Jasper – Found During the Bitter Cold of February and Unable to Move His Back Legs

4/9/21 – Jasper is looking for his furever home. He is so beautiful. Here’s an update from his rescuer:
“Jasper is looking for his loving forever home. He was found injured outside in bitter cold in February. He was unable to use his back legs and was dragging them behind him. Today, after vet care provided by 4 Paws 1 Heart, he is able to walk, run and play like any other cat. He walks a little crooked and can’t jump as high as the others and stumbles on landings, but he is a happy, playful, fun little boy. Jasper is very affectionate, always takes time out from playing to come and give me face rubs and affection. He likes hugs and kisses 🙂 Jasper is about 10 months old so is energetic, needs playtime and attention. Sadly my other cats won’t play with him, my ferals are afraid of him and he’s too rambunctious for the older ones so he’s easily bored and follows me around. He’s talkative. He gets overly excited sometimes so not the greatest with his nails. Because of his limitations he needs to be an indoor only cat. Jasper is fixed and up to date on vaccines. – Kim”
If you are interested in adopting Jasper, please contact Kim at: [email protected] – diana
“All you need in life is love and a cat” – Unknownjasper 4:8:21- jasper--- jasper 2021 jasper w:kimba 4:8:21

Freya – RIP – May Have Been Attacked by a Coyote

4/7/21 – RIP Freya. It was the end of January when we were contacted about a cat who showed up in a person’s barn. The barn owner thought she may have been attacked by a coyote because half of her tail and ear was missing. She had not eaten for 4 days and the rescuer was very worried. I authorized Freya to be seen by one of our partner vets and last month I followed up to see how Freya was doing. Unfortunately, I learned that Freya had a large tumor and was humanely euthanized. The rescuer said that she was very well taken care of by the veterinary doctor and she was loved to the end. – diana
“The memories and paw print of a beloved cat remains in our heart and soul forever.” – UnknownFreya w:joe 1:30:21-- freya w:joe 1:30:21

Stripes – Update

4/7/21 – Stripes Update – We don’t know how it happened but Stripes’ arm was broken and needed to be amputated up to the shoulder. His surgery was Friday and today I got an update. He is doing well, eating/drinking, and recovering in a double crate with a nice, cozy cushion but he prefers to just lay without the cushion. He looks so sad but his life will be much better once he heals. Here is a photo of him post surgery and the others are from before. Anyone interested in giving him a loving furever home should contact Kim at: [email protected] – diana
“Your house will always be blessed with love, laughter, and friendship if you have a cat.” – Lewis Carrollstripes post surgery 4:7:21

Lewis – Just a Puppy and Recently Adopted But Escaped

4/5/21 – After a beautiful Easter Sunday, I thought I would start your week with an uplifting story. This is Lewis. A young puppy recently adopted by a very kind family.
Last week, our good friend and animal whisperer, Debra Berolatti, was returning from helping an elderly woman who had reached out to us for assistance in trapping and medical. She was driving by the Selfridge Air National Guard base and a nearby junkyard where she has seen and helped cats congregating there. As she was driving she saw what she thought was a large black cat, near a ditch, trying to get under the barb-wired fence. She put her flashers on and stopped and found the animal was actually a puppy. Traffic was stopped, Debra got a leash out of her car, and cautiously approached the beautiful puppy wearing a bandana, a collar, and tags. The puppy smelled of sewage but he rolled over on his back and Debra picked him up and put him in her car. She brought him to one of our partner veterinary hospitals, Patterson Veterinary Hospital. The staff found a microchip which enabled Lewis to be reunited with his tearful owner. The owner said she had been frantically looking for Lewis who had obviously snuck out during a delivery at a shop she worked at. The mom tried insisting that Debra take a reward for finding their new baby but Debra insisted a donation be made to 4 Paws 1 Heart so that others who have no loving owners could be saved. And that is what the mom did. She sent a beautiful letter and a very generous donation. – diana
“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face” – Bernard Williamslewis 4:5:21 lewis thank you 4:5:21

Sam – RIP – His Tail May Have Been Purposely Cut Off

4/3/21 – RIP Sweet Sam. Our friend contacted us about Sam. She had just trapped him and his tail had either been purposely cut off or he was caught somewhere. Shelley tends to believe this may be an abuse situation in that there have been other cats found in the area who appeared to be victims of abuse. I won’t post the photos because they are too graphic but this poor animal had to be in unbelievable pain and the wound seemed recent and very, very infected. We tried to get him into a hospital to be humanely euthanized in that Sam was very feral and Shelley couldn’t imagine what could be done. But, either the wait was very long or there was nothing available. Fortunately, Shelley thought to contact the Macomb Animal Control who picked up Sam and humanely put him out of his pain. Run free across the Rainbow Bridge sweet boy. Thank YOU, Shelley, for everything that you do for those in need. – diana
“You many have left our lives, but you will never leave our hearts.” – Unknown
May be an image of cat
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sam 4:3:21

