Whiskey – Living in a Yard Without Human Support

1/7/20 – Whiskey was living in a yard without any support from the homeowners. Their hope was that she would run away. She appears to have lived most of her life outside but yet she is very sweet. Our friend, Shelley E. contacted me because she had found a foster and was going to pick her up. Whiskey was immediately taken to a vet to be examined and vaccinated. She will be spayed and receive any treatment that is needed. Fortunately, two very kind people also donated towards Whiskey’s medical care. Anyone interested in this girl, should contact Shelley at: [email protected] – diana
4paws1heartwhiskey w:shelley e 12:31:19 whiskey 12:31:19 w:shelley

Bubbas – RIP

1/8/20 – UPDATE: I have since talked with the vet hospital, the person who originally contacted us, and Chance’s mom, whom I had asked to contact the rescuer to give advice on how to give the medicine because she was having a problem. She also offered to find a foster for Bubbas because the rescuer said she was overwhelmed. The doctor who saw Bubbas on two occasions did not see what you see in these photos. We believe Bubbas went down hill between the time he saw the doctor and when the third party got involved and took him to the emergency hospital. I spoke to the doctor’s office this morning and they advised that they had called the rescuer to see how Bubbas was doing and they were informed that he had been humanely euthanized. Unfortunately, the rescuer was not experienced in this area. We have worked with the original doctor for years and she is the best in the field.

bubbas 1:7:20== bubbas 1:7:201/7/20 – RIP Bubbas. His story was a little confusing because of the number of people involved. 4 Paws 1 Heart had authorized his medical visit last week and within a 3 day period paid over $600 to have him tested, blood work done, examined, and given antibiotics. I personally spoke with the doctor and there was no indication of the severity of the situation as is seen in these photos. The doctor did say that there might be something going on that she could not visually see and that he might have Cat Scratch Fever, so she requested approval for blood work. Also, the cat had to be isolated because Cat Scratch Fever is contagious to humans. At 3 a.m., January 6, (some 3 days later)I received a phone call from a emergency hospital that we don’t work with, advising me that Bubbas had been brought in and they wanted to hospitalize him. I did not receive a diagnosis or a prognosis just an estimate of $800 to $1,600. After trying to find out what went on between January 3 and January 6, the person who had originally contacted me for help and who had just picked up the cat from the finder, made the very difficult decision to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge. The person who contacted me did not know the person who had the cat — she just saw a plea for help on facebook. This is very heartbreaking. It doesn’t make any sense to ‘rescue’ an animal if you truly aren’t going to make sure that animal has a warm, safe place to live and you are experienced if medical attention is needed. I absolutely feel so bad for Bubbas. I try my best to promptly respond to requests for help, but in this case, I should have done more to make sure this cat would be in a good situation after the medical care. – diana

Dash – Update

1/5/20 – dash 1:5:20 dash-1:5:20 dash--1:5:20Dash update..
This little puppy has been through a whole lot in his short little life so far.. These are pics of what his foot looks like as of today. I haven’t posted pics of his injury prior because the photos from 3 weeks ago were very graphic.
My goal was to prevent this puppy’s foot from further infection, prevent amputation, get some weight on him, get his age required shots, and make sure he knew he was loved by everyone he meets.
His foot is healing nicely, he has doubled in size (3.5 lbs to 10 lbs) in 3 weeks, and he is a fearless puppy with an entire future ahead. Unfortunately, we will never know the cause of his injury.
We can only assume he experienced a major traumatic event causing him to lose a large portion of the underside of his foot involving tissue and tendon loss, sloughing paw pads and toe nails, and a dislocated toe. Also, 3 of 4 back toes are totally fused together and the section between what’s left of the big pad and the small pads is flattened.
He puts weight on the foot, but when he is in pain he turns his foot outward to shift his weight.
I haven’t made a decision on his placement because my focus has been his immediate healing.
Now, my plan is to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in this area.
Even tho Dash is doing wonderful I cannot ignore the injury he sustained to a part of his body that can be the most difficult to heal because of weight bearing and because he is a large breed growing pup.
He may need nothing major, or he could have special needs with that foot for the rest of his life.
I have spoken to several Veterinarian’s over the last 3 weeks and everyone has been helpful in one way or another. Now, I am thinking of his future and what he may need longterm. It’s all about him and giving him the best opportunity to thrive.
Thank you all for your support and prayers. He is one very special boy. I will update again once we know more.

Jasper – Update

1/5/20 – Please continue your prayers for our boy. I’m confident that had he not been rescued, he would have died a horrible death. We just pray that we can help him recover fully. He couldn’t be in better hands than with our Board member and Chance’s mom, Denise. – diana

“Good morning Team, Happy Sunday!
Sooo, my mini me Jasper is not moving around too much this morning. Mom says he was actually feeling better last night then he does this morning. But he did eat his breakfast and moms hoping he feels better after he makes 💩. Moms giving him Mirilax to help with that. Also last night he peed on his own in the box, but nothing overnight and mom had to express him this morning. Annnnd his abscess had closed overnight so mom had to reopen it this morning. Not sure who shed more tears over that, Jasper or mom. We know it was painful to Jasper becuse, mom taking that scab off and gently prying the wound back open…becuse he cried. But….Dr. Z was very specific in her instructions about keeping it open at least a couple days so the infection can continue to drain. Mom knows what to do, and shes following Dr. Zs instructions to the letter. Work with us baby boy, we need you to make that turn around and start getting better! Please continue to keep Jasper in your prayers Team, these next couple days are soooo important that we get this turned around 🙏 – Chance”

Jasper – Update

1/4/20 – Please say a prayer and send positive energy for our boy, Jasper. He is under the best care possible but we don’t even know where his needs will take us. He is such a little doll and deserves a second chance at life. Thank YOU for everyone supporting his medical needs. ~ diana

 JASPER 1.4.20 JASPER 1:4:20--- JASPER 1.4.20=“Hi Team, mom here….we’re home.

