Gabby and Her Babies – Rescued from the Streets

5/6/21 – Somehow I lost this but the day after our Board members, Denise and Dee rescued the two families in the hot abandoned truck, Denise rescued this mama, Gabby, and her two babies. Fortunately, the family will be going to our good friends at Tigerlilly Cat Rescue but first, Gabby will be tested for FIV/Felv today. – diana
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Farmers’ Market Kittens – Rescued from an Abandoned Truck With a Temperature of 120 Degrees

5/3/21 -There are some amazing people in the shopping strip at Metro Parkway and Gratiot. The Java Junk which is a great resale shop regularly donates and promotes 4p1h around their entire store, including making their own 4p1h t-shirts. And, then there is the Farmer’s Market. They have sponsored some of our events and assist our Board Member, Denise (Chance’s mom) with low-cost meat when animals are sick. One of the employees there also cares for a cat community there and Denise helps when possible. Yesterday, that person contacted Denise about two different litters of kittens found in an abandoned truck. Denise went there immediately and found the temperature in the truck was 120 degrees. The kittens, one litter about 1 week old, and the other about 3-4 months, were near death. Denise took all of the kittens and put out a call for help. As you can read in the attached, one kitten was actually hiding and another Board member, Dee, went and picked up that baby. Thankfully, everyone is safe and sound thanks to that great Farmers Market employee and our amazing Board Members, Denise and Dee. As Denise said, 4 paws 1 Heart will be taking care of any medical needs. – diana

“A kitten is, in the animal world, what a rosebud is in the garden.” – Robert Sowthey
3 Bottle babies going to Kari-Jean Nulph
Spark of Love Rescue and 3 1 month olds going to be fostered by Dee & Rick Gudenau and vetting sponsored by 4 Paws 1 Heart . Thankyou everybody!!!
Special thankyou to Andrea Marie Naujok for alerting me they needed help!
Just rescued these kittens, literally dying in hot truck. Need help getting stabilized and need foster! In my car now. – Denise”

Clyde – The Second FIP Victim Undergoing Experimental Treatment

4/30/21 – And here is the second FIP victim we decided to help. He had actually been adopted then returned to the rescuer when he became ill. We chose to help Clyde (see post about Jules) and this was in early March. Again, Clyde is doing great although his therapy cost 3 times as much because of his weight. Nonetheless, we are very happy to hear that he has been doing great and should be close to completing his recovery. – diana
“A meow massages the heart.” “Stuart McMillan
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Jules – A Victim of FIP But Alive Today Because of an Experimental Drug

4/30/21 – Jules was trapped along with two other cats, Briar and Billy. We were contacted to help in that the finder has spent thousands of dollars in rescuing and tnr’ing cats and she just didn’t have the funds. All were taken to one of our favorite doctors to be examined, tested, neutered/spayed, and vaccinated. Briar and Billy tested positive for FIV which is not a death sentence but often makes it more difficult to find that furever home. Unfortunately, it was discovered that Jules had FIP.
As I’ve explained before, FIP is a strain of the coronavirus and is deadly. There are two forms wet and dry and I would suggest that any feline people do some research on this very horrible virus. It was with Jules that I learned of the FIP Warriors who provide education about the virus as well as research into some experimental drugs which have had amazing success. Unfortunately, the cost of these drugs are often beyond the ability of the average rescuer but if approved would not only save many cats but will cost so much less than the typical week/s of hospitalization which usually result in death.
I was referred to a person very active in the effort who informed me that because of the critical work focused on the covid vaccines, there has been a serious delay in getting the drugs FDA approved for feline FIP.
After doing my own research I decided this was something 4 Paws 1 Heart should get involved with — on a limited basis because of its cost — and Jules was the first to get the experimental drugs. Within days, Jules went from a lethargic, close to death kitten, to a playful, ‘normal’ kitten. She is close to completing her therapy and sees our vet for blood work to ensure there are no issues. Her rescuer remains in touch with me and I will continue to update you. Her therapy started in early February when the gang of three were saved from the bitter cold. – dianajules---2:10:21 jules 2:10:21 jules after

