Flokie – Small But Mighty; Rescued at one-week Old

7/21/21 – Flokie was rescued from the outside when she was just one week old. Her finder bottle fed her for three weeks and called us because Folkie wasn’t moving his bowels and his little penis was swollen. On 6/29, his finder contacted us for help. Folkie was seen by one of our veterinarians on 3 occasions, at the last one he was kept overnight. He had been given medications and an enema but nothing had worked. Finally he had a bowel movement and today he is doing great. His rescuer said that “He’s Small But Mighty”. He is scheduled to go to his furever family next week. YEAH!! A huge thanks to Claudia his savior, his new family, and our many donors and veterinarians who work with us. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

Prince – He was Left to Die on a Huge Chain – Update

7/21/21 – Prince Update – He was left to die on a huge chain wrapped around his neck. This was at the height of the brutal month of January, 2021. He was malnourished, infested with fleas, and fly bites from the summer. He had a severe rash around his neck. After his rescue he tested positive for heart worm. Unfortunately, he had to get much stronger before he could start his treatment but we made sure he was monitored. He finally ended all treatment and was recently seen by one of our great partner vets and he got a clean bill of health. So very happy for this boy. – Diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

Eva, Jamies, Artimas, Howie, Honey and Tabby – Rescued From the Streets

7/20/21 – Often our followers believe we just assist felines but that is not the case. It is just that in the past 16 months, there have been more cats and kittens on the streets that have ever been seen before by many of the rescuers and just general public. Why?? There are probably many reasons. It’s been very difficult to get cats into veterinary hospitals as well as low-cost clinics because of pandemic restrictions and the inability for the hospitals to keep up with the demand. Lack of staff. Pet owners out of work found it necessary to leave their animals behind or to let them go. And the fact that cats can reproduce as early as 4 months old and can have 3 litters a year — very much unlike canines — just escalates the issue. I will be trying to post some of the cats we assisted throughout 2020 and 2021 that I just didn’t have the opportunity to post, just to give our supporters a sense of how their money is spent.This is Eva, Jamie, Artimas, Howey, Honey, and Tabby. All were seen by our partner veterinary hospitals for the standard medical needs and some were also treated for upper respiratory infections which is often the case when kittens/cats are left on the streets for a period of time. – diana.


Baxter and Tawny – Found behind a garden center; one with a botfly, the other with fluid in her sinuses

7/20/21 – Last Wednesday evening I received a call from a rescuer we have often helped. Here is the story of Baxter and Tawny:”They were found at Hall’s nursery and were initially put in a safe space out of the weather in hopes that the mom would come back. The next day they were still alone; there was no mom in sight. The store employees reached out to me for help and when the kittens were brought to me, I realized that the smallest one, Baxter had a botfly. He was very listless, rolled up in a ball and not responding to any food at that time and the other kitten, Tawny, appeared to be aspirating as she was blowing bubbles out of her nose. – Patricia” Patricia contacted me and because the day veterinaries were all closed, I contacted our friends at Advanced Animal Emergency who advised to bring the kittens into the hospital. The kittens were seen shortly after arrival and the botfly was removed from Baxter and he was put on antibiotics. Tawny was x-rayed to determine if she had fluid in her lungs and none was found. But, she did have fluid in her sinuses. She was also put on antibiotics.and Baxter was put on Antibiotics, next morning he was vocal and had a good appetite and is doing great. By the next morning both were doing well, eating, drinking, and playing.Patricia believes the kittens are not from the same litter, as Baxter is only 6.7 oz. and his teeth are just now starting to come in, so she believes he is about 2+ weeks old. Tawny, on the other hand, is 9 oz. and her teeth are fully in and she is more than likely 3+ weeks old. Anyone interested in adopting these babies when they are old enough should contact Patricia at: [email protected] contacted the finders and no other kittens were found; there are multiple cats in the area, so the mother couldn’t be determined. They appear to be taken care of by a neighbor but, unfortunately, she has not TNR’d any of them. Obviously situation that needs to be addressed. But, again, the number of these types of situations are overwhelming. The wonderful volunteers who do trap/neuter/return are overwhelmed and under-resourced. The low-cost clinics are doing the best they can but still behind because of the restrictions and closures of 2020. Most often the individual rescuers are using their own money or asking 4 Paws 1 Heart for help. In the past ten years we have helped hundreds of TNR projects but because my resources are limited, I have not had the time to go after grants as many much larger rescues are able to do. Consequently, we have had to rely on our very generous donors. – diana.4paws1heart.org/donations/

