2/12/23 – On this Super Bowl Sunday i thought I’d share Chance’s MRI’s report. We all wish it had been more promising but what it did show is that our Chance truly is a Super Hero. The doctor was amazed that Chance was ever able to walk. We all love this boy and his mom and Aunt Shelly will be doing everything possible to make him comfortable, safe, and loved. When a paralyzed kitty on death row in a municipal shelter was rescued so many years ago, 4p1h committed to this guy for as long as was needed. And, we will keep that commitment—as long as we have the the help of our supporters! – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

A second Chance For Chance facebook page

Hi Team, mom here. So, the news is not what we had hoped for. Chance’s spinal cord is severely compressed by the narrowing of his spinal canal near his T3 vertebre. The narrowing is so severe that it’s compressing his spinal cord and the signals to his bladder are not getting through. So when he drinks water it just goes straight through him. The signal isn’t getting from his brain to his sphincter muscle to hold or release his urine. Dr. Palma said he could not understand how he was able to walk at all! But there’s a thing called “spinal walking” and even though it looks like he knows where his feet are going, it’s just memory basically..Habit. The signal isn’t really firing through the spinal cord. The good news is…his loss of bladder control really can’t get any worse then it is and he doesn’t seem to be in any pain…right now. The bad news is he will decline in mobility over time. Dr doesn’t want Chance going up and down the staircases anymore, no jumping on or off any furniture either. I’m actually waiting for Dr. Palma to send me his written report and images which will help to explain everything in better detail. Hopefully I will get all that tomorrow. It’s a lot to process as our hopes were so high for better news and we will need to make a lot of adjustments at home in his routine and equipment to make sure he’s comfortable and safe. For tonight we’re all exhausted, it was a very long day and we need to process and have Sleep-in Sunday instead of Saturday

Thank you all for your love & prayers, we’ll see you all tomorrow – Denise

That must have been a long exhausting day. I’m glad you got some answers and there is no doubt Chance is in the best hands. He is lucky to have amazing love and care. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Meanwhile I’ll keep you both in my prayers – Gina

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