Lucy and Two Babies – Pregnant Mom Was Abandoned at a Veterinary Hospital

4/28/21 – Lucy had her spay surgery today and her 2 little babies were given their 1st set of vaccines. Everyone checked out healthy and happy. 4 paws 1 heart was happy to be able to help with getting the medical care they needed, and now they will begin the journey into finding a forever family. ♡ Thank you, Moore Veterinary Hospital, Doctor Burcham and Staff, for taking awesome care of this little family. ♡ – Ginalucy 4:28:21 lucy's babies

Thomas – He Has Worms in HIs Lungs and Had Pneumonia – Now Needs a Furever Home

4/28/21 – Thomas came into our lives last winter. What was once a very feral boy is now a very smart love bug. Please share and let’s find this handsome guy his furever home. Here is his story from his rescuer, Janene:
“Life started out rough for Thomas, the feral cat. He came up to me outside one day, very ill. He couldn’t stop coughing. With the help of 4Paws 1Heart, he received treatment for pneumonia and worms in his lungs. The vet said he was on death’s door, and was a very fortunate kitty. He was 7 pounds. When he was healed from that, he was given all his shots, tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids, (both were negative). and then neutered. They all couldn’t believe he was feral, at that point, he had come so far in my care. He is now a big boy at 13 pounds. All along, 4Paws 1Heart has paid all of his medical bills. I am a widow in my 60’s with very little income, so I have to find a forever home for this precious boy as I cannot afford to keep him. I’ve been keeping him inside since November 2020. He has a great personality and is his own man. I have bought him a cat harness and leash and he goes for walks. He loves toys, especially cat nip toys and rolled up paper balls. We play “hide and seek”. He gets brushed out three times a day and has fur like a rabbit, silky/short hair. He is a gray tabby. He knows many words like his name, (whenever I call him, he always shouts out an answer), “water”, food, (which I call “kitty-kitty” and he comes running), “ball”, “floppy-fish”, (a favorite toy), “box”, “outside”, “porch”, (he loves laying in my sun porch), and more. He knows I am “momma”. Thomas does not get up on tables or countertops. He sleeps in my mudroom on his own bed. He takes naps with me on my bed, however. He knows the word, “NO”, too.Thomas eats regular, dry cat food and each morning he gets a treat of 1/6 of a can of cat food. He is a wonderful companion. I’m not sure if he would get along with other cats, as he does not like the other feral cats outside my home. He is afraid of dogs, at the park. I really don’t know how he would be with other animals, I have none. He had his life saved and now is all ready for a forever home with someone who will love him like I do. He must be an inside cat, for his safety. He is really beautiful! Here is Thomas today and other pics of Thomas over the past 5 months.- Janene
Anyone interested in Thomas should contact Janene at: [email protected] Please share – diana
“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” Albert Schweitzer
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thomas 10:19:20 thomas 4:28:21

Junior – Went to the Right Workplace and Found His Furever Dad

4/27/21 – This handsome guy showed up at the workplace of a kind person we’ve helped in the past. After feeding him and having a little patience, he allowed her co-worker to pet and cuddle him. Well, it didn’t take long for love to settle in and the co-worker decided to name him “Junior” and give him a furever home. 4 Paws 1 Heart was very happy to pay for his testing, vaccinating, neutering, and any additional medical needs. – diana
“I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through” – Jules Vernejunior 4:27:21-- junior 4:27:21

Taurus, Fire, Wind, and Aquarius – Their Mom Was Killed but a Mom Who Lost Her Babies Was Found — 3 of the 4 Need Eye Removals

