Gronk – Update on This Growing Boy, Found on the Streets

7/12/20 – This little guy looks like a Gronk. We have amazing Board members who TNR, rescue, care for cat communities, and foster although our organization, in reality, is not a rescue but an organization which funds medical treatment for stray animals. But it makes sense that those who spend their own time and money to rescue and care for animals would want to be a driving force in our mission which is “To Reduce the Number of Unwanted Animals by Funding the Medical Treatment for Stray, Abandoned, and Abused Animals. A huge thank you to our dedicated Board — Gina DeLuca (co-founder), Cynthia Wojtowycz, Pam Willer, Lori Jobak, Dee Gudenau, Angela Rogensues, Julie Van Ameyde, and Denise Najera. And a bigger Thank YOU to our supporters. – diana

gronk 7:12:20

“Hi Facebook…..Gronk here….you probably don’t recognize me because I’m getting to be such a big boy! I was the whittle kitten found roaming the streets of St. Clair Shores on July 1st. Look how big I am! I gained 6.6 oz since I’ve been at my foster home. Over a pound of cuteness here! My gunky eyes is all better- boy I didn’t like those drops but I took it like a man. My favorite color is Orange, of course. I love my lambie….I sleep with him all the time. I’m an awesome toy player. I’m drinking my kitty milk all by myself now and eating some wet food. Foster Mom says I’m a little spastic kitten….but that’s good right?
So soon….Foster Mommy says I will be going to the vet for a check up…why do I need to go??? I’m purr-fect. My medical is sponsored by 4 Paws 1 Heart – so if anyone would like to donate towards it or other homeless animals please go here for more info. And tag your donation “GRONK” – Dee”


Leo, Lexington, Lucy, and Lelouch – One by One They Were Rescued as They Were Trapped in an Excavator

7/11/20 – Our friends Jo and Debra, independent rescuers, were called into duty again last night around 9 in a downpour of rain. Jo lives next to a fire station and they called on her because they kept hearing meows. After searching and searching through an excavator where the sounds were coming from, they placed tuna where they thought the kittens (?) could get out. Look at what happened. One by one 4 kittens came out and were rescued. Our friends will continue to search for the mom and our other friend and expert, Debbie, will assess the situation and 4 paws 1 heart will take care of any medical needs.leo w:jo 7:26:20 lexington 7:26:20 lucy w:jo 7:26:20 Lelouch w:jo 8:27:20

Harriet – She Was to be Euthanized for a Broken Leg; Instead She Was Freed and Had an Amputation

7/10/20 Harriet update. We have to wonder how this poor baby got so many breaks in her leg. And the Lord only knows the pain she must have been going through while in the shelter. Thankfully our friend from Genesee County contacted Denise. – diana

“CARLA: Well Team, it’s been a kinda rough night. My room mate Harriet is home, but she refuses to wear her cone. They couldnt keep it on at the vets either. And the more the anesthesia wears off the harder it was for mom to try and get the cone to stay on and the more upset poor Harriet was getting. But thanks to our awesome village, our friend Lisa Acierno-Troia brought a soft blow up collar and Auntie Debra went and bought Harriet Apple Bitter deterrent to put around the incisions to deter Harriet from licking. Mom got the Apple Bitter dabbed on with cotton balls and she will try the collar in the morning. Right now Harriet has had her pain meds, dinner and is sleeping so I’m going to have mom quietly tuck me into my bed and I’m going to be sooo quiet and watch my cartoons. Sweet dreams everybody, we’ll keep you posted tomorrow.
Goodnight Harriet, I love you ❤”harriet 6:29:20 harriet 6:29:20- harriet's broken leg 6:29:20

Milo – RIP – After 17 Years in the Wild, It Was Time to Cross the Rainbow Bridge

7/8/20 – RIP Milo. For 17 years Milo has been a stray cat being cared for by a very kind woman who had also cared for his mom and siblings. A little while back we helped Milo be treated for an infected leg. But yesterday he was allowed to cross the Rainbow Bridge and meet up with his mom and siblings. Milo hadn’t been eating well for a number of weeks and could no longer stand for any period or be able to defend himself in the wild. His last sibling, Simba, will surely miss him. Again, I say, may God bless those who help the most vulnerable. – diana
milo 7:8:20

Trixie Anne – Rescued From a Dangerous Situation Needing Medical for a Cherry Eye

7/7/20 – Trixie Ann was rescued from a very dangerous situation. The poor girl has a cherry eye which will have to be treated; if left untreated, Trixie Ann would be in much pain and could go blind. She is seeing one of our partner doctors next week and will also be vaccinated, tested, and spayed. A huge thank you to all of our supporters who continue to donate so that we can continue to help all of these homeless animals who need our help. – diana

trixie w:amy 7:1:20

Sylvester Happy Update After His Eye Removal

7/6/20 – Update on Silvester who had an eye removed last week. She is home and her spirits are good. Here is a message from her rescuer, Danielle:

7/2/20: “Silvester had her eye removal surgery yesterday and the vet called me last night to let me know everything went well and she was just starting to wake up. I have to call this morning at 8am to see if she gets to come home today (fingers crossed).
I strongly feel she was either trapped somewhere or someone had her inside because I never went more then a day or two without seeing her for 2 years. Come March and we just completely stopped seeing her. I went out and searched for her everyday, sometimes several times a day. I never gave up hope I would see her again. I knew immediately when I saw her and said “Silvester” and she looked at me and gave me the biggest meow while running towards me. That’s when I noticed her eye, it looked awful and I knew it wasn’t good.
I couldn’t have done this without the support of 4 Paws 1 Heart. They didn’t even hesitate to help me and I had promised Silvester she would never be going back outside again!! I’ve already managed to put some pounds back on her, she loves her soft food and kitty treats and I know within time I will have the weight put back on her (we used to joke that if we didn’t know that she had been fixed, we would have thought she was pregnant because she was so chubby but I had TNR’d her so we knew she wasn’t pregnant, she was just chubby from all of her special feedings).
The way she ran to me, it’s almost like she knew she needed help and she found me. She knew I wouldn’t turn my back on her no matter what!!
Before her TNR we thought she was a he and that’s how she got her name. When she went in for her TNR we were surprised that he was actually a she but she already knew her name so it’s always stuck with her.
Thank you everyone for all your prayers and again the biggest thank you goes to Diana and 4 Paws 1 Heart.”
sylvester 7:6:20

Charlie, Gus, Frankie, Smokey, Ren, Hazel, and Boots – Found on the Streets; One Litter Left Behind When the Mom Was Killed

7/3/20 – SouthMittensKittens is a rescue who we’ve been happy to help several times. Charlie, Gus, and Frankie were all rescued in the severe month of February. Smokey, Ren, Hazel, and Boots were all left behind after their mom was hit and killed by a car. As of a few days ago, Ren was still available for adoption. If you are interested in adopting a kitten there are plenty of sweeties out there needing love. You can reach this rescue at: [email protected] We were happy too help each one of these babies with their medical so that they would be ready for their new forever homes. – diana and frankie 7:3:20 charlie 7:3:20 boots 7:3:20 smokey 7:3:20 ren 7:3:20 hazel 7:3:20

Gronk – Only 4 Weeks Old and Rescued from the Streets

7/3/20 – This very dirty little baby was found on the streets of St. Clair Shores. Our Board member has taken him in, cleaned him up and of course, 4 Paws 1 Heart will be taking care of his medical needs. – diana

“Update on kitten from a post last night….he is doing well! He is eating, peeing,gronk 7:2:20 gronk w:rick 7:2:20 and pooping….and he got a bath and meds for his eyes. He is a sweetie and loves to cuddle. He is about 4 weeks old…And thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for backing his medical ….including his neutering when the time comes. The photo was after bath time…cuddling with Foster Daddy. – Dee”

Bentley – Stuck in a Chimney for 10 Days

7/2/20 – Can you imagine being stuck in a chimney for 10 days without food or water? Well, unfortunately, this is exactly what Bentley faced. The homeowners, every so often, would hear a ‘meow’ but couldn’t find anything. Our friends, Jo and Debbie, were called over and they tracked it down to the chimney. Upon looking up the chimney, they found a pillow had been put up there. When the pillow was removed, scared and emaciated little Bentley was found. After he was able to decompress and gain a little weight, our friends brought him to the vet where he was neutered and vaccinated. He’s now doing great but a little shy still from his ordeal. He is very sweet, cuddly, and purrs away when you hold him. Bentley is looking for his forever home. Anyone interested should contact Jo at: [email protected] It truly takes a village. – diana
bentley 7:2:20

Zuni – Heart Worm Free After Help from 4 Paws 1 Heart and Rescue from Streethearts Rescue

7/1/20 – Zuni Update! Zuni was rescued from very dangerous streets and found to be heart worm positive. 4 Paws 1 Heart paid for her treatment and we are thrilled to report that Zuni is now heart worm FREE. Look at the difference between today (first photo) and when she was first rescued in April. She also has a meet and greet scheduled for July 6 and we have our paws crossed that she will find that perfect forever home. Many thanks to Streethearts Animal Rescue for all that they do. – diana w:streethearts 6:2220 zuni w:streethearts zuni streethearts 4:22:20