Charlotte – Needs a Furever Home

Come meet my very close personal friend CHARLOTTE
Meet two year old, Charlotte!
She lets you know she wants pets by giving the best head butts. She also likes to wake you up in morning. She was adopted December 2019, but returned in July 2020 through no fault of her own. She is getting a lot better now at using appropriate cat scratches and posts. She loves watching birds and being on top of cat trees.
She is adventurous, likes checking out basement, can open cupboards and should be kept as an indoor only pet. She is up to date on vaccines, spayed, and Microchipped. Thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart



March 2021 she needs her own home. She is good with other animals, but needs a warm up with male cats and friendly dogs.

Colleen Horn
Michigan’s Urgent Cats

ELLIOT – Lived in a Colony for Years but Then Showed Up One Day Badly Beaten

3/13/21 – Almost two weeks ago, our 4p1h friend and rescuer, Bonnie ([email protected]), sent the following message:
“This is another male from my colony. He showed up a couple years ago. He’s another cat that has been hard to trap. Winter has been hard on him. He was gone for awhile, I didn’t think I would see him again. He came back pretty beat up. His ears are down, probably from mites. He has a few bite wounds. One of his eye lids looks like it is messed up. He knew he needed help, he was outside waiting for food. We took the trap out and set it up. He didn’t run away or anything. We walked up to him and pretty much just scooted him into the cage, it was like he just gave up and said fine you can help I got him over to the lady that fosters for me. Got him set up in a big master Paws kennel. He let us pet him and clean him up. He ate good and is sleeping on a heating pad. His name is Elliot. He is a flame point siamese ( orange and white). Short hair. He is not neutered. If you can help with this guy too, he has a foster and we will find him a home once he’s healed and ready.”
Elliot was treated by Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital. His wounds and ears were cleaned and he was given antibiotics for his wounds and medicine for his mites. Thankfully, he tested negative for FIV/FeLV. He is scheduled to be neutered and vaccinated on March 27. When he is fully recovered he will be up for adoption. So if you are looking for a sweet buddy, contact Bonnie. – diana
Your Donations Save Lives!elliot w:bonnie cushing elliot wounds 3:5:21 elliot wound 3:5:21== elliot---3:5:21

JAX – Finds His Furever Home

CHANCE: Well Team, here it is…the official adoption photo of Jax now known as Petey and his human sister Hannah!!! That was a very short foster-to-adopt period. It didnt take long for everyone, including Petey, to realize he was home to stay. His family says he’s the sweetest boy and hes a purrrfect fit ❤. We are soooo happy for him becuse his family is sooo nice and have been ongoing and generous supporters of both 4 Paws 1 Heart annnnd #KittysHelpingKittysFoodPantry which means we will get lots of pics and updates!!! Annnd they have 2 awesome businesses! Peteys mom Suzanne has an Etsy shop and makes beeeeauuutiful custom made lampshades so hop on over to and take a look. Annnd if you are in the City of Rochester area pop in and say hello and take a look around at the very stylish LeConte Men’s Clothiers!
Huge thankyou to 4 Paws 1 Heart for backing all Peteys medical and thankyou to the Browe Family for choosing adoption and especially for choosing our boy! 😍 Way to go buddy, we love you!!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾

Howie – Showed Up in a Cat Community With His Skin Shredded

3/11/21 – No one knows what happened to poor Howie. Three days ago he was fine when he showed up for food but then Tuesday night he showed up “shredded”. The caretaker feeds several cats,skunks, possums, and raccoons but it is unknown who attacked this poor cat. The caretaker contacted the rescue, Saving Cats and Kittens Michigan. The rescue took the cat and contacted us to see if we could help. It was critical that Howie be seen asap as his wounds were already smelling of dying flesh and infection.
Howie saw a veterinarian late yesterday afternoon and had to be sedated; it was obvious that he was in significant pain. The doctor reported that Howie was badly torn up. His face was swollen and huge, gaping, bloody ripped flesh was all over his head and leg. He received an injection for pain and one for infection. Thankfully, he tested negative for fiv/felv. The rescue brought him home and, at the advice of the doctor, kept him crated to limit his movement. Last night he only ate a small bite but it appeared that he was still in so much pain from the huge holes in his head that he was ‘giving up’. Please pray for Howie. His foster is giving him a lot of attention and love. Pray that Howie recovers and that he may be able to become an ‘inside’ cat who will get lots of love and safety for the rest of his life. – diana
Your donations Save Lives!howie 3:11:21 howie w:saving cats & Kittens 3:10:21