Sooo, the good news is the big lump on Jaspers spine was an abscess. Dr. Z was happy about that becuse it means we can hopefully treat the problem. The bad news is its an infection very close to his spinal cord and did we get it in time? Thank God for4 Paws 1 Heart and Dr. Z. The abscess has been lanced and there was a ton of green pus inside.
It must remain open now for the next couple days at least so we can use warm compress and let the infection continue to drain as we keep the wound very clean. We are also aggressively treating with antibiotics and Dr. Z is also doing a culture of the fluid. Now it’s a wait and see game over the next few days to see if he improves or not. And all of this is besides the sacroiliac joint break 😔 Please, please keep Jasper in your prayers and if you are able please consider making a donation towards his medical care which at this point is likely to have exceeded a $1000.00…. so far. I say so far, becuse things are still very uncertain as what else may be needed going forward. Thankyou so much Team Love, Mom”
P.O. Box 84
St. Clair Shores, Mi 48080
Please note for Jasper


People Reached



Jasper – Update

1/4/20 – Unfortunately, our little Jasper, who could have died a horrible death on the side of the road, continues to have emergency medical needs. Thankfully, Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital, was able to get him in today. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

jasper 1:2:20CHANCE: Goood morning Team, Happy Saturday! Well, our little man Jasper is still not using his box but he did empty his bladder over night on a peepad in his crate. He had one ittybitty little ball of 💩 stuck to his tail this morning as well. He’s had all his meds, ate a decent breakfast…but mom had to hold his bowl up for him while he ate so we know it hurts to bend his head & shoulders down to eat. The bump on his back is no smaller either. He had a nice, warm little bath up to his waist and he seemed to enjoy the warmth. Mom and Auntie Debra will be leaving about 8:30 with Jasper to see Dr. Z. If anybody can give us answers, it’s Dr. Z
We’ll keep you posted, meanwhile have a SuperHero kind of Saturday!!!

Jasper – Update

1/2/20 – An update on Jasper.

“CHANCE: Ok Team, here is our Jasper. So, the first pic is of the fracture of Jasper’s sacroiliac joint, the second pic is a side view and shows the spot on his spine that we were worried about the swelling. The swelling is due to soft tissue damage that took this long to bruise & swell to this point. And 3rd pic.. all those little things that look like rocks in his tummy…poop!!! Jasper had not pooped or peed since yesterday morning and mom was about to give him Miralax on his dinner but the swelling combined with no poo, time of day and our regular vets could not get him in today, we were taking no chances as you can see the swelling looked pretty severe. So the poop was an emergency within itself beacuse of Jaspers fracture he would not have been able to push it out. So right now the doctor put Jasper fast asleep so he feels no pain while his poo is removed via enema. Jasper will be able to come home tonight with poo gone, refill on his pain med and also inflammation med for the swelling. He will be getting Miralax on his wet food and no dry food for now. Poor little guy, the dr said it had to be a pretty severe trauma to fracture where it did, and cause this kind of soft tissue damage. Well little guy, you will never again be put in the position to be hit by a car. You are safe, loved & cared for.

This is Jaspers second emergency room visit in 4 days. The total for both visits will be as you can imagine very expensive. If you are able any donation to help would be very appreciated.
Thankyou Team ❤”
4paws1heart.org/donations/jasper--1:2:20jasper==1:2:20jasper=== 1:2:20

Happy 2020 to All of Our Friends

1/1/20 – Happy New Decade to our over 13,000 Friends. I know most people make resolutions in the new year but the Board of 4 Paws 1 Heart has already resolved, back in 2010, to reduce the number of abandoned/stray/abused animals by funding medical treatment and thereby helping to find forever homes. For 2020, our prayer is that all of the work done by 4p1h and the many other rescuers in our State will result in less cats and dogs being born alone on the streets. 2019 was a very tough year with an unbelievable number of heart worm cases, broken limbs, eye removals, and not too mention the spay/neuter of any animal we touched.
Once again, we sincerely thank every person who has rescued, all of our financial supporters — small businesses and individuals, and the many great veterinarians who continue to work with us. We wish all of our friends a 2020 filled with much love, laughter, good health and many doggie/kitty kisses, Here is one of those animals who because of the Village will have an amazing life. He was left behind by his owners after they moved from their home. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
jessica miller left behind by renters 2:12:19 jessica miller ramirez

Syrio – Had His Cleft Palate Surgery and is Doing Great

12/31/19 – Syrio Update. Syrio had a cleft palate and was surrendered by his breeder to a veterinary hospital. He also had a broken jaw. The generous veterinary staff covered the medical needs for his jaw and asked if we could pay for his cleft palate surgery. After waiting for him to gain enough weight, he had his surgery yesterday and here is the update from the veterinary technician who took him in and who will be his forever mom.
“Syrio’s surgery went well. He is will be staying the night. I will pick him up tomorrow! Thank you everyone for all your prayers, love and support. It means more than you will ever know. — Amber”
Thank you to our many supporters for making miracles happen. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

syrio 12:30:19