Kira – Her Owner Died and the Family Was Going to Euthanize Her

3/9/21 – Kira’s owner died and the family made an appointment to euthanize her. When the granddaughter found out, she contacted Midland County Pit Stop who was able to take her in. The rescue had some other critical rescues at the time they took in Kira but were able to pay for her vetting but the doctor found that Kira’s teeth were very bad and she had a tumor that needed to be removed. The president of the rescue contacted us for help.
Kira had her surgery last Friday and we are thankful that because of our loyal supporters we were able to help Kira have a second chance at life. The tumor had been pulling at her skin and she was definitely in pain. Kira is doing well although she is still in recovery mode. Anyone interested in this very sweet girl should contact the rescue. – diana

Rocky – Happy Update

3/7/21 – 4 Paws 1 Heart was there when Rocky was rescued. Now a rescue has taken him under their wing and he has been fostered by our friend, Shayla. It’s amazing when a village can come together. – diana
“Guess what guys? I is wredy
for my frever home! My name is Wrocky and I is 6 months old. I will love my new hooman fowevewr and ever! I wuvs to cuddle to! Yep, naps and kibble and nummy snacks is mine favowrite fings to do! SIS has mowr to say bout me so I will yet dem say some stuff to I spose. I sure is good boy and hope to meet yew soon!
Lov, Wrocky
As he said, Rocky is now ready for his forever home! Rescued from a life of other dogs attacking him to teach them to fight, Rocky wanted nothing to do with being mean to other dogs. He is a lover and likes other dogs so much that we really want someone who has a dog to adopt him Rocky is doing well on potty training and is vaccinated and neutered. He is SUCH a sweet, gentle boy.
We received so many inquires on this guy before but he was not ready. If you are still interested in making this guy a part of your family please send us a message.
This sweet guy deserves the best!”Rocky 3:7:21 Rocky 3:7:21= rocky 3:7:21==

Tommy – RIP – Rescued With a Large Tumor

3/6/21 – RIP Tommy. Tommy showed up on our friend’s porch and, of course, she started feeding him along with a couple others she cares for. One day she heard that Tommy was breathing heavily. She was finally able to trap him and he was treated for an upper respiratory infection. After recovering from his URI, he still had a loud breathing issue. He was taken to one of our favorite doctors who thought it might be a polyp which could be an ‘easy’ fix for a feral cat. But, unfortunately, with further examination, it was discovered that Tommy had a huge tumor in his nose cavity. Tommy also had several bite marks all over his body. Tommy had been kept warm in a crate while recovering from the URI but there was no doubt that he was feral and wanted out. When the tumor was found, our friend, who had been caring for him, and the doctor decided it would be most humane to let him cross the rainbow bridge.
I can’t say enough how very deadly it has been for stray animals, especially cats, over the past year. We can only be thankful that some of them are rescued from the streets so that they are not languishing and dying slowly only to become further victims of the wild. Please see a pray for all of these innocent souls who have no one but us. Thank you for your continued support which allows us the opportunity to save as many as we can. – diana

Pumpkin – Rescued With a Severe Upper Respiratory Infection

3/6/21 – Pumpkin and Pounce are both members of the same cat community. They are pretty lucky in that their caretaker provides them with a protected gazebo with cameras where she can keep an eye on them and their health. First Pumpkin showed up with his eyes in very bad shape, obviously the effect of a severe upper respiratory infection. His caretaker, Rena, noticed he hadn’t been eating (typical when a cat can’t smell his food) and he would show up intermittently. She was finally able to get him eye drops and gave them but he didn’t get better. Finally, we were able to get him into a vet where he was treated and, thankfully, is now doing well and his eyes have cleared up. – diana

