Tortie – Her Owners Wanted Her Euthanized Because She Had Fleas

10/10/18 – PLACEMENT NEEDED – Last week Dr. Van at Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp., had a cat signed over to the clinic; the owners wanted the cat euthanized because she had fleas. Dr. Van contacted 4 Paws 1 Heart in hopes we could assist with placement. She is a beautiful 3 year old, spayed tortious shell that is very friendly and loving. Dr. Van treated her fleas and dermatitis, tested her for FeLV/FIV (neg) and updated her vaccines. She is in perfect health and a really nice cat.
Unfortunately, the doctor cannot keep her or even foster her because her own cat is a bully and previous fosters have been miserable at her house. She ideally would need someone to foster her and hopefully someone to adopt her. She is living at the clinic currently but that availability is limited.
Please let Dr. Van (or me) know if you’d be able to help. Dr. Van is willing to cover the expense of all the veterinary care she’s had and anything she needs further before adoption. Dr. Van can be reached through Patterson at 586-791-6260 – Thanks!
Tortie 10:10:18=== tortie w:dr. van 10:10:18 tortie--10:10:18

Fluffy – Found on the Street Badly Matted, an Infected Bite Wound, and Infested with Fleas

10/10/18 – Fluffy was found on the street. The poor little guy was matted and loaded with fleas so bad that when he was shaved, he was red from blood from the fleas biting. He had a growth on the side of his face, along with a bite wound that had gotten infected. His system was full of bacteria which kept him hospitlized for over 2 weeks. His little system had formed little pimples filled with matter all around his penis area. He was treated aggressively with antibiotics and it eventually cleared. 4 paws 1 heart was happy to assist our friends at Make A Difference pay for Fluffy’s medical needs. If you are interested in giving Fluffy a forever home, please contact them directly. ~ dianafluffy 10:10:18

Ludo – RIP – He Couldn’t Walk or Control His Bowels – He Fought a Good Fight

ludo 10:9:18 ludo--10:9:1810/9/18 – RIP Sweet Boy. Ludo, a 10-month old cat, was rescued by Saved By Zelda, whom we’ve helped with amazing rescues in the past. He couldn’t walk or control his bowels, but had a love for life and a lot of fight in him. He spent three days at a veterinary clinic where he had bloodwork and an exam done. His blood work came back normal, and he left without a diagnosis. Although it became very obvious he was suffering from what could be neurological issues. As we were working to find Ludo help with a specialist, it was decided that euthanasia would be more humane as his conditions worsened. I have much admiration and respect for those who can make these very difficult decisions for the animals who can’t speak for themselves. We were thankful that we could help the rescuers in sending Ludo across the Rainbow Bridge. ~ diana


10/8/18 – WARNING: Sweetest Day is just around the corner – October 20, 2018. For those of you who don’t know, per Wikepedia, Sweetest Day was “started by Herbert Birch Kingston, a Cleveland, Ohio philanthropist and candy company employee. He wanted to bring happiness to orphans, shut-ins and under-privileged. His intent was to show these people that they were not forgotten. In 1922, he started this holiday by giving candy and small gifts.”

So in the spirit of the original Sweetest Day, one of our Board members has decided to match up to $1,500 in donations made during the week of October 13 through October 20. What better gift can you give to your ‘sweetie’ than the gift of life. Your donations have given many forgotten and abused a second chance, let’s keep it going. AND, if you give me enough time, I would be happy to email your Sweetheart a special acknowledgement. Just let me know in the remarks who and where to send. P.S. Here are three little souls saved by our friend Cortney and medically backed by 4paws1heart. Anyone interested in adopting Flash, Volt, or Piglet, contact Cortney at: [email protected]flash and volt 10:7:18 Piglet 10:7:18

Snoopy – Update

10/5/18 – Popeye was surrendered to one of the veterinary hospitals with whom we work. Popeye’s mom could no longer care for him because she has dementia. Unfortunately, Popeye was in very, very bad shape and needed an eye removed. The veterinary contacted Devoted Friends Animal Sanctuary and 4 Paws 1 Heart to see if we could help. We agreed to pay for the medical and Devoted Friends agreed to take Popeye and try to find him a forever home. Popeye had his surgery, and once again, it was a considerable expenditure but we are confident Devoted Friends will find him a purrfect home. Anyone interested in this very sweet boy should contacted Devoted Friends. Here are two before photos and two after surgery photos. ~ diana 9:26:18 snoopy 10:4:18 snoopy after 10:4:18

10/5/18 – Popeye was surrendered to one of the veterinary hospitals with whom we work. Popeye’s mom could no longer care for him because she has dementia. Unfortunately, Popeye was in very, very bad shape and needed an eye removed. The veterinary contacted Devoted Friends Animal Sanctuary and 4 Paws 1 Heart to see if we could help. We agreed to pay for the medical and Devoted Friends agreed to take Popeye and try to find him a forever home. Popeye had his surgery, and once again, it was a considerable expenditure but we are confident Devoted Friends will find him a purrfect home. Anyone interested in this very sweet boy should contacted Devoted Friends. Here are two before photos and two after surgery photos. ~ diana before 10:2:18 popeye-before 10:3:18 popeye w:devoted friends after popeye after w:devoted friends 10:3:18

