Tank – Loved at One Time Until He Was Left Behind in an Abandoned House

12/26/18 – Tank was left in an abandoned house. His leg was severely broken and he was in extreme pain. At one time, Tank was a much-loved puppy (see photo from one year ago) but his owner had made some bad choices in the past year which affected both him and Tank. The situation got worse when Tank got hit by a car and he was just tossed back in the yard. The owner could not be located and has seemed to vanish. Neighbor’s heard Tank’s whimpers and contacted a listed friend of the owner who then contacted Make A Difference Animal Rescue.

Tank was immediately taken to a vet who administered pain medication, took x-rays and determined that surgery would be required ASAP. 4 Paws 1 Heart was happy to help make it happen. ~ diana

tank 12:20:18 tank w:make a difference 12:20:18 tank abandoned home

Fritz – One Year Later

12/25/18 – Don’t you just love Happy Christmas updates!! You can read about Fritz and his siblings’ journey by searching “Fritz”- diana.

ONE YEAR AGO:  FRITZ 12:25:18 Fritz 12:25::1712/25/17 – Merry Christmas to all of our loyal and caring supporters. Because of your generosity we have been able to make a difference in the lives of over 4,500 animals. This is Gizmo who was recently saved by our co-founder, Gina.
Gizmo is a 5 week old puppy who was surrendered to Gina.
Last Wednesday his owner found him barely alive because his blood glucose and his temperature were critically low. The owner made the unselfish decision to surrender him and give him a chance to receive the immediate and long-term care that she could not provide for him. He came from a home with 4 other puppies in the litter who are all thriving well. Unfortunately, he was the smallest one and we suspect that he wasn’t eating as often as he should’ve been.
He is now eating well and acting like a normal puppy. Every day he is getting stronger. This little Christmas miracle is so happy to be alive. He came in at 14 oz and yesterday he weighed 1 pound 1 oz. Please keep him in your prayers that he continues to thrive well. – Diana (p.s. I had the pleasure of meeting this tiny bundle the other day.)
Donations can be made by using the donate link on the left side of this page, on our website: 4paws1heart.org or by mail at P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080. – Diana

Smokey – Needs Life Saving Surgery

12/24/18 – Smokey, one of the baby Sharks, was adopted a couple of weeks ago as was reported recently by me. The adopters were referred to Smokey’s rescuer by a volunteer for Ferndale Cat Shelter. Last night Smokey was taken to an emergency hospital. Because the adopters have worked with Ferndale Cat Shelter and there was some confusion in the adoption process, Ferndale chose to take on the emergency medical costs and whatever further treatment which may be needed. 4 paws 1 heart had been taking care of the baby sharks’ medical needs and because of a lingering upper respiratory infection, Smokey had not been neutered or vaccinated; 4 paws 1 heart was still committed to completing that medical need.

I post this for those who were wondering why Ferndale Cat Shelter was seeking donations for a kitten we had been helping. Without getting too technical, Ferndale did not recognize the adoption because the kitten had not been neutered and vaccinated; their policy dictates that the adoption agreement is not valid until that happens and until then the family is considered as fosters. Ferndale posted a request for donations because they have taken responsibility for Smokey’s emergency stay and potential surgery. Over the years we have worked closely with Ferndale and we will continue to do so. We will be there if they need us because all of us put the animals first. Thank you to all of our supporters who contacted us over the confusion. – diana.

“touch with Apollos mom all night and the Drs suspect a Portosystemic Shunt. All of Apollos test so far are normal with the exception of a high level of ammonia. That is what is pointing to the Portosystemic Shunt. We will know more after they do imaging tomorrow, Apollos Dad says hes currently much more alert and doing better then when he arrived at the hospital. We hope to know more in the morning and as soon as we do, we will let you know. – Denise (Chance’s Mom)”smokey w:rosie roo 12:3:18

Jackson – Found Outside With an Upper Respiratory Infection

12/21/18 – Jackson was 12 weeks old when a friend of 4p1h was asked to take him in. The original rescuer had planned to have him treated for an upper respiratory infection and then put him back outside. Our friend, Melissa, then took responsibility, which meant a few more visits to our vets because the URI just wouldn’t go away. Now Jackson is doing well. An upper respiratory infection can be very serious and, left untreated, can result in eye removals. Unfortunately, we have seen too many of these over the years. Thankfully, Jackson had two people who cared and took action with our help. But, without our donors, we could do nothing. ~ diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/jackson 12:21:18

Feebe – RIP Very Sweet Girl – Found With Mouth Ulcers, Positive for FIV and FeLV, and Many Other Issues

12/19/18 – RIP Sweet Feebe. She showed up on the rescuer’s porch at the end of October. After seeing one vet, we were contacted for help and we sent this very sweet girl to one of our favorite doctors, Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital. The doctor found many issues with little Feebe — she had ulcers in her mouth, she tested positive for FIV and FeLV, and required syringe feeding. But through it all, the rescuer and 4 Paws 1 Heart was committed to doing whatever we could for her as she was putting up the good fight. Today I got the following message from her rescuer:

‘I just wanted to let you know that Feebe crossed over the rainbow bridge last night. She fought so hard but in the end she just couldn’t keep fighting off everything she had going on. She responded really well after the last round of antibiotics and she was doing so good for about 2 weeks and then it all came back and it wasn’t fair to her. Poor girl was so sick but I never left her side through the whole thing and was with her until the very end. I know I showed her more love in the 2 short months I had her then she had ever experienced in her little life. I ended up taking her to Bristol rd vet last night so we didn’t have to make the drive down there. Dr.Z and her staff are amazing and so is 4paws1heart!! Thank you very much for helping me help her. It truly is amazing there are people like you and the rest of your staff and from the very bottom of my heavy heart I thank you.- Danielle”feebe 11:13:18 feebe w:danielle judd 10:24:18

Ember – Rescued and Required Surgery for a Prolapsed Rectum

12/19/18 – Ember, at about 4 weeks old, was rescued from the streets. She had a prolapsed rectum and the rescuer made several visits to the vet to get her help. Finally it was determined that surgery would be required and we were contacted for help. Ember will be seen tomorrow and probably have surgery. She is very sweet and deserves a pain free, healthy life. We wish her the best because she will be seeing one of the best vets. ~ dianaember w:sunshine 12:18:18 ember w:sunshine 12:16:18

Piglet – She Lived a Life in Chains and Then Broke Her Leg

12/18/18 – Piglet lived her life on chains until she was rescued by the Friends of Scooby Rescue. Yesterday she had surgery for a severely broken leg. The surgery was successful and Piglet is now on the road to recovery. 4 Paws 1 Heart was happy to be able to help with the medical bills and we are thankful to all of our donors who make our mission possible. ~ diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/Piglet w:megan blass 12:16:18

Dora – Her Owner Beat Her and Was Going to Give Her Up to Dog Fighting

12/17/18 – The rescuer got a call from a friend who lived in Ohio. Her friend told her about a dog in a very bad situation. The owner continuously beat her and was planning to give her up to dog fighting. The two of them were able to get Dora surrendered and brought to Michigan. 4 Paws 1 Heart has taken care of Dora’s medical needs. – diana

dora 12:17:18