short Chain 24/7

5/29/18 – This is the time of year when donations always seem to die down. I think because the temperatures are mild, there is a belief that the medical need for animals are reduced. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Summer brings more heart worm cases, upper respiratory infections, and more kittens and puppies who come with their own illnesses caused by the moms breeding too often.

This is Freya. She was one of a group of five dogs padlocked on short chains 24/7 behind a condemned house. The rescuer was brought in to try and help a month ago and everyone she reached out to couldn’t help. Freya had a piece of siding fall on her and she got so scared she slipped her collar. She was caught and brought into the rescuer’s home who will work at rehoming her. Freya visited the vet, complements of 4p1h, and she tested negative for heart worm and received all of her vaccines. She will be spayed in 3 weeks after she has had a chance to ‘chill out’. She is doing great in the rescuer’s home and bonding with the family’s pet.

It’s only with donations and support at our funderaiser can we afford to help animals like Freya. Donations can be made through paypal by using the link on the left side of this page or by mail at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080

freya -- 5:29:18 freya 5:29:18

Coco – Neighborhood Teenagers Were Trying to Set Her Tail on Fire

5/28/18 – Coco was rescued when neighbors noticed that young boys were trying to set her tail on fire. The neighbors took her in but their dog kept attacking her. We were contacted by the final rescuer asking if we could help with a vet visit; not only did Coco need her basic vet care, including spay, she was consistently leaking urine. Coco was seen by one of our partner vets and given antibiotics. She will be watched over the next couple of weeks and when healthy, she will be spayed and vaccinated. What makes young people want to torture defenseless animals???? ~ dianacoco 5:28:18

Hercules – A Look Back

5/26/18 – I remember that first day that Gina brought Hercules to our home. Every time he bent down to eat food or drink water, his back legs would rise up. My heart broke for what he went through. A person walking through the neighborhood saw a two-month old dog lying on the grass, seemingly dead — that was the beginning of Hercules’ story.
This video is a little long but so is Herc’s journey. Like our feline mascot, Chance, Hercules is an inspiration to all. Since Hercules came into our lives, Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Therapy for Pets (Dr. Tari Kern) has played an important role in many of the lives taken on by 4 Paws 1 Heart. Hercules will be at our July 14 5kWalk/Run for Fun and he (and his parents) are committed supporters of 4 Paws 1 Heart. 6 years later and when Herc sees Gina or I, there are licks all over. I can’t tell you how much I love this dog and respect our Board member Lori Jobak, Tari Kern, and Herc’s dad, Chris for all that they have done for this amazing boy. Shawn Ley, this was our first WDIV story. www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3c8VmPVipc&feature=share~ diana