Fatgirl – Almost Died Because She Was Never Spayed

10/4/18 – Fatgirl is a 13 year old rescue who had not been spayed. We were asked to pay for her to be spayed and, of course, I said, “at 13 — is it necessary”. Well, the doctor said yes to avoid her getting pyrometra. Pyrometra is a secondary infection that occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the female reproductive tract. It is a serious and life-threatening condition that must be treated quickly and aggressively.

So, I approved the spay and wouldn’t you know –– pyrometra was found along with mummified puppies in the womb. So what we thought would be a preventative spay turned out to be a life saving surgery. Who knows how much this girl suffered. Fatgirl is doing well after the surgery. Please, please spay/neuter your pets. If you have a little extra money, your donations would be very much appreciated.

Shadow – He Was Purposely Dumped in the Woods to be Left for Prey

10/3/18 – A kind woman contacted us about Shadow who had shown up at her front door the other day. She learned from the maintenance person that last February he saw her owners dumping her in the woods after they moved out of the complex. Once again, can you possibly imagine dumping your pet in the woods to be preyed upon and to live without shelter in the cold, snow, heat, and rain??? The maintenance guy said that he had seen the very emaciated cat chased by coyotes on a number of occasions and had actually hoped the coyote would catch her and ‘take care of the problem’. Thankfully, the good Samaritan brought Shadow into the home and contacted us. Shadow will receive all of the medical needed complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Thank God for good Samaritans. ~ diana w:beth 10:1:18 shadow 10:1:18

Snoopy – Left Outside for Months; Matted, Emaciated, with Many Teeth Needing Extractions

10/3/18 UPDATE: Snoopy needs a little more medical treatment than anticipated. He will need some tooth extractions, dental cleaning, treatment for mites and an ear infection.

10/2/18 – Meet Snoopy. Last week I received the following request for help: “A neighbor of my friend has had this dog outside for 6 to 8 months in all of the hot/ cold/wet weather. I have called animal control many times and they have done nothing. So I was over there and saw the lady outside; I walked up and asked if it was her dog. She said “yes do you want it?” I said yes and after her telling me the breed, name, and age and that she wont let him in the house because he peed on the floor, I took the dog home. He is matted badly. His feet look to be sore and bleeding and I’m unsure if he’s had shots or is fixed. He’s very scared but I have gotten him to eat and he’s doing ok. I just need help with his first vet checkup shots and fixed if need be and he needs a go hair cut and bath and i would love to keep him. I am aware i would pay for anything afterwards. Thank you for your time!”

Of course we said ‘yes’ and Snoopy saw the vet yesterday. I spoke to the doctor who discussed Snoopy’s medical exam with me and what would be done to take care of Snoopy’s horrible mats. Snoopy was given a heart worm test, had some blood drawn, and treated for possible infection. He was also treated for a serious infestation of fleas and the wonderful staff made arrangements for a groomer to take care of Snoopy’s mats while he was under and being neutered tomorrow . We are very thankful for the person who rescued this very scared and abused dog and for the many veterinarians who choose to work with us. ~ diana

snoopy 9:26:18 snoopy after 10:4:18

Chester, Gus & Ziggy, Harley, Izzy, Jack, Josie, Moose, Rainy, Sassy, Sonny, Ben – Rescued from a Hoarding Situation

10/1/18 – Twenty Six cats were found in a home after the owner died. The animal control gave the person responsible for the estate 10 days to remove all cats but did not offer to take them into their shelter. Two rescuers chose to take on this responsibility to try and find them homes. Twelve of the cats had not been neutered/spayed, vaccinated, tested, or treated for fleas. 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for the entire medical treatment for 10 of the cats and for two of the cats, basic medical was provided. This effort cost 4 Paws 1 Heart almost $800.00 and though we are thankful that these cats will no longer reproduce, it is not an expense easily covered. So many hoarding situations such as this could be avoided if people who are made aware of situations like this, would just step up and get the animals spayed/neutered or seek help early before it becomes overwhelming. Trying to find homes for twenty six cats will be very difficult and we absolutely commend Lisa L. for working with a friend to bring all of these cats into All About Animals for help. Here is Chester, Gus and Ziggy, Harley, Izzy, Jack, Josie, Moose, Rainy, Sassy, Sonny, and Ben~ diana

chester 8:17:18 gus & ziggy 8:17:18 harley w:Lisa lubick 8:17:18 izzy 8:17:18 jack 8:17:18 josie 8:17:18 moose 8:17:18 rainy 8:17:18 sassy 8:17:18 sonny 8:17:18 benny 8:17:18