Miko – RIP – Found in a Trash Bag

7/22/20 – RIP Miko. He was found in a trash bag which had been placed next to the work place of a very kind man who was committed to keeping him. The cat had a gash on his body and seemed unable to walk — overall he appeared to be in “pretty bad shape”. We were able to get him into one of our favorite doctors, Dr. Zalac, and when Miko arrived, his temperature wasn’t even registering. Dr. Z performed some tests and immediately put him on fluids which eventually helped raise his temperature slightly. Miko was kept overnight but by morning his temperature was again no longer registering. I spoke with Dr. Z this morning and Miko’s prognosis was very poor. He continued to only lay on his side and the doctor suspected brain damage from possible trauma which also may have caused the gash in his body. Dr. Z believed that anything that could be done other than what had been done already, which included more testing, would be more heroic and Miko would have a very small chance of survival or a quality of life. After consulting with the rescuer, it was decided to follow the doctor’s recommendation and let Miko cross the Rainbow Bridge.
Let me just say again that this has been a horrendous Spring and Summer for the animals. We continue to thank all of those people who don’t turn their backs on an animal in need and without our supporters, we would not be able to respond to the calls for help. – diana
miko 7:21:20 dee's cousin

Raven – Found Pregnant on the Streets; Raised Her Babies and Now Needs a Forever Home

7/18/20 – Just look at this Raven beauty! The 3 boys, who she had and raised, have found their forever home – now it’s her time! Raven is 2 years old, and as you can see is gorgeous. She is fully vetted– including vaccines, spaying, and being tested (negative) for FIV & FeLV . All vetting was covered by 4 Paws 1 Heart. Raven.  She LOVES to be brushed and petted and she loves her treats!! She will come with a supply of her favorites! She would love to be a BFF with another cat or two. She hasn’t been around dogs but I think I calm dog would be fine. Older kids would be fine too. Please consider adopting this sweetheart….have being born and lived outside for 2 years- she deserves a loving fur-ever home! Please contact me through messenger or email at [email protected]

(BTW her mini-me behind her is NOT included)
Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for sponsoring their medical for Raven and her boys!

Located in St Clair Shores MI. Application can be filled out here…http://members.petfinder.com/~MI797/application.html – DeeRaven 5:22:20

Gloria – 3 Weeks Old, Found Lying Lifeless on a Pile of Trash

7/17/20 – Gloria, at approximately 3 weeks old, was found lying lifeless on the trash put out on the curb — no mom could be found. She had a wound on her neck and she was covered in fleas and flies. She was taken into the first vet we could get her into and she was treated but unfortunately after a few days, the rescuer contacted me to advise that Gloria had not had a bowel movement. She was taken to another vet who treated her for severe constipation and also treated the wound which was actually a burn, possibly purposely done. She is doing good as of now and her rescuer was able to get her into a home where the caretaker is more expert in taking care of a bottle baby. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/gloria 7:17:20

Clyde, Zappa, Cloud, Fluffy and Their Mom – Born in a Field, Clyde Was Having Difficult Breathing

7/16/20 – Yesterday was one crazy day. The morning was filled with back to back calls regarding kittens/cats in need. Clyde, one of 4 kittens born to a female cat who showed up at the home of a very kind man. She is very friendly and the homeowner assumed she had been ‘dumped’ in the area; no one in the neighborhood claimed ownership. He began feeding her and, unfortunately, in April she had a litter of 4 kittens in the bow of his boat. Mike, the rescuer, who has been unemployed, began feeding the entire brood with the intention of getting everyone eventually spayed and neutered. He was to take in Mama yesterday but in the course of looking for her, he came across one of the kittens, Clyde, not moving and struggling to breathe. He searched for rescues to help without success and eventually he found me. We were able to get Clyde seen by a vet in less than an hour. The doctor diagnosed congested lungs caused possibly by pneumonia. Clyde was given antibiotics and vitamins and Mike was sent home with extra antibiotics for the rest of the kittens. I checked in this morning with Mike and Clyde is back to his normal self already — galloping around the yard with his siblings. With our support, Mama will be spayed, vaccinated, and tested tomorrow and we will be covering the same for the kittens when they have completed their antibiotics. Here is Clyde, Zappa, Fluffy, Cloud and Mama with her babies. – Thank you to every person who cares for these poor animals who must rely on us at times for survival; otherwise, some would die of horrible deaths. And, thank you to all of our supporters. – diana
clyde w:mike panchula 7:16:20 zappa cloud fluffy 7:16:20 clyde,zappa, fluffy cloud w:mama 7:16:20