Dwight – A Memorial From His Rescuer

3/10/21 – Although I already posted an RIP for sweet Dwight, I wanted to share this very heartfelt memorial from his rescuer, Heather. – diana
“His story: I live in a poverty stricken, low income area in Pontiac where I run a small rescue called Up in Arms for Animals Rescue & Rehab. We have a large stray cat population which attracts many pet theives to sell strays into the cruel dog fighting industry (I’ve now been approached by 3 of them trying to get cats in my care). I saw Dwight several buildings away while coming back from the laundry room. I blew kisses to him from about 40 ft away and he came running after me like he had been in search of someone to bring him indoors. He happily let me pick him up and bring him into my home where I quarantined him in my bathroom from the other rescues here. I found him covered in wounds from fighting, including a large infected cyst near his left eye. He spent only a week with me and yelled and screamed nearly constantly. I brought him into the vet last Friday when he was diagnosed with both FIV and FeLV. I now believe Dwight may have been suffering and when he saw me leaving the laundry room, he knew to follow me for the help he needed. I’m still mourning his loss after the vet recommended euthanasia which was done that day. He was very sweet and so happy to be fed, indoors where it’s warm, safe and receiving the love and care he wanted and needed. He sadly only lived a short life of only about a year, but he knew love and kindness. I stayed by his side through his final moments when myself and the vet staff all cried for his tragic death.
Thank you for helping me to end his suffering. None of us wanted things to end this way for Dwight but I’m happy that he at least didn’t die alone, cold, hungry and scared on the street. Thank you.”
Heather Breitbach
Up in Arms for Animals Rescue & Rehab
Pontiac, Midwight w:heather breitbach 3:11:21

Puzzler – Update

3/10/21 – I woke up this morning to this beautiful message and face. Just last week Puzzler was finally trapped with deep wounds on his face (see prior post). Look at him now.
“Puzzler’s foster sent me these pics. It amazes me how a cat can spend his life on the streets, with no human contact, can become so friendly so fast. He loves to be petted and purrs. I’m so happy to have finally been able to trap puzzler, and even happier that he will never have to live on the streets again. – Bonnie”

Salem – Her Baby Has Been Born But With a Cleft Palate; Praying for Salem’s Full Recovery

3/9/21 – Salem’s baby is a girl. Please continue prayers for these two innocents. The baby will be going into a great foster home with our friend, Amber, who is a vet tech and who is expert in caring for animals with a cleft palate. Not too long ago we actually covered the surgery for Syrio, a sweet dog she had rescued who had a cleft palate and has since been doing great. I talked with Gina who has been overseeing her care at the vet hospital and she tells me that Salem is such a very sweet girl even suffering with all of her injuries and going through birth. – diana
Your Donations Save Lives!salem's baby 3:9:21

Jax – May Have Found His Furever HOME

3/9/21 – Paws Crossed — Jax may have found his forever home!! Good Luck Sweet Boy. – diana
jax 3:7:21++ jax==3:7:21 jax 3:7:21JAX: SURPRISE!!!!!!! Here I am in my foster-to-adopt home!!! So far everything is going fabulous and my family says I’m acclimating well and am a very sweet boy! ❤
I have a huge beautiful house, 3 kitty fur brothers that so far all is going well with and a wonderful loving family. I’m super excited about the future and two months ago never even imagined how good life would be for me.
Thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart for backing my medical and thankyou to all who shared me.
Love you all ❤ Love Jax”

Salem – Pregnant and Rescued from a Mobile Home Park

3/9/21 – A baby is born. This is Salem. She was rescued from a mobile home park at the beginning of the month. It was suspected that she might be pregnant and after being examined, it was confirmed. One baby was all that could be seen during the ultra sound. Our friend, Jo, took her into her home with our other friend, Debra, helping out while Jo was a t work. Yesterday morning, Salem was found to have a steady stream of drool/pus coming from her mouth. Also, there was a pool of blood. She was taken to the veterinary hospital where Gina works and she was treated with antibiotics for what was diagnosed as the Calicivirus. This virus is one of the main causes of respiratory infection and can also cause oral disease. It is especially common in shelters and breeding colonies and often infects young cats. The doctor reported that Salem could give birth within the next 24 hours. Well, the doctor was right. Salem had her baby and the two of them were brought back to the hospital for a wellness check. The baby has a cleft palate and mama is unable to feed her. Mama was also found to have an issue with her back foot pads; the skin seems to be coming off of her back feet. Mama will require bandaging of her feet daily and the baby will have to be tube fed 24/7. The team is in the process of determining where these two will be fostered but whoever is chosen, be assured they will be expert in providing the care needed. Please say a little prayer for these sweeties. I’m afraid the family will need some substantial medical care so anything you can do to help us fund the medical needs, will be much appreciated. – diana