Samantha – Surrendered by Her Owner; 7 Months Later, Remains in a Shelter

12/16/18 – samanthaSamantha is now at the I Heart Dogs Shelter; she’s been there for about 7 months and Gina visits her with homemade chicken every few weeks. Her mentally ill owner brought her to the vet to be euthanized but Gina asked that she be surrendered to 4 Paws 1 Heart. The first year of her life was very poor and the second year of her life has been in shelter. I pray for a Christmas that she can find her forever loving home for 2019. If you would like to meet Samantha and possibly be that savior, contact I Heart Dogs in Warren. ~ diana

Meeko – Rescued With A Severe Upper Respiratory Infection – His Owners Could Not Be Found

12/15/18 – Meeko showed up at a house and no owner could be found. This little beauty had runny eyes and when he was taken to the vet, it was obvious that he had not been neutered. Meeko was treated for an upper respiratory infection (thankfully caught in time) and was tested, vaccinated, neutered, and treated for fleas. Another kitty off of the mean streets. ~ diana

meeko 12:15:18

Marshmallow – RIP Sweet Boy – They Searched for Days But Then It Was Too Late

12/14/18 – RIP Sweet Marshmallow. Heroes of animal advocacy spent days looking for this very sick and injured cat. The 14 year old caretaker of the cat colony from which he came was devastated when he showed up in this condition. After several days of searching through vacant homes and neighborhoods, he was finally captured and we authorized him to be taken to the emergency vet. Although he appeared to be at death’s door, for awhile it looked like he might make it. But then the blood work came back. The red blood cell and platelet count was closer to that of a deceased animal. He had feline leukemia and, if he survived, he would need surgery for his broken jaw. But that surgery couldn’t happen for weeks, if at all, because of his blood results. So amongst the tears of his hero, Kimberly Wiley, a very caring veterinarian, Dr. Stomack, and mine, it was decided to release Marshmallow from his suffering and to let him peacefully cross the rainbow bridge. – diana
marshmellow 121:5:18

Shania – Rescued with a Severe Eye Infection Resulting in an Eye Removal; Then Needed Oral Surgery

12/14/18 – Please send some positive energy and prayers to Shania who will be going through oral surgery today. When she was rescued from a cat community with a severe eye infection, we paid for her eye removal. During that process, we learned that she would also need dental surgery to remove infected teeth. Today she is having that done. The doctor will be calling to let us know exactly what will need to be done once she is under anesthetics. ~ diana 12:14:19

Tom Selleck – Found on the Streets

12/13/18 – Tom Selleck was named after the actor “because he’s so handsome”. I have to agree. A wonderful woman who we’ve helped with ‘strays’ on several occasions, contacted us about Tom. Another very friendly cat, found roaming the street. We were happy to pay for all of his vetting, including neuter (of course), and word has it that he might have gotten his own forever home. Thank YOU, Diane White, for saving another. ~ diana

tom selleck 12:13:18 tom selleck 12:13:19=== tom selleck--12:13:18

Cheeto – Found Outside in the Cold, Trying to Get Into a School for Warmth

12/11/18 – Update – Cheeto has been adopted through our friends at the Ferndale Cat Shelter. _ diana

cheeto 11:25:18“Facebook Nation,

This handsome fella is Cheeto. I found him outside a school in Detroit. It was cold, he wanted in the school. I couldn’t leave him and so I brought him home with a plan to find him a family. Cheeto is about 7 months old and is up to date on his vaccines and is neutered thanks to the generous support of 4 Paws 1 Heart.

Cheeto is super friendly and inquisitive. He wants to know what is always going on, particularly if it has to do with food. He is gregarious, likes to nap on heat vents, and is totally fine with other cats or going it solo. Cheeto doesn’t do well with our dogs. They make him really nervous.

Please SHARE this post so that Josh and I can find him a forever home without dogs. Email me at [email protected] for additional information or to adopt Cheeto.- Angela”

Gracie and Lucie – Left In the Cold Rain, in a Small Carrier, Next to the Garbage

gracie and lucie 12:10:18 gracie and lucie as found 12:10:18 carriers gracie+ lucie 1210:1812/11/18 – This story reminds me so very much of our Katniss Everdeen and how she was found in a carrier too small for her body, on a rainy, cold night, next to the garbage. A huge thanks to Chance’s mom, Denise, for rescuing these beautifies and our great friends, Marjorie and Martha for taking them in. They do need to find their forever home. It does take a village. ~ diana

“CHANCE: Ok Team, Here is the story of Gracie & Lucie. A few weeks ago mom was in the kitchen early in the morning getting her coffee. It was cold, windy and rainy…it had been raining all night. Star & Twinsie were out by the back step looking in wanting their breakfast, although now mom wonders if they weren’t trying to tell her something. Mom went out back in her nighty with their warmed food and sat it down. They started eating, but mom could still hear a kitty crying! She said “kitty kitty?” The crying got louder! Mom got the key to the gate and crept down the ally way calling kitty! Kitty! Finally there she saw them! Two kittys stuffed into a itty bitty blue carrier half the size of Carla’s purple one (see pic)! They were crying so loud, they were in the rain & freezing…and they were in someone’s yard next to their trash cans!!!! Mom grabbed the carrier, ran home, locked our gate, ran in the house and closed and locked the door. The kitties had pizza crust stuck through the front of the carrier. They were soaked with their own urine and rain and shaking with fear & cold. Mom set them up in a large crate and immediately reached out to Auntie Di at 4 Paws 1 Heart. Auntie Di was as shocked as mom and of course told mom whatever they needed 4 Paws would be there for them. Mom gave them both nice warm bubble baths, good food, flea meds…and then the panic set in that she had to get them into a safe home far away from “those” people. Well, Auntie Marjorie Treppa answered moms call for help right away! And her and Aunt Martha came and scooped them up and took them home. Today they are shiny, no longer thin & malnourished. They are flourishing at Aunt Martha’s house. And the horrible people? They have not been seen since a few days after the incident, we think they have moved out and abandoned the place. (Mom was worried about any retaliation because mom rescued those poor girls)
Arent they beautiful???? Aunt Marjorie feels they need to stay together, they are approx 6mo old and will get all their vetting on the 26th thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart. Then they will be ready for a loving family! If you think that family might be yours, please contact us or Aunt Marjorie at [email protected]. These sweet girls are located in Harper Woods.Thank you Aunt Marjorie, Aunt Martha & 4p1h for coming to the rescue of Gracie & Lucie who needed you so desperately! It takes a village, we are beyond blessed with the best Mom rescued them, but that was the easy part. Auntie Marjorie continues to rescue them everyday by fostering & nurturing them. Teaching them that not all humans are horrible and they will never be treated like that again.”

Toots – Update

12-10-18 – Toots update. Toots was transferred Sunday to his rescuer’s home. Today he had a care visit by Aunt Debra and Aunt Denise. Toots is on pain meds, so like humans, he may not have a good appetite yet. I know that I didn’t for a long time after my surgery. Toots has his own room where he can recover and be safe from jumping around. Continued prayers for our boy. – diana

“Good Morning & Happy Monday Team! Sorry we’re so late this morning. Mom got a call from Auntie Debra to give her a helping paw with Toots this morning. He’s not quite wanting to eat on his own so he got a nice warm breakfast syringed into him and then mom & Toots discussed the finer points of grooming and which side of the brush he preferred for his beautiful mane of fur
As you know, Toots is recovering from his leg surgery where he recieved a plate and screws to repair a broken leg thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart and their amazing donors! No worries Toots, you’ve got a village of people who love you to help you recover! – Chance”toots == 12:10:18 toots 12:10:18