4/3016 – ATTENTION – Kroger Reward Members AND Potential New Members!!!!!!! IT’S ANNUAL RE-ENROLLMENT TIME!
All members of the Community Rewards Program must re-enroll every APRIL. If you are a current member and have selected 4 Paws 1 Heart as your charity of choice, you MUST RE-ENROLL every APRIL. If you are not a current member of the program, you can create an account and then designate 4 Paws 1 Heart (#91069) as your charity of choice.

Remember that by selecting a non-profit to receive your rewards, your gas rewards will NOT be affected.

When a person enrolls or re-enrolls in April their earnings (for the charity) will start MAY 1st. Any member who enrolled BEFORE April 1, MUST re-enroll to continue earning. All participants must sign up for the program in order to continue earning funds for our group.

It’s easy for our members to enroll or re-enroll in Kroger Community Rewards. They can visit — click on “Michigan” and click on “Enroll.” All participants must have a valid online account at and must sign up online to participate.

We hope that our friends will continue to choose 4 Paws 1 Heart #91069, as their charity of choice. Kroger is a very generous community partner so please shop there and help us in our mission to save the abandoned and abused. We are proud to be one of the best performing charities for the last 4 quarters!~ diana

Hudson – A Senior Found on the Streets

4/30/16 – This is Hudson with his new foster buddy. Hudson (the dog) was found on the streets and taken in by a local veterinarian who has a huge heart. Mutts of Motown then stepped up to help him. He is a senior who required pain meds for arthritis and urinary issues but he is now being much loved in his foster home. 4 Paws 1 Heart is always grateful when we can help our rescue friends with their medical bills. Mutts of Motown takes in a number of seniors who will typically live their life out with them. Anyone interested in getting a fully trained, loving senior, as a family member should check out Mutts of Motown. ~ dianamuttsofmotown4:26:16

Max (aka Gracie) – Stuck in a Wheel Well – Today Loving Life

4/28/16 Day Two – Happy Update: Remember Gracie? She was stuck in a wheel well and, fortunately, was rescued by caring people who decided to keep her. She recently visited the vet (complements of 4 Paws 1 Heart) and guess what? Gracie is Max. Max is doing great and, as you can see, is fitting right in to this loving family. Here he is now and when first rescued. ~ dianagracie 4:20:16 max(akagrace--w:tina gianosa 4:27:16 max (aka grace) 4:27:16

Ms. Sasha Banks – Her Owners Threw Her Out Because She Was Pregnant

Babies having babies. Can you believe the owner was throwing her out because she was pregnant? And whose fault was that? Thank God for all of the caring people who got involved. Had they not, these precious little lives would have been born on the street.  Here is an update from the new foster mom:

“Good news everyone!! The poor VERY pregnant cat in Flint, who got booted simply because they didn’t feel like dealing with it, had her babies early this morning. At first I thought they were all black, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. There are 4 total (I’ll check their gender and give an update later) 1 black, 1 tiger, 1 black and tan and a black and white one (like mom). So start thinking about who you want, including this very special, very friendly mama (Sasha Banks). Special thank you to 4P1H for medical services. Special shout out to everyone involved in this rescue. Jo Sweeney AddingtonCharlotte Yakima Roberta Kretz Diana Rascanoupdates to follow on both litters. Any questions, please email me.”Flint-w:heathersterner4:26:16

Glory – Abandoned in a House and Her Puppies Stolen

4/26/16 – This is Glory. She was rescued in an abandoned house where she obviously had puppies. Unfortunately, her puppies were taken and she was left behind. She was full of milk so the puppies must have still been young and her knee needed surgery. Our great friends at A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue saved her and we were very happy to help with her surgery. If anyone is interested in adopting this sweetheart, please contact A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue on their website or facebook page. Working together, we can truly make miracles happen! ~ dianaGlory4:28:16

Myk – Rescued from a Life of Abuse

4/25/16 – The following message was posted to our page and we couldn’t turn our back. No living being should ever have to suffer at the hands of ‘humans’, life in the wild is hard enough. Thanks to our supporters, we are happy to give this beautiful survivor a second chance at love and happiness: ~ diana

“Our family recently rescued a 1yr old Mastiff/Great Dane named Mike that was living a horrible life spending most of her life in a cage or locked in a barn with little to no attention or socialization and was beaten with a chain leash whenever she did anything wrong and we believe she was inhumanely spayed by a guy on Craigslist that does it in his mobile vehicle but thats just what we think from the bits and pieces we were told by the previous owner and by the vet due to her scars. When we brought her home she started throwing up everywhere non stop for 2 days straight and wasn’t eating and she is very skinny and underweight so we took her to get checked at the vet and discovered she was really sick and had been for awhile and had not received any medical treatment. The vet was very concerned and wanted to hospitalize her because she was severely dehydrated and needed IV fluids, the vet said they were concerned that if she didn’t receive treatment in the next few days she will probably die. They also discovered lacerations in her mouth and said they believe she has eaten a foreign object or something toxic and it could affect her other organs. After the exam and an IV was given they explained that she needed some tests like blood work etc. and x-rays to pin point the problem but it wasn’t something that could be fixed with medication, she will either need surgery or intensive treatment and they sent me home with a couple days worth of 4 medications that they said would help make her feel a little better long enough to give me time to come up with the money. I would really like to see mike live a long, happy healthy life with me and my children but if she doesn’t get testing and then start treatment very soon I’m afraid she will not make it and I am currently unemployed at the moment and receiving assistance from an agency to pay my bills but my heart just couldn’t let that dog stay in those living conditions which is why we adopted her and she has already become a part of our family!! Thank you so much it would mean a lot to me and my family.-Christina”

4 Paws 1 Heart's photo.

Winston – Found Shot in the Paw Says Thank You for the Goodies

Winston 4:17:16++ winston4:17:16-- 4/25/16 – A huge thank you to the Wierdeck family for an unbelievable amount of food that they donated this past week (and this wasn’t the first time). All of the food was distributed to some of our favorite rescues who also do community outreach, to many of our friends who care for cat colonies, and our hardworking friends who we consider independent rescuers. This batch was picked up by our friends at Mutts of Motown. I don’t know if you remember Winston (he’s the good looking pup peeking over the food). Winston was brought in last December by two police officers after Winston had been shot in the paw. Unfortunately, he had to have his leg amputated. He is still with fosters from Mutts of Motown and is looking for his forever home. He is a lovable, lively guy who wants to be the only pet. He was all about the Beggin Strips which Laura of Mutts said is like ‘crack for dogs’ ~ dianaWinston4:17:16