Stripes – Wandering the Streets Using Only 3 Legs – Requires an Amputation

4/1/21 – Attention Prayer Warriors!! Stripes had been cared for (outdoors) by a kind woman but he had been limping for about a year and was only using 3 legs. She contacted a person who does what she can to rescue and TNR cats and that person contacted us. Stripes was able to get into one of our partner veterinary clinics two days later where he was x-rayed, tested, and vaccinated. It was determined that Stripes, who is about 5-6 years old, would need to have his arm/leg amputated from the shoulder. He, thankfully, tested negative for FIV/FeLV. Stripes is scheduled for surgery tomorrow and will be neutered at the same time. His rescuers will be looking for a furever home for this very sweet boy. – diana
“What greater gift than the love of a cat.” Charles Dickensstripes stripes - 4:1:21

Charlie – Severely Injured – Possibly From Being Caught in a Car Engine

3/31/21 – We think he might have been caught in a car engine but now he has fully recovered and is looking for his furever home. Please contact Jo at: [email protected] – diana
This is Charlie. He was left behind by his owners and was left to fend for himself at a trailer park. He was found severely injured. We think maybe a car engine or burned by something or both. 4paws1heart approved his vetting immediately. He has healed so well. His fur is even growing back where we weren’t sure if it would with his injuries. He is super sweet and friendly. He just wants love and to be petted. He is fiv positive. Which we all know is not a big deal. It lowers his immune system so he will have to be an indoor cat. He is looking for his forever home. Please share so we can find him the perfect home .
Please consider giving a donation to this wonderful organization”charlie 3:31:21 charlie-3:31:21 charlie--3:31:21 charlie=3:31:21 charlie 2:12:21 w:jo addington charlie 2:21:21 w:jo

Delphine – Her Long Journey

3/31/21 – Delphine’s Journey:
“Delphine is a bengal kitten who came to us at 11 weeks, surrendered by her owner who couldn’t take her to the vet. She had a URI, significant eye & nose discharge, chronic diarrhea, and ear mites. After three months with us, Delphine no longer has a URI, but she needs daily eye drops to keep her eyes clear, regular ear cleanings and medicine to avoid recurring infections, and is still suffering diarrhea that we’re doing our best to resolve.
4Paws1Heart has been amazing keeping up with Delphine’s frequent visits to the vet to manage these chronic conditions she is struggling with. Some of the tests have been quite expensive, but this little one is on the right track to recovery, and we hope her spay at the end of the month will go smoothly.
Donations to 4P1H give babies like Delphine the opportunity to thrive in new homes despite hard beginnings with neglectful owners. Once her spay is complete, our family has decided to become a “foster fail” and adopt Delphine permanently into our home. We are grateful to 4P1H and hope Delphine’s story will join the rest of the wonderful stories on this page that inspire people to donate to help 4Paws give many more abandoned and stray animals a chance at comfort and love. – Jem”
Today I received another update from Jem. Delphine finally had a solid bowel movement which appears to confirm that the issue was a food allergy. She is scheduled for her spay (finally) tomorrow. Prayers for the very sweet girl. – diana
“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated” – Ghandidelphine's journey 3:31:21

Blue – Left Behind When His Owners Moved to Texas

3/31/21 – I just corrected the e mail address of the rescuer/foster: [email protected]
blue 3:30:21
3/30/21 – Blue Is a male Russian Blue who was left behind 10 days ago, according to neighbors, when his owner moved to Texas. The neighbor said that he had been sitting outside his front door crying and trying to get in. Our friend, Jo A., took him in yesterday and will try to find a furever home. He is super sweet and friendly. I authorized him to be seen by one of our vets for testing, vaccinating, and neutering if needed. Please contact Jo at: [email protected] if interested in adopting Blue.
Every time I hear a story like this, which is way too often, I wish karma on the owner. I would not do what this owner did to an iguana (whom I am afraid of), let alone a domestic animal who has been in a home probably his whole life. Please send some positive energy to Blue so that he can live the rest of his life safe, warm, and loved. – diana
Donations Save Lives!