Bambi & the Mobsters – Bambi, pregnant when rescued, has 9 babies

7/19/21- WARNING – If you are or ever have been a ‘mobster’, please don’t take offense at this post. (haha)Meet the Mobsters. Bambi (mama) was rescued from an area inundated with dumped/stray animals. Unfortunately, the area is near a mobile home park where our experience has been the same no matter where that park is. The area is also on a very busy main street which poses quite a danger to stray animals. Bambi was pregnant at the time. Our dear friend, Debbie, rescued Bambi and our other dear friend, Deena, took her in to have her babies. And, boy, did she have them — NINE babies. Here is Bambi, and her babies Fat Tony, Guido, Capone, Bugsy, Clyde, Dilinger, Bonnie, Doll Face, and Baby Face Nelson. Everyone will be getting their make overs tomorrow and will be ready to find their furever homes. These photos are when they were a little younger but they will be with our very good friends and Ferndale Cat Sheter at Catfe in case you are interested. A huge thank you to the rescuers, vets and staffs, the fosters, and especially our donors who have made this possible in a year where most non-profits have been struggling. God Bless Everyone. – diana

Trap/Neuter/Release – It Takes a Village

7/17/21 – These kitties will never be responsible for the over population of kittens again thanks to a wonder group of volunteers attempting to TNR a colony of 20-30 cats, a veterinary in the Lansing, MI area, and some help from 4 Paws 1 Heart. Here are some of the ten we helped with. Your donations and your attendance at our fundraisers save lives!!! – diana

Walter – Update from His Foster Mom

7/14/21 – Walter Update from our good friend, Melissa. Please remember this sweet boy in your dreams. Also, please remember to maintain your pet’s/pets’ vaccines and prevention. – diana
We are a week post first heartworm injection. Walter is doing well. The first day was torture – he cried all night after I picked him up. We added some pain meds and he turned around pretty quickly. He is on complete rest until his treatment is over which is another 53 days (but who is counting)? He gets a second and third shot (deep into his back muscles) 28 and 29 days after the first. Then it’s 30 more days of complete rest while the heart worms die and his body breaks them down and absorbs them.
He is naturally a really calm dog so we don’t have to crate rest him (plus he goes crazy in the crate). The steroids, pain meds, and gabapentin have made his walking much better also so I don’t have to carry him as much. He loves to chew bones so those have been a great help in keeping him less bored.
My heart breaks for this dog and the treatment he has to endure. It has made me less complacent about ensuring Nali and Jonas get their treatment on time each month.
Here are a few updated pics…

Porter – Births 9 Babies; One Stillborn

7/14/21 – It was June 20, 2021 when we were contacted about Porter. She was part of a cat community and the caretaker said that she had almost died after having two pregnancies. Porter is very small and her babies had been very big. Our 4p1h friend, Christina, was contacted and she then contacted us. First Porter was taken to one of our partner vets to determine her pregnancy status and to determine how many kittens were to be born and whether it would be best for a C-Section. 7 kittens were seen at the time and it looked like she was close to birthing; a c-section was not recommended. On July 13, Porter had 6 babies by 4 a.m. By 8 a.m. the expected 8th baby did not come out so we were ready to authorize an x ray to see if a baby was still in there. At 10:43 a.m. a stillborn kitten came out followed by a living baby. This poor mama!!!! Today she is doing well and caring for her babies. Porter will never have another litter in that we have committed to her medical care after she weans her babies. We have also committed to her babies. Anyone interested in adopting anyone when they are ready, should contact Christina at: [email protected] – diana
“There’s nothing quite like a mother’s love, and moms from the animal kingdom are no exception. ” – Unknown
May be an image of dog and cat

Randy – Found Under a Mattress with Other Debris at the Roadside

7/14/21 – Meet Randy. Friday (July 9) night a young man found him partially under a mattress with other debris at the roadside. He stopped, called 911 & then Streethearts Animal Rescue was called. The injury is not new & the poor, young dog was in so much pain. Streethearts took Randy to a vet the following morning where x rays were taken. There was a concern that his leg was fractured. Fortunately it was not but he had a severe abscess in the joint that had to have a draining tube inserted. He stayed with the vet while that was being completed. He was given antibiotics for a severe infection, pain meds and was tested for heart worm. The doctor thought he might have been in a dog fight 10-14 days ago where the wounds were inflicted. As with so many rescues, Streethearts has been inundated with serious medical cases and we were thankful that we could pay Randy’s bill. Anyone interested in adopting Randy should contact Streethearts Animal Rescue. – diana

Tommy – Caught in a Car Engine

7/13/21 – Tommy was caught in a car engine and was found with a bloody head and damaged ears. He also had an upper respiratory infection which delayed the ability to perform any surgery. Tommy was very feral and the delay to get him treated and neutered was very challenging for the rescuer. But finally everything was completed and Tommy is now in a sanctuary, never to be on the streets again. – Diana Rascano4paws1heart.org/donations/
May be an image of dog and indoor