Joy – Attacked by Two Dogs – Found Heart Worm Positive and With Tumors

2/10/20 – Late last month a woman witnessed 2 dogs attacking another dog. Her boyfriend was able to scare the 2 dogs away and the dog being attacked, Joy, ran under a bush on their property, injured. The couple was too scared to handle a stray dog with injuries so they reached out to Make A Difference Rescue.

Joy was used for breeding, she had sagging nipples and her coat was in bad shape. She had bite wounds around her neck and ears and was just exhausted from the attack. The rescue got her to their vet where she was found to have several medical problems. First she’s heart worm positive, second she needs to be spayed, and third she has tumors on her paw that have to be removed and biopsied. And on top of all of that, she is between 8-9 years old. Our friend at the rescue told us that she is “about as sweet as they come”. The first priority is addressing the heart worm so we were contacted to see if we could help with that. We were happy to take care of that for this very sweet and abused animal.- diana
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Mouse – Showed Up on a Porch Very Sick with Eye and Ear Issues

2/6/20 – Meet Mouse. His story started December 30 when I was originally contacted. Mouse showed up on a young man’s porch; the pitiful cat had obvious medical issues with his eyes and ears. It turned out that Mouse was one of 40 cats thrown outside after the resident moved. We approved to have Mouse seen by one of our vets who treated Mouse for an upper respiratory infection and who also saw that Mouse had a polyp deep in his ear. Mouse has had two surgeries since. The doctor was able to get most of the polyp out but because of the depth, wasn’t able to get all of it. (Prayers that it doesn’t grow back.) Mouse had also been drooling and when his mouth was examined during surgery, the doctor determined that 6 teeth needed to be extracted. Mouse is scheduled to be seen again in two weeks. We are hoping more teeth will not need to be removed.

This poor little guy has been through a lot but with the miracle of human touch and love, he is becoming very social and sweet. Although this case was much more than expected, we will see him through to whatever he needs. ~ diana

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Lodge – Update

2/5/20 – Lodge Update — A photo of the x-ray and the first doctor’s evaluation was referred to an orthopedic specialist. From the information provided, the doctor said that Lodge should see a neurologist because the damage appears to be in the spinal cord. Because there is some question as to the initial exam, we have decided to get a second opinion from one of our go-to veterinarians. Lodge was sent home with medication and I’m sure Dr. Z will try to see Lodge asap. – dianalodge w:thomas felicia 2:2:20

Chance – Keeping Him in Our Prayers

chance 2:4:20CHANCE: “Ewwww mom!!! Medicine is yucky!!!
But since Jasper has to take medicine too and I’m trying to set a good example for the kid I will try not to spit it out 😝

Hey Team, soooo since the 2 injections I’ve already recieved for my skin issues have not worked. We’re looking at other things that may be causing the problem. So today Dr. Z sedated me so she could do a skin culture and a skin biopsy. We’re looking for a resistant bacteria, autoimmune or skin cancer. It will be 7-10 days before we know anything and in the meantime Dr. Z has mom giving me a super strong antibiotic and I go back in 2wks to get my sutures removed. So, that’s all we know for now. Oh, and sidenote… Jasper had a huge eeeewy pooey at Dr. Zs 😝 So he also had a fecal test and also got a really yucky medicine to take. You think he did it to be in yucky Medicine solidarity with me?
Nah, me either… 😉
Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for taking care of me & Jaspers medical needs today, we know it was a pretty penny We love you!

