Cleo and Momma Monica – Showed Up on a Porch and Wouldn’t Leave

3/6/20 – Cleo and Momma Monica both showed up on different porches in late December and they would not leave. Unfortunately, owners could not be found. Cleo actually walked through the front door when the owners opened it. We were happy to pay for both of them to be spayed, vaccinated, and snap tested. Again, a huge thank you to those who rescue these abandoned/lost animals. – diana w:scott almberg 2:20:20momma monica 2:2:20

Snape – Found With Multiple Injuries Requiring Multiple Surgeries

3/3/20 – Snape showed up on a very kind woman’s porch drinking the water she kept out for strays. He was in very bad shape and had to be taken to an emergency hospital. Snape immediately had surgery to remove his eye and have two pins put in his upper and lower jaw. This very kind woman was able to raise money to pay for 2/3 of the surgery and she paid the rest. An unbelievable act of kindness for a stray cat. Well, yesterday, Snape was scheduled to have his pins removed and we were contacted to see if we could cover that surgery. We were happy to pay for that. Snape will also need tooth extractions in the future but it is one issue at a time. Because of the significant commitments we have already made, I couldn’t promise additional assistance at this time but asked Snape’s now mom, to keep in touch. Snape’s savior and mom, Janet, said that Snape is the “very sweetest boy ever”. – Diana
snape before snape after 3:2:20

Chyna and Faith – Finally Caught After Almost Being Hit By Multiple Cars

3/2/20 – These two 4-5 month olds were running the street and were almost hit by multiple cars. A friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart was able to catch them. It appears they were dumped in that no one has claimed ownership. They have a severe flea infestation and need spayed, vaccinated, and tested.. They will be looking for a forever home and if you are interested, let me know through private message on this page. I introduce you to Chyna and Faith.
Without your donations we could not help these innocents on the streets. – diana chyna faith 3:2:20 faith 3:2:20--

Angel (aka Enzo) – Update

2/28/20 – A Happy Update for a a fun Friday. It was back in October when I was contacted by a long-time friend of 4p1h about a cat she had found in some bushes. His fur was missing in many spots, his tail was swollen, and he was limping. She named him Angel and we authorized him to be seen by one of our partner vets. Angel had to be put under to have x rays taken, so, while he was under, the vet took advantage and neutered him. In the mean time, it was discovered that Angel’s pelvis was broken. The doctor said the tail might have to be amputated because at the time Angel was not moving his tail. It would be a wait and see situation. Angel was given antibiotics and pain medication and our friend, Tonya, was told to keep him on crate rest. Well, this week, Tonya sent us an update. She has fallen in love with him and has renamed him Enzo because he reminds her of a “Grumpy Sicilian”. He gets along with the other cats, his tail healed and he’s ‘moving it like crazy’. Enzo is now living the great life. We are so very thankful we were able to make a difference in Enzo’s life. I told Tonya that I also have 3 Sicilian cats — Nunzio, Sophia, and Luigi and they’re only grumpy when they want to eat. Thank YOU, once again, to our many supporters, our amazing vets, and, as always, the caring people who don’t turn their back on an animal in need. ~ diana

angel w:tonya stoker 10:16:19 angel w:tonya 10:16:19 angel 2:28:20 aka enzo

Sketch – Found with a Severe Eye Infection

2/27/20 – Please say a prayer for Sketch who will be having his eye removed today. Last week we received an e mail from a woman who has been feeding Sketch as an outdoor stray. One day he showed up with his eye badly infected. When Sketch was just a little guy she had actually trapped him and had him neutered but now she was concerned that he needed serious medical help. She did take him, again, to a vet who recommended eye removal and that is when she contacted us. Sketch went to one of our favorite vets yesterday and they scheduled his surgery for today. The rescuers have committed to socializing Sketch and making sure he never goes back into the wild. We’ve had several serious cases over the past few weeks and any financial help you can afford would be much appreciated. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI . 48080

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Raggedy Ann – Found with a Severe Leg Infection

