Diva – After Two Years, Her Owner No Longer Wanted Her and She Almost Died of Heartbreak

12/3/19 – It’s Giving Tuesday and long-time friends of 4p1h will be matching all donations up to $2,500 and will be giving us one week to meet that goal. Please help us so that we can continue to meet the needs of the homeless and the voiceless — those innocent souls, like Diva, who give us unconditional love, even when we, at times, turn our backs.

We posted Diva’s story two weeks ago. She was abandoned by her owner and returned to her rescuer after two years. She was in a deep state of depression which affected her liver because she would not eat. Since then, Diva had surgery to have a feeding tube inserted into her neck. She has be tube fed every 4 hours. Unfortunately, the amount of food and medication prescribed originally seemed to be causing some issues and we decided to have Diva seen by another doctor for a second opinion. That doctor reduced the amount of food and medication prescribed and took an ultra sound and did blood work to confirm the status of Diva’s liver. Diva will be on the feeding tube for the next six weeks and we will continue to satisfy her medical needs. The good news is that Diva now seems to be progressing and we all have our paws crossed that this sad little girl recovers fully and that her rescue mom can find Diva that purrfect home. Thank You in advance, diana.
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080
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Bailey – Her Owners Were Never Found But Thankfully She Found a Loving Family

12/2/19 – This is Bailey. The homeowner was putting up Christmas lights when Bailey walked up to her. She had no collar, no tags, no license. Every time the homeowner tried to catch her, Bailey would run away, but, then she would come back. Finally, the homeowner was able to catch Bailey and hold her. She was shivering because of the cold. The homeowner brought her in and Bailey immediately took a liking to the mom (rescuer) and the kids but seemed a little skittish around the dad. Efforts were made to find an owner and calls were made to the the appropriate sources but no one has claimed her. Bailey is very thin and appears to have worms. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be taking care of her medical needs including a heart worm test. Paws crossed that it will be negative. The family will keep Bailey but with Christmas and 4 children, they just weren’t prepared for the unexpected expense of a lost/abandoned dog but they are ready to give her love and a warm home. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080
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Spike – RIP –He Passed Away During Neuter Surgery

11/30/19 – RIP Spike. Spike was one of 7 kittens found with upper respiratory infections. He recovered from the infection and was taken to the vet to be neutered. During the surgery, he stopped breathing and could not be resuscitated. This was heartbreaking for all of us, especially with his rescuer. His remains are with her. ~ diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/spike w:jo add 11:8:19

Evie – Found on the Streets; No Owner Could Be Found

11/29/19 – On this Black Friday of endless shopping for that purrfect Christmas gift, I present to you this little black kitten, Evie. She was found roaming the streets 2 weeks ago. The rescuer tried to find an owner but was not successful. She is willing to keep Evie and we offered to pay for her vet care. Without the help of our donors, we could not give second chances to these stray animals. Please consider saving a few dollars today to donate on Giving Tuesday (December 3) when a great friend of 4p1h will be MATCHING all donations up to $2,500. Because of the many serious injuries we’ve had these past few months and now with Carla’s pending cancer concerns, we need the donations now more than ever. The Match campaign begins Tuesday, December 3 and will end December 10. Thank YOU in advance for whatever you can do. ~ diana

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Sasha – Rescued During the Severe Snow Storm Leaving 9″ of Snow Behind

11/28/19 – The 4 Paws 1 Heart Board wants to wish all of our supporters a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are so very thankful for the amazing village of animal advocates who work with us in support of our mission — To Reduce the Number of Homeless Animals by Funding Medical Treatment for Abandoned, Stray, and Abused Companion Animals. Because of you, we have been able to pay $860,000 in medical treatment for the voiceless since August, 2010. Little Sasha is one of those lucky babies who was rescued during the severe weather in November and is now safe and warm in a beautiful kitten room with our friend Roberta. If you are interested in Sasha, please contact: [email protected] – diana

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Patterson Family – A Mom and Her Six Kittens Were Left at the Door of a Veterinary Hospital

UPDATE – A client of Dr. Patterson may be fostering the family and then we will help in finding homes for all of them. We will know more by tomorrow. ~ diana

11/27/19 – A mom and six kittens (eyes not yet open) were dropped off outside at the front door of Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp. Mom is feeding her babies but the family needs a rescue with a foster. Mom tested negative for FIV/FeLV but has diarrhea. We will back neuter/spay when the time comes. If you can help, please contact Shelby at Patterson (586-791-6260.) If you do take in the family, send me an e mail so that I know also. AND, let’s be thankful that the person who had or found this family, dropped them off at a vet instead of letting them go or ignoring them. – diana
[email protected]
4paws1heart.org/donations/patterson family 1 patterson family 2 patterson family