4/25/21 – The very sad results of being born and living on the streets. I received a phone call from a long-time friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart. Patricia Brown does a great deal of TNR as well as fostering and adopting out the cats and kittens who she has been able to domesticate. Patricia followed up with their story and the photos of their horrific conditions. Although we continue to have no fundraisers scheduled at this time, we will do everything we can to continue to fund the medical care of these very abused orphans. – diana
“Diana, this first email will be their story and before pics. Will send second email with after pics so as to keep them easier for you to identify.
Backstory: I had a pregnant mom who lost her babies this week. I was devastated. So I posted on fb looking for kittens who lost their mom to hopefully make lemonade out of lemons. At almost the same time, a young lady posted about 4 kittens in very poor shape found in the City of Flint and looking for a rescue. The young man who found the kittens could not turn his back on them and waited for the mom to show up and she didn’t. He turned them over to the young lady he knew. The post got to me within an hour and I was immediately on the road to get them. To say their eye issues are extremely serious is an understatement.
In one of the pics (graphic) this was the condition of two of them.
1 kitten (the ginger) is the lucky one who has a good prognosis of his eyes healing. One kitten already lost his left eye, the right may be saved. The 3rd kitten may also lose his left eye and save the right. The tiniest one, (who already has my heart), literally lost both eyes. They are around 4 weeks old. Weighing from 1 lb….to the tiniest only 9 oz.
Upon returning home with them, I immediately fed them and slowly and meticulously and with the upmost
care I cleaned their eyes. When my momma kitty, Raisin, heard the babies crying she started calling to them.One by one as they were fed and cleaned I introduced them to Raisin. She didn’t skip a beat and took everyone of those precious babies under her wings. Not knowing for sure if she was lactating, I am supplementing them with bottle feeding. Only minutes after introducing them, one kitten was already trying to nurse.
I immediately called Diana for help and had a vet appointment already set up for the next day. The vet
was obviously taken back at their condition. And with eye meds and antibiotics they are on their way to healing to the best of our ability. My heart is full as we ended up with a win win situation for a momma who lost her babies and babies
who lost their mom. – Patricia”
“A Kitten is, in the animal world, what a rosebud is in the garden.” – Robert Sowthey
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Taurus aka Biscuit w:patricia brown 5:14:21 Aquarius aka Velvet w:patricia brown 5:14:21 Wind aka Dahlia w:patricia brown 5:14:21 Fire aka Stevie Wonder w:patricia brown 5:14:21

Charlie – Possibly Was Caught in a Car Fan Belt and Was Severely Burned

Please share and let’s find a furever home for sweet Charlie. Remember that FIV is only communicable tgrough bites and domesticated cats in a household who have been spayed/neutered very rarely will get into such situations where skin is broken through biting. Contact: jo addington if you are interested. – diana
“Sweet Charlie sits here day after day waiting for his forever home. He was left behind at a trailer park to fend for himself. He was out there breeding where he got a transmitted disease called feline immunodeficiency virus (or FIV). This is one of many reason why you should always get your pets spayed and neutered. FIV is just a immune system disease. They can live a long healthy life indoors. Positive cats can live with negative cats. I have 2 FIV positive kitties living with my negative kitties for many years. All are healthy and happy. Once they are fixed, cats have no urge to breed or even fight once the hormones are out of their system they can coexists very well. Sweet Charlie we think was caught in a fan belt to keep warm. and it also looked burned. I am surprised he survived. He is so happy and content living the indoor life again. Charlie deserves a home where he can be loved for the rest of his life. Please give him a chance. Also please share. Located in Harrison Twp Mi.
Sweet Charlie sits here day after day waiting for his forever home. He was left behind at a trailer park to fend for himself. He was out there breeding where he got a transmitted disease called feline immunodeficiency virus (or FIV). This is one of many reason why you should always get your pets spayed and neutered. FIV is just a immune system disease. They can live a long healthy life indoors. Positive cats can live with negative cats. I have 2 FIV positive kitties living with my negative kitties for many years. All are healthy and happy. Once they are fixed, cats have no urge to breed or even fight once the hormones are out of their system they can coexists very well. Sweet Charlie we think was caught in a fan belt to keep warm. and it also looked burned. I am surprised he survived. He is so happy and content living the indoor life again. Charlie deserves a home where he can be loved for the rest of his life. Please give him a chance. Also please share. Located in Harrison Twp Mi.
Thank you 4 paws 1 heart for taking care of his medical needs.
Please consider donating to this wonderful organization. – Jo”charlie 2:21:21 w:jo charlie 2:12:21 w:jo addington charlie 3:31:21 charlie-3:31:21