Carla – Has a Worrisome Bump on Her Forehead

11/26/19 – Prayers for sweet Carla. She has worked hard for two years so that some day she could walk and now this. Praying that the ‘bump’ is nothing. – diana

“CHANCE: Hey there Team! Sooooo, mom has cancelled Carla’s pt at Pawsitive Steps tomorrow and instead mom & Auntie Debra will be making the trip to Orion AnimalHospital to see Dr. Z.
About 4wks ago mom noticed a little tiny bump on Carla’s head that she thought may be a bug bite. But after 2wks it didnt go away and was a little larger. When Carla saw Dr. Kern her last pt, mom showed it to her for her opinion. Dr. Kern measured the “bump” at 1/2 centimeter and advised to send pics to Dr. Z which mom did. Dr. Z thought it best to bring Carla in and either do a needle aspiration or remove the growth all together and send it in to make sure it’s nothing to worry about. Mom called Auntie Di right away and of course Auntie Di agreed and 4 Paws 1 Heart will be backing Carla’s medical. We will know more after Dr. Z sees her in person in the morning, as to whether she will remove or aspirate. So please send good vibes Carla’s way, that it’s just a goofy weird bump and nothing more serious. Could you please send mom some good vibes too? Cus Carla doesnt know it yet that shes missing pt and even worse that she wont be getting any breakfast! She has to fast so shes ready for whatever decision Dr. Z makes in the morning. But….a hungry Carla is a cranky Carla, sorry mom 🙄
We’ll keep you posted as soon as we know anything.
Sweet dreams Team, see you tomorrow!
Love Chance, Carla & the Gang”carla 11:25:19 carla--11:15:19

Smiley and Pumpkin – Rescued from the Streets

11/25/19 – This is the week of Thanks. Thank you to our many supporters who have helped us save so many animals this past year. Quite honestly, there are so many it is hard to keep up with the postings. We continue to authorize medical treatment for the many animals born this past Spring and Summer and your donations are critical.

Here is Smiley( first 3 photos) and Pumpkin. One was rescued from the street and one was rescued after he was brought into a veterinary hospital. If you are interested in either, please contact Tracy at: [email protected] ~ diana

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Baby Kitty – One of 7 Kittens Who Survived But Appeared With a Broken Leg

11/23/19 – Baby Kitty was one of 7 kittens born to a feral cat who was being fed by a caring woman. Of the 7 kittens, one was found dead, one was found dead in the street after being hit by a vehicle, and one just disappeared. The homeowner cared for the family for about 4 months when one of the kittens showed up with a broken leg. We were contacted for help and we arranged for the kitten to be seen by a doctor. Unfortunately, it was determined that Baby Kitty’s leg could not be saved and had to be amputated. Baby Kitty is socializing very well and the rescuer will be trying to catch the rest of the family and get them spayed/neutered and hopefully socialized. I can’t thank our donors enough for making these happy beginnings possible. ~ diana Kitty w:angela stovall 9:6:19 baby kitty 9:3:19=== baby kitty 9:3:19 baby kitty w:angela stovall000 baby kitty stovall 8:29:19--

Jack and Jill – Their Owners Were Going to Leave Them Outside After Moving

11/21/19 – Honestly, I just don’t get it. Two days ago we received an e mail from our friend Jo A. about two cats in Mt. Pleasant who were going to be dumped outside because their owners of 5 months were moving and wouldn’t be taking them. They never saw a vet and we were asked to provide all vetting, including spay/neuter, if a foster could be found. We agreed and our friend found a foster. The cats, now named Jack and Jill, were transported from Mt. Pleasant to Canton and now they are safe and scheduled for their makeover on November 29. Anyone interested in these beauties should contact: [email protected] – diana jill

Diva – Returned by Her Owner After 2 Years – Dying from Depression

11/20/19 – Having been through this with my baby, Conner, after his buddy passed away, when our friend Debbie contacted me about Diva, I just figured we would find a way to pay for what was needed. And although the medical bill will be close to $600 and we’ve had a lot of serious needs lately, Diva, just deserved a second chance. Here is her story:

”This is Diva, I adopted her out 2 years ago. At the time, I thought it would be a wonderful home! The adopter was a senior who was home all the time and she said she needed a companion! Fast forward to now, the adopter returned her to me, about 2 months ago! She said she got a car, her brother moved back to Michigan and she said she was going to be gone a lot and decided she didn’t want her any more! Diva was a broken soul when I picked her up! I was in tears by the time I got home! Diva cried like a baby, all the way to my house! I know she was so confused as to why she was given back! I put her in my cat room, and all she did was stare at the wall. Since then she has stopped eating, which caused a fatty liver. She can get better, but only with a feeding tube! Can you please help Diva? – Debbie”

During this process 4 paws 1 heart has paid for medical visits and blood work which brought the doctor to this last recommendation. Please help us if you can because the only way we can continue to help these abandoned animals is with your donations and support. Thank you, diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080diva 11:20:19

Silky – Showed up at the Rescuer’s Home with a Prolapsed Rectum

11/19/19 – Silky showed up with a prolapsed rectum and needed surgery as soon as possible. We covered the surgery and medication and another rescue covered the remaining balance. The rescuer will be taking in this poor soul to foster and hopefully find a furever home. The need is so great right now and all of us involved in the rescue world are overwhelmed with the number of animals needing medical treatment. Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated. ~ diana

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Magnolia – Update After Her Orthopedic Surgery

11/18/19 – Happy Update! You might remember Magnolia who was thought to have been hit by a car. A good Samaritan brought her to one of our partner vets and one of the vet techs there contacted us to see if we could help. Magnolia’s leg was fractured in a couple of places and her jaw was broken. She was just a baby and the doctors recommended a specialist or amputation. 4 paws 1 heart didn’t have the heart to have her leg amputated so she was seen by a specialist who performed orthopedic suregery. The doctor who originally examined her took care of her jaw. Now, guess what? Her savior, Jenna, the veterinary technician, who took her in to foster has fallen in love and asked if she could be Magnolia’s furever mom. We said “Of course, you’re the one who saved her!”. Here’s 3 photos of Magnolia now, and her when she was first brought into the veterinary hospital. This is how your dollars are spent. Making miracles happen for animals and the humans who fall in love. ~ diana
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Pet Supplies Plus – Assisting Independent Rescuers and Community Cat Caretakers

11/17/19 – As anyone who follows us or asks us for medical assistance knows, part of our mission is to also assist with finding that forever home. That is why we offer courtesy posts on petfinder and why we will collect food to help those we’ve helped medically. This partnership will help our village with their cat adoptions and help the many cat and dog rescuers feed their rescues while in the process.
The Village should never be taken lightly in that together we can make miracles happen. – Diana

4 Paws 1 Heart is partnering up with Pet Supplies Plus – St. Clair Shores, MI – Harper Ave for some exciting adventures to be announced in the near future….but for now – we have a donation food bin in the store! How easy is that to donate and help animals in need! So when you go there to buy for your furry love ones….buy a little extra for us!
Stay tuned for more exciting news! – Dee”75603917_10162488080755253_2724980848926392320_o

Sandy – Rescued by a Caretaker of a Cat Community

11/11/19 – This pretty girls name is Sandy. Sandy was rescued from outside by a very kind feral caretaker & rescuer. Sandy is fully vetted courtesy of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Shes 1yr old, fiv/felv neg, has all her shots and ready for a Forever Home of her own. Sandy would do best in a home without small children, being only a year old shes very exuberant at playtime 😊 She would do well with a cat friendly, nice dog. Shes a bit hissy around other cats. If you have any questions, please comment here or contact Sharon Parker. If you would like an adoption application for Sandy, please email [email protected]

sandy 11:11:19== sandy 11:11:19