Buddy – After Roaming the Neighborhood for Years, Rescued for Medical Care

4/3/21 – Buddy had been roaming the neighborhood for awhile. The neighbors said that he had been TNR’d along with his mother a “couple of years” ago. A kind woman, who has been feeding him, said that his ear appeared to be tipped and noticed that he recently started limping and appeared to not be putting weight on his one leg. She has never been able to get within 5 feet of him but will come when she calls him for dinner. We authorized Buddy to be taken to one of our partner vets and here is the update:
“Hi Diana,
I wanted to Thank you again and give you an update on Buddy. Turns out the 3rd digit on his hind leg was folded back and stuck in the bottom of his paw and infected. So they took care of that and also neutered him. Apparently the neighbors were wrong. I will be keeping in my utility room until he is finished with his meds. They said his paw needs to stay clean, otherwise I would just give him meds in his food outside everyday. I am attaching a pic. The vet said he was an old man as he was missing a few teeth and has had his share of fights. He seemed to think he was looking for help when I described some of his comings and goings. Buddy and I Thank you sooo much. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you! God bless you for being the angel that you are! ❤❤❤ – Linda”
All animals are important and should never have to endure pain. May God bless those who never turn their backs on an animal in need. – diana
“Be kind to all pets and animals because they will be kind back to you.” – Wesley Porterbuddyw:linda krench 3:11:21 buddy 3:18:21

Stripes – Wandering the Streets Using Only 3 Legs – Requires an Amputation

4/1/21 – Attention Prayer Warriors!! Stripes had been cared for (outdoors) by a kind woman but he had been limping for about a year and was only using 3 legs. She contacted a person who does what she can to rescue and TNR cats and that person contacted us. Stripes was able to get into one of our partner veterinary clinics two days later where he was x-rayed, tested, and vaccinated. It was determined that Stripes, who is about 5-6 years old, would need to have his arm/leg amputated from the shoulder. He, thankfully, tested negative for FIV/FeLV. Stripes is scheduled for surgery tomorrow and will be neutered at the same time. His rescuers will be looking for a furever home for this very sweet boy. – diana
“What greater gift than the love of a cat.” Charles Dickensstripes stripes - 4:1:21

Moonpie – Found at an Abandoned Automotive Plant; Has Heart Worm

4/1/21 – This is Moonpie who is just starting treatment for heart worm. Here is his backstory:
On February 26, 2021, Jayne, from Michigan Animal Crew received a call from a person who does outreach on the east side of Detroit and the Packard Plant. While she was filling the feeding stations, Moonpie slowly walked up to her, nearly collapsing. Moonpie was placed in a crate in the woman’s car and she just laid there. She was very lethargic and had a running nose and eyes. The person doing outreach contacted Jayne in hopes of getting him placement. Jayne took him in and suspected pneumonia. Moonpie was placed immediately with a foster and provided benadryl, a humidifier, and a warm bedded kennel. The foster kept a close eye on Moonpie . She was taken to an emergency hospital and diagnosed as having pneumonia and was also found to be heart worm positive. Moonpie had xrays, blood work, and was given 5 medications to take and was sent home. Moonpie was also diagnosed with a severe ear infection and paw infection. Fortunately, her prognosis is full recovery if all treatment is timely received. 4 Paws 1 Heart is covering Moonpie’s injections which began yesterday. – diana
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole Francemoonpie 3:14:21 moonpie w:jayne

Charlie – Severely Injured – Possibly From Being Caught in a Car Engine

3/31/21 – We think he might have been caught in a car engine but now he has fully recovered and is looking for his furever home. Please contact Jo at: [email protected] – diana
This is Charlie. He was left behind by his owners and was left to fend for himself at a trailer park. He was found severely injured. We think maybe a car engine or burned by something or both. 4paws1heart approved his vetting immediately. He has healed so well. His fur is even growing back where we weren’t sure if it would with his injuries. He is super sweet and friendly. He just wants love and to be petted. He is fiv positive. Which we all know is not a big deal. It lowers his immune system so he will have to be an indoor cat. He is looking for his forever home. Please share so we can find him the perfect home .
Please consider giving a donation to this wonderful organization”charlie 3:31:21 charlie-3:31:21 charlie--3:31:21 charlie=3:31:21 charlie 2:12:21 w:jo addington charlie 2:21:21 w:jo