Ziggy – Update

3/5/21 – And for an uplifting update–Ziggy who I posted about yesterday is doing much better. As you know, we were concerned that Ziggy may have contracted FIP. Fortunately, we were able to get Ziggy into one of our partner vets yesterday afternoon and just before going to the doctor, his rescuer, Dawn, noticed a huge wound under his arm, hidden by his fur. Ziggy got to the doctor’s office where he confirmed that Ziggy had a severe infection from a bite would which was causing his frightening symptoms. The little guy is definitely a fighter in that, the vet tech had to muzzle him and later on, when he got home, he bit his savior through her sweater. But all is well. He is taking his meds including ear drops. Last night he was much feistier, he crawled out of his box and went into the kitchen when he heard Dawn feeding the other cats. She could tell that the wound was causing him to hurt when he walked but we now know it will get better. He ate almost all of his food and we feel strongly that Ziggy is on the mend. Here is the wound. – diana
YOUR $ SAVE LIVESziggy's bite wound

Nala – RIP – Found Lying on the Side of the Road

3/5/21 – And so it continues. RIP Very Sweet Nala. Last night I received a call from the emergency hospital who works with us. A very kind person had found a cat earlier in the day, lying on the side of I-69 in Capac, MI. The kitty who he named, Nala, was very emaciated and was having issues with her back legs. We authorized Nala to be seen and treated and she quickly started receiving fluids. The doctor estimated her to be 5-6 years old. X-Rays were taken because it appeared she had feeling in one back leg but was having difficulty moving her legs–if at all. The doctor saw what appeared to be a foreign object which may had been causing problems with her eating but she was still unsure until more tests could be done. Because she weighed just a little over 2 lbs. it was very difficult to draw blood but later in the night I received a call from the doctor. The doctor was still unsure of whether there was something foreign in her or if she had ingested something toxic, or was just so emaciated she couldn’t move. Her white blood cell count was very high indicating an infection and there was concern over her kidney levels. We agreed to continue supportive care to see how she made it through the night. This morning the doctor called to report that trauma to the spinal cord appeared to be the issue with Nala’s legs. Her kidney levels continued to be high and the fluids didn’t seem to be helping. The doctor felt that Nala was suffering and if and when she could have surgery, the likelihood of her surviving was very low. I spoke with the rescuer and he spoke with the doctor and it was agreed by all to let Nala cross the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts break thinking about the many animals suffering on the streets in this bitter cold weather. And anyone who knows the area, Capac, which is in the Thumb, can get much nastier than in the areas around the ‘big city’. The area she was found was wide open with snow and ice still on the ground. We are grateful for the many amazing people like her rescuer, Daniel, who saved this ‘snuggler’ from suffering and dying on the streets. – diana

Ziggy – Temperature at 107.6 Degrees and a Wound on His Paw

3/4/21 – Asking for all of our Prayer Warriors to say a prayer for Ziggy. Just after Christmas Ziggy showed up at Dawn’s house and just after 3 days, started wandering into her home. He’s probably less than a year and other than being very thin, he was healthy, eating well, etc. Then, yesterday morning he went into the home around 9 a.m., ate, got in a box, and then never came out. I received a call from Dawn last night. Ziggy’s temperature had risen to 107.6 degrees and he was listless. Dawn gave him antibiotics and fluids while we checked in with some experts. Thankfully, Ziggy made it through the night and he has an appointment to have blood work and x rays in a little while.
With everything that has been going on lately, we are concerned that Ziggy might be another victim of FIP. Here is Ziggy 1/2/21 and now. Honestly, we are getting tapped out if this is the case. My heart breaks for these stray animals who have no one but us to care. I’ll update as I get information. – diana

Sophie and Bella – RIP – Lived Together Since Kittens, Then Their Elderly Owner Died

