Simon, Bella, and Whiskers – Friendly Cats Found Amongst Barn Cats

9/6/20 – Simon, Bella, and Whiskers (whiskers were chewed off by someone (?)) are three kittens found amongst barn cats. All three are very friendly and the finder will be finding furever homes for all three. 4 Paws 1 Heart was, again, happy to ensure these babies will never reproduce and will live out their lives healthy and safe. Thank you to our many supporters, veterinarians, and rescuers!!! – diana

Trixie – Found in a Trash Heap in a Junkyard

9/6/20 – Trixie is one of the many felines who have been abandoned or born on the streets this year. She was found in a trash heap at a junkyard. We were happy to cover all of her medical needs which included spay, vaccines, testing, and treatment for fleas and parasites. Anyone interested in giving this sweetheart a furever home should contact Chrissy at: [email protected] – diana

Baxter and Finley – Rescued from a Cat Community; Baxter was Very Sick

baxter and finley 9:5:20 baxter 9:5:209/5/20 – Baxter and Finley were both rescued from a feral community in Detroit. Both were very sweet but Baxter was also very sick. He was listless and appeared to have an issue with her anus. After a couple of visits to one of our favorite doctors, both Baxter and Finley are doing good and enjoying the safety and comfort of a home. They are best buds. We are very thankful to our friend, Andrea Dow, for rescuing them and contacting us. – diana

Charlize – Update

8/31/20 An update from Chief Animal Control Officer Brian Pylar:

“The injured kitten, now known as Charlize, was discharged from the emergency veterinary hospital today! The veterinarians suspect her severe burns were likely caused by live flames, and have ruled out engine burns, as her paws and underbelly were not affected. She is now in a foster home and is loving every second of it! This incident is currently under investigation and we are diligently working on finding whoever is responsible.

Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers for her recovery! A huge thank you to her fosters, who opened up their home without hesitation knowing she is going to require constant care to recover and heal properly ! And a huge, huge thank you to our friends at 4 Paws 1 Heart, for covering the costs of her emergency veterinary care and making sure this little girl received the treatment she was in such great need of. It truly takes a village.”charlize 8:31:20🐾💙

Mouse, Daisy, Bean, and Eve – Rescued from the Streets

9/2/20 – All of these babies have been rescued and taken in by our 4p1h friend, Bonnie ([email protected]). Here is the mom (only months old), Mouse, and her (at the time) 3-week-old babies, Daisy and Bean. Mama Mouse also took in little 1-week-old, Eve, to nurse her to health. Eve is now 3 weeks old. All will be taken in to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated and tested. Bonnie also rescued Simon, Sam, and Sassy who we were happy to help make sure they never reproduced again, were vaccinated, and healthy enough to be adopted. – diana 9:2:20daisy 9:2:20bean 9:2:20eve 9:2:20

Charlize – Update

Chance returned home last evening The doctors are still unsure as to the cause of Chance’s fever but the family is happy to have him home and he will have follow-up visits with Dr. Kern of Pawsitive Steps and Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital.

Charlize – The kitten who was taken in by Eastpointe Animal Control Chief Brian Pylar was also released from the emergency hospital yesterday. Charlize had been given to a person standing by the side of the road, thepeople in the car were going to throw her out of the car but instead handed her over to a stranger. Fortunately, that person brought the very injured and sick kitten to the police department and they contacted Chief Pylar. Upon examination it appeared that Charlize had been burned over much of her body with some charlize 9:1:20type of chemical. There was missing fur where it appeared that someone tried to shave her to hide the burns. Chief Pylar reported that when he picked her up, her underside and her paws were wet. There was some discoloration on her white chest that looked like someone tried to spray her off with water. He believes that someone was trying to spray off a flammable substance and intentionally did this to her. The doctors confirmed that she was burned with some type of chemical substance. Charlize is doing good and is in an experienced foster home where where she will be given her medications and lots of love. Here is Charlize after she was picked up. – diana

4 Paws 1 Heart – Video

9/1/20 – We want to thank all of you who have generously donated to save the lives of those who have no one else. In honor of all of you — the donor, the rescuer, the foster, our many veterinary partners, and all of you who have just shared our stories — Gina and her talented friend created this short video to remember some of those innocent souls whose lives have been forever changed because of 4 Paws 1 Heart. You can read about their journeys on our website,
Wishing God’s blessings for all of you. – diana…/19tH8fWOxgD4vGUMNYXC69xpvg…/view…

Charlize – Nearly Thrown from a Vehicle; Chemical Burns All Over Her Body

‼️🚨⚠️Warning! Graphic Photos⚠️🚨‼️
At approximately 5:00pm, on Sunday, August 30th, 2020, an injured kitten was brought into the Eastpointe Police Station lobby. The reporting parties stated a vehicle pulled off to the side of the road and stated they were going to “dump” the kitten, but instead handed the kitten off to them. Chief ACO Pylar was called and came in immediately to examine the overall condition of the kitten. The kitten is estimated to be 2-3 months old, female and black and white in color. She was not wearing a collar and no microchip was found upon a full body scan. The kitten appeared to have burns on her face, head and most severely, on her ears. Half of the kittens body appears shaved and singed. The kitten was lethargic, pale/anemic and had a very low temperature. Chief ACO Pylar immediately contacted our friends at 4 Paws 1 Heart , who without hesitation, agreed to cover the emergency veterinary care this poor girl desperately needed. She is now at an emergency veterinary hospital receiving treatment. She is currently being hospitalized and carefully monitored by their wonderful veterinarians. We will continue to investigate this and ask that if anyone has any information as to who owned this kitten, contact Chief ACO Pylar at, (586) 445-5100 Ext. 1035.
A very big thank you to our friends at 4 Paws 1 Heart, for your compassion and generosity to help as many sick and injured animals that you possibly can. We are very grateful to have your support ! 💙🐾
**We will update everyone on her condition and progress as we receive reports from the  veterinarian** – B. Pylar”
 – dianacharlize brian pylar 8:31:20 charlize charlize brian--8:31:20 Charlize - brian burned cat

Chance – Update

UPDATE: I’m so sad I had to leave our Superhero at the emergency hospital. Chance has mass amounts of kidney stones in both kidneys, his white blood cell count is off, he’s a little bit constipated, but the drs biggest concern right now is his fever which still has not come down. The plan right now is to keep him for 24-48hrs on fluids, antibiotics and supportive care to try and bring that fever down and then go from there as far as addressing his kidney stones. His current estimate is approximately $1400.00. So please, if you havent donated for the 4 Paws 1 Heart 10th Anniversary Match, please do so now. And please continue to keep our SuperHero in your prayers 🙏 I will continue to update as I get any news. Thankyou for loving our boy, and thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart Mom


Chance – Has to go to the Emergency Hospital

8/30/20 – Chance had to go to the emergency hospital.

chance 8:30:20“Hey Team, mom here.
Please keep Chance in your prayers. After consulting with Dr. Z, it was decided to rush Chance into the emergency hospital. We suspect he may have a blockage.
And please, if you are able…make a donation to
4 Paws 1 Heart. Your donation is still being matched until Sept 1st. Chance is depending on you, along with so many others. Thankyou
Of course like so many vets offices these days I have to wait in the car which makes this twice as hard. But they took him in right away and I’m so grateful Advanced Emergency Hospital is here with their great drs & techs. Will keep you posted ~ Mom