Mama and 1-Week Old Kittens – Rescued by an Animal Control Officer

7/14/20 – If you’ve been following 4 Paws 1 Heart throughout our existence, you might have noticed that the majority of help we provide is with independent rescuers (I.R.). By independent, we mean the person is not associated with an organized rescue group. These independent rescuers will respond to calls for help by either showing up at the premises and actually rescuing or agreeing to take in the animal and finding a home. Very often, the I.R. will look for medical backing before taking on the animal. This was the case with these cuties. An animal control officer (ACO) found a mom and her 1 week old kittens who needed help. The ACO contacted a rescuer we have helped often and she contacted me to see if she could get medical backing if she accepted the kittens and the mom. We agreed and mom and babies are now safe and we hope that mom can be domesticated as she weans her babies so that all can find their way into a forever home. The need never ends. – diana
mama cat w:beckie borse 7:5:20 1 week old kittens w:beckie borse 7:5:20

Bernie – Found With a Large Laceration on Her Tail

7/13/20 – bernie w:gina 7:13:20 bernie w:gina 7:13:20--We are calling her “Bernie”.
This EXTREMELY sweet female adult kitty was found outside with a large laceration on her tail. Dr. Burkholder at Moore Veterinary Hospital, fixed her all up and she is recovering in the finders home. 4 paws 1 heart, has covered her surgery and her care to ensure that she is healthy.
The pics of the wound are to graphic to post…neighbors have seen coyotes in the area.
According to the finder this baby has been roaming for several months.. 🙁
We definitely don’t want to see her back outside, but the lady that is helping already has her limit of cats. Rescue groups are full, and resources are exhausted.
Please help share this very sweet docile girl.. She needs a forever home!♡ Email me for more information [email protected] and if you would like to donate towards her care, you can do so atwww.4paws1heart.org
Thank u – Gina

Squeaky and Stella – Found in a Cat Community

7/13/20 – These little beauties, Squeaky and Stella, are two of many being rescued from an area that has been sorely overlooked when it comes to spaying and neutering stray cats. Unfortunately, in most cases, the cats were abandoned by the owner, were not spayed/neutered, and were either left behind in the home or thrown outside. And, as we’ve talked about many times before, just one female left behind in the wild, left intact, can produce an average of 15 kittens a year. It’s not difficult to do the math and understand how one male and one female cat can go from 2 to 15 to 30 in just two years. Squeaky and Stella are getting spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and tested today and then will be looking for their forever homes. If you are interested in these beauties, you can fb message me and I will put you in touch with Debbie. Just give me your contact information. We couldn’t do this without you!! – diana
squeaky 7:12:20 stella 7:12:20

Dahlia-Originalyl Rescued in December, 2019, Now Needs Additional Help

7/13/20 – Dahlia was rescued from the streets by the local animal control and our friend from Friends of Scooby Animal Rescue took her in. In December, 2019 we were contacted to help with dental surgery which we were happy to do but now in July, Dahlia continues to have skin/rash issues. She is scheduled to see her favorite doctor who took care of her prior surgery and we hope Dr. Z can find the root of her skin issues. Here is Dhala now and in December. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations/dahlia w:megan 7:9:20