Carla – She’s Home and Waiting for Results

11/27/19 – Update on our beautiful, brave Carla. – diana

“CARLA: Hi everybody, I’m home! Huge thankyou to Dr. Natalie Zalac at Orion Animal Hospital for taking such great care of me. It’s a wait and see game now for 7-10 days till my biopsy comes back. I’ve got meds and my cone, my mom and I’m so happy to be home. Right now I just need yummys! Mast Cell Tumor..not gonna kick my butt…no way!!!
Thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart for always being there for me, I hate to even think with all I’ve been through in 2yrs where I’d be if I didnt have you
Please consider making a donation, funds are so needed!”carla after surgery 11:27:19 carla post surgery 11:27:19

Carla – Continued Prayers

11/26/19 – Update on our Carla. Continued prayers for our sweet girl. – diana

 “Hey Team Chance, I’m home and I’m hungry!!!

Sooo, Dr. Z did a fabulous job and she got a lot more of my tumor then she thought she could. I may or may not keep this adorable Chinese eye depending how it heals. Small price to pay if it means getting the margins. Besides, I bet my boyfriend Rudy will think it’s kinda sexy!
Anyway, now it’s a waiting game. 7-10 days for the results of my biopsy. If the values are low, we will assume all is well and keep a close eye out for ANY weird lumps or bumps. If the values are high, then Dr. Z will want me back for ultrasounds. Paws crossed for low values. I have pain meds and benadryl and my cone 😝 and my mom to take good care of me. Becuse of my disability, cone and pain meds, I will have to stay in my crate for now when moms at work so I dont get hurt. Stitches out in 2 wks and I’m cleared for my pt appt in 2 wks!!! Thankyou all for your love and prayers, and HUGE thankyou to Dr. Zalac and Orion Animal Hospital for taking such good care of me! And to Auntie Debra going & Uncle Tom coming back so mom wouldnt get us lost while she was distracted worrying about me. Extra special thankyou to 4 Paws 1 Heartfor always being here for me. With all the medical things I’ve been through in the last 2yrs I’m scared to think what would have happened to me if I didnt have you
THANKYOU!!! 4paws1heart.org/donation/carla 11:26:19=== carla 11:26:19==

Carla – Has a Mast Cell Tumor – More Tests Need to be Done

1/26/19 – Please continue your prayers for our Carla. Like Chance, she was going to be euthanized because her back legs were paralyzed. I remember when I first visited her. Shawn Ley of WDIV, was doing an interview with Chance, Denise, and I. Carla, just a little bitty kitten, was in her playpen. Since then she has spent two years in therapy with Dr. Tari Kern and working diligently with her mom. We can’t quit now. We are committed to this sweetie. Anything you can do to help would be much appreciated. ~ diana

“Hello Team, Mom here.
So, the news was a bit like a punch in the gut. Dr. Z did the needle aspiration this morning and shes confident that Carla’s “bump” is a Mast Cell Tumor. Mast Cell can be very aggressive and Dr. Z reccomended that we have the tumor removed…today. We have the utmost confidence in Dr. Zalac and so a call was made to Auntie Di and the email was sent from 4 Paws 1 Heart authorizing the surgery & biopsy.
With these types of tumors its recommended to go at least 1″ in every direction to get clean margins. As you can see by the placement of the tumor that’s not going to be possible becuse it’s right above her eye. Dr. Z will go as close as she can, and we know she will do her best and Carla is in the best possible hands. These tumors are also known to spread & metastasize to other places including the spleen, liver & bone marrow. And we are praying that wont happen with our baby. What we do know is that we sure could use your prayers and help with donations. If you are able to help with Carla’s surgery and ongoing medical please go to
4paws1heart.org/donations/ and in the message box put
“CARLA” If donating by ck, please send to…
4 Paws 1 Heart
P.O. Box 84
St.Clair Shores, Mi. 48080 and write “CARLA” on the memo line. Carla wont be able to come home till much later today so Auntie Debra and I have decided to come home and I will make the trip back with Auntie Marilyn later today. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything Team. Meanwhile please keep our sweet girl in your prayers, it breaks my heart shes already been through so much in her little life. But shes a fighter, and so we are going to fight with her! Every $ helps, thankyou Team ❤”carla 11:26:19== carla 11:26:19