Rick – Found in an Auto Shop Once Again is Searching for His Forever Home

4/13/19 – Rick is in desperate need for a home. He was rescued in an auto repair/paint shop — dirty and covered with motor oil. We took care of his medical needs and hoped he would be a foster failure, but that wasn’t the case. Rick is a senior; shy and we believe he is deaf. He would do well in a calm environment. Please share and if you know anyone who is looking for love, please tell them about Rick. Denise Najera‘s number is in her comments. ~ diana

“Once again due to no fault of his own Rick finds himself in need of a foster or adoptive family. Rick is a shy senior 10-12yrs old who we believe is also deaf. He needs time to come around at his own pace. We dont know if he was dumped, or got lost ect but we do believe he had a home at one time. Life has not been very kind to Rick and he deserves to live out his senior years feeling safe, secure and loved. If you have a non chaotic home, a huge heart with room in it for Rick, you may be his purrrfect human! Rick would do well with a calm laid back dog or a calm cat with proper introduction.
Hes fully vetted courtesy of 4 Paws 1 Heart. For more info please contact me here or at [email protected].
Please share!!! Thankyou
Rick is currently located in Centerline.”rick 2:11:19

Kyla – Found Running the Streets, Emaciated and Heart Worm Positive

4/11/19 – Prayers for Kiya who will start heart worm treatment as soon as the hospital receives our check (which was sent today). Here is Kyla’s story as told by the rescue, Streethearts Animal Rescue. If you are interested in adopting Kiya, please contact Streethearts. ~ diana

“Kiya’s story: On 3/17/19, a member of an outreach team saw Kiya running in an area of abandoned houses in an extremely, blighted neighborhood & called Streethearts for help. She was very emaciated & needed help now. Our team went & got Kiya & immediately took her to the Vet to be assessed. She was found to be Heartworm positive & very malnourished & emaciated. She has since gained at least 10 lbs & is doing well in her foster home with hopes of starting her Heartworm treatment very soon.”kyla 4:11:19 kyla-4:11:19 kyla 4:11:19-- kyla---4:11:19

Kimberly – One of Two Kittens Who Survived a Litter of Six

4/10/19 – Yesterday I received an emergency call from Tracy and Kimberly about 4, 2-week old kittens they were trying to get to a vet. There were 6 kittens originally and the mom could not be found. Two kittens died and Tracy was crying (understandably) between words. Fortunately, we were able to get them into a vet (Glasow Veterinary) who had never worked with us before but opened their doors to us and checked out these babies when they arrived. It appears they are all now with a lactating mom and we will say a prayer that they all survive and thrive. ~ diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/ kimberly 4:11:19

Bella, Lola, Milo, Lily, Stella, and Tigger – Rescued with a Variety of Medical Issues

4/10/19 – When called on, we were happy to help. Bella, Lola, Milo, Lily, Stella, and Tigger were all rescued by one kind woman and they all had various medical needs from spay/neuter, to vaccines, testing, deworming and ear mites. Each cat treated can cost up to $150 for the “basic works” so you can see how easily are funds can be exhausted without your help. It’s that time of the year for heart worm in dogs, upper respiratory infections in cats, and just overall danger on the streets for all. If you find yourself with a little extra money, please consider donating. Your support is a blessing. ~ diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080bella 4:10:19 lola 4:10:19 milo 4:10:19 lily 4:10:19 stella 4:10:19 tigger 4:10:19

Lucy – Once a Barn Cat, Now a Cat Who Brings Comfort and Love to the Elderly

4/9/19 – We’ve had so many sad and serious cases lately. So, our good friend, Andra Shipley, who works very hard caring for cat communities and rescuing, sent us this message. These photos have to warm your heart. What a wonderful, caring son.~ diana

