Leo – Goes HOME!!

leo--1:16:20leo---1:16:20leo 1:16:201/16/20 – Great News!!! After 3 days of fluids with lots of in-hospital care including force feeding and antibiotics, the great staff at Center Line Veterinary reported that little Leo is bouncing off the wall and eating and drinking and having normal bowel movements. This past Monday he was put on oral antibiotics and was vaccinated and dewormed. His rescuer is ecstatic!!! Miracles can happen when a village comes together. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/leo w:center line 1:10:20

Chance – His Skin Infection Isn’t Going Away and He Has a Cold

1/14/20 – CHANCE: “OMG!!! Dr. Z gives the bestest back scratches and rubs!!! I love Dr. Z  Sooo, Dr. Z says my skin infection actually is improving, but I needed to get another antibiotic shot annnd she gave mom a bottle of medicated shampoo and mom will have to bathe me 2-3 times a week till I’m all better. Lucky for mom I’m used to having baths when I was paralyzed, so hopefully I’ll be a good patient . Thankyou Dr.Z & 4 Paws 1 Heart for taking such good care of me chance w:dr. z 1:14:20

Misha – Found With Severe Abscesses in a Very Dangerous Neighborhood

1/14/20 – Misha was another found on some very dangerous streets. She had a severe abscess which needed quick attention. 4 Paws 1 Heart was contacted and we took care of all of Misha’s needs including treatment for the abscess, heart worm test, spay, and vaccines. She is a very sweet dog and we are thankful for her rescuer. ~ diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/misha--1:14:20 misha 1:14:20

Marabella – Found Living Under a Porch

1/13/20 – Marabella was living under the porch of someone we’ve helped in the past. The homeowner had been feeding her but the temperatures were getting colder. Marabella was trapped and with our help was examined, vaccinated, tested, and spayed. Just recently I asked how she was doing. Well, it turns out that the grandparents of the family who rescued her came into town for Christmas and they spoiled her. In the mean time, Marabella “stole the hearts of the rescue family”. What a great start to the new year for a beautiful cat and wonderful family. ~ diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/marabella 12:2:19 marabella --12:2:19 marabella--12:2:19 marabella 12:18:19

Maebe – Left Behind When Her Owners Moved

1/13/20 – Unfortunately, we are contacted about too many cases like this — a stray cat, very friendly, shows up at a home or apartment. My presumption is that the owner/tenant moved and threw out the cat. I could be wrong, because we do know cats are good escape artists but often the neighbors see exactly what I suspect. This is Maeby. She showed up at an apartment building and fortunately a kind person took her in. She was very thin and had severe diarrhea. Of course, we approved her vet visits where she was treated for immediate medical needs, vaccinated, and spayed. The rescuer gave her a forever home. ~ diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/maeby 10:15:19

Jasper – Concerned That He Could Be Blocked

jasper1/12/19 – Little Steps and a weekend of good news. First we heard that Leo made it through Friday night and was eating. We won’t get another update until tomorrow. And this morning we have good news on our boy, Jasper.- diana

A message from Jasper:  “Gooood morning everybody, it’s me Jasper! Guess who pooped in his bed all by himself…yep me!!!! No it wasnt in my litterbox, but mama didnt care, cus I was able to get it out all by myself without mama’s help.
Yay me!!!!”

Leo – Rescued From an Abusive Home Where He Contracted Leptospirosis

1/12/20 Leo Update – Leo is eating and getting stronger.

1/11/20 – Leo Update! As of 2:30 this afternoon, Leo is holding his own. He is eating and performing necessary body functions. I think your prayers are working. Keep them coming. Thank You, diana

1/10/20 – Prayer warriors needed. This is Leo. I received a call from one of the veterinary hospitals we work with asking if we could help this 10 week old puppy. He was rescued from an abusive home where he was kept in a closet and rarely fed. After being rescued, he became very ill and was brought into the vet. After spending all of the money the puppy’s angel had, more money was needed. The vet suspected the puppy had contracted the parvovirus or leptospirosis. The staff contacted us and I agreed to cover the medical help needed.
I now know that Leo contracted lepto and that is what he is being treated for. The staff loves this little guy and told me he has been constantly giving the staff kisses. When Leo’s rescuer learned that the medical care for Leo would be covered he cried. Your donations save lives. ~ diana

leo from center line 1:10:20 leo 1:14:20 leo w:center line 1:10:20

Tigs – A Community Cat Who Showed Up With a Leg Wound

1/9/20 – Over the years, we have helped many community cats in Hamtramck, MI and we are thankful for the many wonderful people who take care of them. Tigs is a little guy who showed up with lacerations on his legs. We immediately made arrangements for Tigs to be examined and treated by a vet and once he healed, we also made arrangements for Tigs to be neutered, tested, and vaccinated. The couple who contacted us is making sure that Tigs has warm shelter in that he does like being outside but also committed to keeping him inside during frigid temperatures.- diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/Tigs w:natali A. tigs 10:31:19

Sparrow – Very Emaciated and Found Rummaging Through Trash Cans; May Have Recently Had Puppies

sparrow 1:8:20 sparrow 1:8:20--1/8/20 – Meet Sparrow. She was going through the trash cans of a neighbor — very emaciated and may have just had puppies, although none could be found. The rescuer attempted to find an owner without success and 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for her to have x-rays to ensure there were no puppies left, have a heart worm test, get her vaccines, and be spayed. The rescuer said she is very sweet and was already feeling very comfortable in her bed. ~ diana

Lil Bit, Precious, FeeFee, Garfield, Little Lady – Found on Streets

1/7/20 – I try not to overload with our stories but there are so many to tell. Here are five beauties, all found on the street, their spay/neuter had already been scheduled but they needed immediate help for upper respiratory infections. In some cases, the first round of antibiotics did not work and additional meds were prescribed. Also, FeeFee may have pneumonia and may need a chest x-ray. We are following up on that. Here is Lil Bit, Precious, FeeFee, Garfield, and Little Lady. Only with your donations can we possibly afford to help all of these animals. – Diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080lil bit 1:7:20 precious--1:7:20 feefee 1:7:20 garfield 1:7:20 little lady 1:7:20