3/3/21 – RIP Sophie and Bella – Here is their story from their rescuer, Jem.
“Sophie and Bella lived together since they were kittens. Bella (calico) passed in August 2020, at 18, and Sophie (B+W)
passed Monday, at 17.
After their elderly owner ended up in the hospital, her family abandoned the two cats. They made it into 4Paws1Heart’s care and settled in with a foster home. Bella was adopted, but Sophie’s chronic sickness kept her from being adopted out, so she remained under 4P1H care with her loving foster. Thanks to 4P1H, Sophie was able to live the final three years of her life in peace, knowing she would never be abandoned again, and that she would be kept comfortable until it was time for her to go.- Jem”
Most recently, Sophie had a stroke and 4 paws 1 heart took care of Sophie’s medical needs which included blood work and treatment. But, at her age, I guess it was time. Our hearts are broken for their passing but thankful that both Bella and Sophie died with love and not abandonment. – diana
sophie 2:2:21 bella 3:2:21 sophie & bella 3:2:21 sophie and bella 3:2:21

Barney – Found With a Severe Virus and Infection

3/3/21 – Barney had been roaming a trailer park for about a year and one half. He looked to be in good health when a lady, who does TNR in the park, first saw him. Every time she went in to perform TNR, (trap/neuter/return) though, Barney was ‘missing in action’. Finally, one day he showed up when she was there and the poor guy was in very bad shape. His breathing was heavy, and he had what appeared to be an infection where fur was missing on his paw. We were able to get him into one of our partner doctors who examined him and did blood work. The following day, the doctor called and said that Barney tested positive for FIP (which I have explained in other posts). The doctor advised to keep an eye on him and keep him away from other cats. Well, now we all went into panic mode to decide what to do for poor Barney; knowing FIP works fast and is deadly. We made calls with some of our experts and were ready to jump into action The rescuer, Danica, called the veterinary hospital again to get further information and the x rays. She spoke with another doctor who said that Barney had tested positive for the coronavirus which COULD turn into FIP. He reviewed the x rays and saw that there was no fluid in Barney’s lungs, so FIP was not a concern until after his antibiotics were finished.
Update: Yesterday, Danica reported that Barney was still making a little noise when breathing but he is much better than when she brought him into the hospital. He is moving around in his room; before he would just sit in one spot unless he was eating. He still has a little diarrhea but that could be from his medications. He will be going back to the doctor for a follow up.
I did address the corona virus issue and FIP in a prior posting. And, I want to make it clear that I have NO medical background. I’ve just been getting requests for assistance and arranging payments to vets, and raising money for the past 10 years. My background is purely business. But, I will say that this is the second cat at this vet where corona virus was diagnosed and potential FIP. At another hospital we work with, one cat has already died from FIP and a sibling came down with it yesterday and we are helping with treatment. At another vet, Mileena, tested positive for FIP but it turned out to be a different virus, and as I posted earlier, she is doing great and has just been scheduled for more blood work to check her liver numbers. So, I’m not sure what is happening and any medical people or rescues who have similar experiences or can add to this discussion, would be welcome you. – diana
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barney 3:3:21== barney 3:3:21-- barney 3:3:21

Puzzler – Found With Two Abscesses on His Face

3/2/21 – The story of Puzzler. Awhile back, our rescue friend, Bonnie, trapped a female who was pregnant and had been responsible for a few litters prior. Unfortunately, she was unable to trap, at the time, a 3-4 month old kitten the female had in a different litter. Bonnie felt so bad that they had to be separated but then later she saw that a male cat she had been feeding, Puzzler, had taken the untrappable kitten under his paw. They became fast friends and Bonnie continued to care for them outside. Then one day she was able to trap April, the kitten, and we took care of her medical. Shortly after, Puzzler showed up with a very swollen face. This time she was able to trap him and we were able to get him quickly into a vet. He had two abscesses on his face, one was still and open wound which was healing. Another abscess was found on his face. His fur was shaved around the wounds for proper cleaning and he was given antibiotics. He will be vaccinated and neutered once recovered. The good news is that Puzzler was reunited with “his baby buddy”, April. They are both in a foster home together. Both are very sweet and they will be looking for their furever home. The last photo is Puzzler and April taken earlier when they were still both outside. We continue to be so very thankful for the rescuers, the fosters, our vets, and our donors. – diana