/26/20 – A week ago today I received the following message:
“2 years ago a beautiful cat started coming around my work. It was winter at the time and very cold. So, I made the cat a house to stay in and eat. Well he/she is still with me at work. Last week I noticed when I pulled up in the morning that she was not there. I looked over and the house next door has a wooden fence. And I saw the cat hanging from its back-left leg. I couldn’t believe it. I took my coat off, ran over to a waitress that works next door to my office and asked her to help me. I put my coat over the cat, and she didn’t even fight me. I lifted her and the girl lifted the back leg out of the wood fence. I wasn’t thinking and I let her down. I don’t know why I did that. I guess I never thought she would be hurt. Well I watched her run off dragging her back leg. I was crushed. I don’t want to see her suffer in pain. So, every day I put out food and clean her house and haven’t seen her since until today. So, I wanted to see how her leg was and when she walked away she wasn’t dragging it anymore but she was raising it, not putting weight on it. Can you help or tell me of my options. – Cindy”
Well, the difficulty was to first trap this beautiful cat and find permanent placement if she was domesticated. If she was truly feral, options would be different. I advised the finder that if the leg needed to be amputated, I would not support her going back outside. The two of us worked to find a rescue and in the mean time Cindy was able to get her into a room in her office. Fortunately, a couple of days later, I had a meeting with a 4p1h friend who has recently opened a low cost clinic in Redford, Comfort’s Place. Debbie, the owner, agreed to pick up Raggedy Ann, we agreed to pay for all medical, and Debbie worked on finding a rescue. Fast forward to today. Raggedy Ann has been seen by a vet and her leg is so infected, it needs to be amputated. Unfortunately, because of the infection the doctor doesn’t want to do that until the infection is clear. She is now on antibiotics and pain medication. Debbie will be fostering Ann until her surgery and throughout her recovery; Ann will then be transferred to our friends at the Ferndale Cat Shelter. If anyone thinks they are interested in giving Raggedy Ann a home prior to that transfer, please let me know at: [email protected]
Please keep in mind that we have had several serious cases lately and your donations and fundraising support is critical to our ability to give these animals a second chance at life. Without the caring of Cindy, our relationship with Debbie, and your support, Raggedy Ann would have died a horrible death on the streets. – diana

Ashy – Possibly Hit by a Car or Caught in a Car Engine

2/25/20 – This past Sunday a kind woman contacted me about a stray cat she had been feeding. The cat showed up at her door crying and her face was swollen and her nose was bloody. She was taken to the vet yesterday and was given antibiotics, pain medication, ear drops, and flea treatment. Her temperature was slightly elevated and Ashy will be seen again when she has taken about 2/3 of her medication. We don’t know if Ashy was hit by a car or maybe got caught in an engine while trying to stay warm. I’ve been told that the finders have fallen in love with her and will be giving her a forever home. We will follow up until she is fully recovered and will make sure she is spayed and vaccinated. – diana w:2:23:20 ashy 2:24:20 ashy ashy 2:24:20 w:kadee

Otis – His Owner Died and the Family Needed to Find a Home

2/25/20 UPDATE – Otis’ follow-up heart worm test was negative. YEAH!!!

2/24/20 – This past Saturday our friend Megan of Friends of Scooby contacted me about helping Otis. Here is her message:
“Meet Otis. His life has been turned upside down this past year. He was very loved and taken care of leading up to this last year. His owner fell ill with cancer and then had a stroke. He was often overlooked. I was contacted by the family after her passing, asking if I could help place him due to his current living arrangements. He’s been here two days and he’s feeling kind of punky with goopy eyes and itchy skin. Can you help? – Megan”
Otis was taken to the vet where he received basic vaccines, had heart worm and fecal tests, had an eye wash and was given drops and antibiotics. Because his heart worm test results were questionable, he is being tested again this morning. Prayers that the test results are negative. There are so many pets who find themselves in this position when their parents die. It’s such a very sad situation and we couldn’t keep helping without your support and donations. – diana
otis w::megan blass 2:24:20