2/16/23 – I got a call from our friends at Streethearts about a female dog found by a former homeless man just a few days prior. The man quickly became attached to Cookie and took her into his new home but she was very ill. He contacted Streethearts Rescue and that’s when we jumped in. Cookie had been obviously used for breeding (unfortunately the area is known for such activity) and, more than likely, when she developed severe mastitis of her teats, they must have dumped her. She was taken to a veterinary where the infection was found to be so advanced that the tissue was already dying (necrotizing). It all required surgical removal. The photos are horrible to look at and to think this poor sweet, abused girl had been walking the streets like this would break anyone’s heart. We authorized the surgery the same day we were contacted. The doctors reported that they were happy with the surgery and Cookie is resting well in her new home where she is very much loved. Your donations and the help of so many local businesses make these success stories possible. Thank YOU! – diana.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080