Howie – Happy Update

3/30/21 – Happy Update for Howie who was rescued after being attacked. The skin on his face was shredded and we covered his medical treatment. Here’s an update from his rescue, Saving Cats & Kittens:
“Howie really rallied after the antibiotics but he got an abscess on his leg, so they cleaned it out and he was neutered and vaccinated, He has two more days of antibiotics then he will be checked out again before he is released to where he was found (there is a caretaker). He is very feral but we loved him so much; he is very brave. He learned to use the litter box after much work and many blankets thrown out, lol. I think he might possibly have an issue with his ear but it could just be his skin is black there. It almost looks likes frostbite. We will have the doctor take a look when he goes in for his recheck. Deborah”
Feral or domesticated, because of you we can help make a difference in the lives of those who would otherwise die on the streets. Thank YOU to our donors, our veterinary staffs, the rescuers, and the fosters. – diana

Nebula and Gamorrah – Both Rescued Needing Eye Surgery

3/29/21 – This is Nebula and Gamorrah. The Cat Ambassador contacted us in February to assist with entropion surgery for two cats who had been rescued with very serious eye infections. The cats were rescued and placed in a ‘foster to adopt’ home but unfortunately, the potential adopter wasn’t able to socialize them and advised the rescue. They were advised that the cats never came out of hiding. The Cat Ambassador was contacted and they realized that the cats had not been getting their eye medications and that the cats had probably been hiding due to the excruciating pain they were experiencing. Because of veterinarian closures, the cats couldn’t get in to see a specialist until February and after being treated for the infections (again), the doctor determined that both cats also needed surgeries for entropion of the eyes. Nebula and Gamorrah had their surgeries and are doing very well and for the first time are playing and seem to be out of pain. We were happy to help with these very sweet innocents who will be looking for their furever home. – diana
Without the financial support of our donors and local businesses, cats like Nebula and Gamorrah, would have to be euthanized because of the cost of potential surgeries. But instead they will live healthy and happy lives!! THANK YOU.nebula and gamorrah 3:29:21

Graycie – RIP – So Sorry We Couldn’t Save YOU

3/28/21 – RIP Graycie. She was rescued around March 5. graycie Unfortunately, we were unable to find out what the underlying medical issues were. She appeared to have an issue with her jaw and wasn’t eating and drinking. She was taken the day after being rescued to one of our partner rescued who did blood work. The following was just sent from the mom of the rescuer:
“About 3 weeks ago, we emailed you about a stray cat found by my daughter in Flint while she was there for work. You were kind enough to set us up with a vet. Although the vet did some tests, and ruled out a few things, he didn’t tell us what was wrong. He set up a time in April for a spay but we didn’t know what to do to help her in the meantime. So my daughter took her to my vet and they did various tests to rule out parasites and other problems and got her some special food. The latest thing we found was that she had a blood parasite and we put her on medication. However, early this morning the cat woke my daughter up crying loudly and spit up blood. So, my daughter took her to the ER vet and had her humanely euthanized. I wanted to let you know that we appreciate what you did for the cat when we didn’t know what to do. At least our little “Graycie” had a warm bed and food and water and knew love in the last few weeks of her life. So, thanks for what you do to make a difference for animals on the streets like her. Our family is very appreciative. – Jan”
On this Palm Sunday when so many our attending Church services, I ask you to remember the many animals alone and suffering on the streets in your prayers. Although many of us believe kitten ‘season’ never stopped this past year, the “official” kitten season has started which means more babies on the streets to get injured or ill. Our first and foremost mission when we provide medical assistance will always be to include spay/neuter for every animal we touch financially. Your donations make that possible. Thank YOU – diana

Lucy – Rescued When Very Pregnant

3/26/21 – Meet Lucy – lucy 3:26:21-- lucy 's babies 3:26:214 paws 1 heart was contacted about a very sweet pregnant stray. The finder couldn’t get into a hospital for several weeks and very quickly it was obvious this homeless kitty was showing. We offered to have her examined, given an ultrasound, and she was only days away from giving birth to 2 beautiful kittens. Lucy had ear mites and no microchip. The very kind foster opened her heart and home to this now family of 3. We will help by getting Lucy up to date on all needed vaccines and of course her spay. If you would like to donate to 4 paws 1 heart go to thank u.


Pepper – RIP – She Had Surgery for Mammary Tumors But They Returned

3/26/21 – RIP Sweet Pepper. The neighbors said that she was left behind when her owners moved. She was on the streets when she was rescued by a friend of 4p1h. Upon examination, two large masses were found on this sweet girl’s body. This was in November, 2020. We authorized Dr. Zalac to see Pepper and provide us with her diagnosis. Dr. Z determined the masses were mammary tumors and we approved the surgery, knowing they could return. Also, Dr. Z was quite certain that a suspicious lymph node was cancerous. Unfortunately, the tumors returned and Pepper was in a great deal of pain. We were asked if Pepper could again see Dr. Z to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Pepper passed yesterday. We are grateful for her rescuer and her foster who gave Pepper great care and love for her last 4 months. – diana