Ooops!!! One more side note, guess who lost 1 whole lb….that’s right….this guy!!! I’m doing good on my diet, unlike some cats I know…not mentioning any names…..TWYLA THE GRUMP!!! 😂😂😂”

Lodge – Found on the Side of a Busy Freeway Unable to Walk

2/7/20 Update – Lodge is seeing Dr. Z today at 2:30.  His rescuer also reported that he is eating and drinking and even had a bowel movement all by himself.  Continued prayers. – diana

2/4/20 – Prayers for Lodge. He was rescued from the side of the Lodge freeway this past Friday. It was dark and the rescuer, Thomas, noticed Lodge’s little eyes gleaming in the dark. Thomas was on his way home from work. Thomas pulled back around and fortunately, was able to capture Lodge. The reason — little Lodge couldn’t use his back legs. After trying a couple of vets, we were able to get Lodge in to see a vet today who reported that Lodge’s pelvis and leg is fractured. He is also impacted with feces because of his injuries. The vet recommended euthanasia or a specialist. Lodge is a very sweet 1-year-old cat and we chose to consult with a specialist. This afternoon, one of our ‘go-to’ specialists will review the x rays and let us know what he thinks for next steps. We hope we can give Lodge a good quality of life. Thomas told me he has worked with animals his entire life, including elephants at the zoo, so he is ready for the challenge. I will update everyone as we hear. 100% of your donations are used to give these poor abandoned/abused animals a second chance at life. ~ diana
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Moonbeam – RIP – She May Have Been Poisoned

2/4/20 – RIP Sweet Moonbeam. A caring woman regularly TNR’s cats who find their way to her home. She then feeds them and builds them shelters as needed. Moonbeam showed up about 5 years ago with a mom and brothers and they’ve basically lived on her porch and in their shelters. The other night Moonbeam showed up appearing very sick. We were contacted and Moonbeam was taken to the vet but by then there was nothing that could be done. Moonbeam passed away and the doctor believes she was somehow poisoned. Run free, Sweet girl. ~ diana 2:4:20

Dash and The Knotted Needle – Getting Big and Strong; We Think His Leg Will Be Saved But He Will Need Prosthetics as He Grows

2/2/20 – A huge thank you to the Knotted Needle, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI for hosting an amazing fundraiser for 4 Paws 1 Heart.  Dash was with us and he is so good and he’s getting so big.  His foster, soon to be mom, is training him to be a therapy dog. ~ diana
dash 2:2:20

Lucky – His 4 Claws Were Chopped Off and His Arm Had to be Amputated

1/31/21 – Most of the rescuers we help assume the vets let me know what treatments have been given to the animals we refer to them. But, that is rarely the case unless further approvals are needed. In my follow up with Jim the other day, I learned that Lucky’s arm was removed. I didn’t notice that in the second (updated photo). ~ diana

1/30/20 – Whenever you are feeling down and start thinking there are no good people left in this world, know this. 4 Paws 1 Heart has assisted nearly 7,000 animals in the past 9+ years. And, you know what, 95% of these animals came to us through amazing individuals who didn’t turn their back on a stray/abandoned/abused animal in need. Jim is one of those. On December 23, 2019 here is what he sent me:

“I run a feeding station at my home for the local feral cats. I participate in TNR. I had a stray come right up to the door and seek me out. It is then that I found I have a stray that requires medical attention. His left front paw has the first 4 claws chopped off. I was hoping you could at a minimum put me in touch with a vet that will not take me to the cleaners trying to help this cat. Maybe one who will take payments over time. I have minimal funding, most of which is spent feeding strays, but I want to help and am willing to foster this animal until a permanent home can be found. He is about 9 months old I would guess and needs to be neutered as well. My primary concern is to take care of the left front paw, that seems to be an open medical need – Jim”

Well, of course we said we would take care of everything; that is what we do. Today, Jim gave me an update (second photo). Lucky is doing great. He is gaining weight and looking healthy. Lucky did have to lose his arm.There were two options, remove the arm now or remove what wwould be like our hand be removed at the wrist. After consultation with several vets, it was decided that removing the arm would be the best option for Lucky. Jim said he is now ready for adoption and hopes to find him a permanent home before he gets to close; Lucky is very affectionate. A huge thank you to all of the amazing people who rescue and provide or find forever, loving homes. ~ diana 12:23:19 lucky 1:30:20