” Hi Diana. With the slew of sad stories today, I thought I would send you this tale of joy. Last year, 4Paws1Heart subsidized the sterilization of 28 cats and kittens from a neglectful barn owner in Armada. All of the cats were sick, covered in fleas, and several of the tiny kittens died from illness or anemia – including one of Lucy’s babies. Lucy was one of the cats that was removed from the barn and put into foster care at my home. It was quickly discovered that Lucy had a personality that was meant to be shared. My son Nathan needed to do a senior service project for school. He chose to become certified as a therapy pet handler, and Lucy is now a therapy cat that goes to hospitals, nursing homes, and libraries to show people just how sweet a rescue cat can be! So, thanks to you for helping us save Lucy, and letting her bring joy to others! I attached a picture of her when we first brought her home, and a few pictures of her doing therapy. It’s amazing how much she has transformed once she got the proper food and love! Thanks again!!Lucy 2:andra Lucy as a therapy cat 2019 Lucy w:andra 2019 Lucy therapy cat==

Thorin – RIP – We Tried But It Just Wasn’t Enough

4/9/19 – I’m so sorry for the sad news the last couple days but that is the world we are all in. We were thankful to be a part of Thorin’s journey. He received more love in his short time with Patricia than many receive in a life time. RIP Sweet Thorin. – diana

 “RIP My sweet Thorin. I had to say good-bye to you today and it breaks my heart that life dealt you a terrible blow. Your previous humans either dumped you or let you roam the streets, not neutered, not vaccinated and fending for yourself for at least 4 years before I finally brought you into my home to give you the love and care that you so deserved. I first saw you in the spring of 2012 on my back fence with two other cats. I finally trapped you on March 14 of 2015 and realized you were not feral. Your ears had frozen one winter and were all curled and torn. But you were a big boy of 12 lbs and appeared healthy. I got you fixed and your shots and we discovered you had FIV. But I wasn’t worried. Little did I know that 2 years later you would develop Glaucoma which meant eye drops every day for the rest of your life. Then two years later you started loosing weight. Many trips to the vet and other than a slight abnormality in your liver, and after all the tests, we never determined what the cause was. Several months ago after exhausting all means to keep your weight on we took a turn for the worse and in the end you were diagnosed with lymphoma and a heart murmur was detected. I was devastated to hear the news. You deserved so much better. I decided to let you come home and love you for your remaining days. I kept praying to God that you would just pass in your sleep, safe and warm here at home. But you were such a fighter. But the time came when you became a shell of the beautiful boy that I so loved and you found it hard to walk more than 10 feet at a time and I decided to let you go and be free from pain and hopefully you will meet up with your buddy Gandalf, Coal and Amenadiel. I pray you come to visit me like Amenadiel did after you crossed that Rainbow Bridge. I could not have cared for you like I did if it were not for 4 Paws 1 Heart being there for us every time we had to see the vet, and for their love and caring for lost, hurt or abused animals like they do. I will remember you forever my sweet boy. I love you…..Mom”thorin - rip 4:9:19

Max – Was Bounced Around After His Owner Died and Then Was Thrown Out

4/8/19 – Here is Max after being groomed. I earlier posted Max’s story with a photo of him in a crate. And, because his rescuer is a little overwhelmed with other issues, it has taken a while for Max to get into a vet. Last week he finally got to a vet and, unfortunately, was diagnosed with heart worm. Because we were uncomfortable with the vet’s suggested protocol, Max was taken to Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp,. by our good friend, Jo C., who had asked if she could help. Max began his treatment for heart worm and then Jo treated Max to her groomer.

As a reminder, Max was thrown out by family after his owner died. He was outside for some 3 weeks, fending for himself, according to a neighbor. An individual rescuer, who we’ve helped on several occasions, took Max in. She later learned that Max had been bounced around for years.

Max is about 5-6 years old and Jo said that he is very sweet and she wishes she could take him in but, unfortunately, her house is at the City’s maximum. Max is in a situation where he could really use some love and crate rest while he goes through his heart worm treatment. If you can be that person, contact me and I will put you in touch with Max’s people. – Diana
[email protected]max 4:9:19- max 4:8:19 -- max 4:8:19

Molly – RIP — Found on the Streets at 15-16 Years Old. A Very Sick Senior but Was Very Loved in the End

4/4//19 – RIP Molly. She was found on the streets, very sick and about 15-16 years old. She was seen at one of our favorite veterinary hospitals where it was found that Molly had hyperthyroidism. She was given medication and over the past few months she received lots of love and care. This past weekend, she passed away. Thankfully, she was spared dying on the streets, all alone, as so many others. She is now running free without pain. ~ diana

molly 4:4:19